What Prevents Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans From Banding Together

Structural racism in America plays a significant role in segregating minority groups in the country. The role race plays in inequality, or the lack of it, in the United States makes it difficult for other races to access equal treatment in housing, jobs, education, the criminal justice system, and health. When it comes to the blacks, centuries of displacement have undermined and destabilized them, leaving them unable to access the same opportunities their white counterparts have. With the same understanding resonating with the other three races, it becomes impossible to fight white supremacy in the U.S. The inequities the minority groups are subjected to in the country have long been contributed to by the contemporary and historical practices or policies, or norms that established and still maintain white supremacy.

Structural racism has been central in maintaining a social imbalance between whites and other races in the U.S. It has also been at the forefront of limiting upward mobility to minority races. With the inability of Asians, Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans to access upward mobility, banding together to fight white supremacy in the country has become an unrealized goal. The government understands there is power in numbers and the said structural racism ensures that whites dominate every hierarchical position to provide that other races its security. By limiting opportunities, minority groups can join hands together to form a coalition that might overthrow white supremacy. It becomes impossible for them to come together and fight white supremacy in the U.S. Majority of, if not all, of the positions of influence, resources, and power in the country are held by the whites. That means the other races, no matter how collaborative they might get, will never have the opportunity to overthrow white supremacy in the U.S.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 12). What Prevents Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans From Banding Together. https://studycorgi.com/what-prevents-blacks-latinos-and-native-americans-from-banding-together/

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1. StudyCorgi. "What Prevents Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans From Banding Together." December 12, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/what-prevents-blacks-latinos-and-native-americans-from-banding-together/.


StudyCorgi. "What Prevents Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans From Banding Together." December 12, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/what-prevents-blacks-latinos-and-native-americans-from-banding-together/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "What Prevents Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans From Banding Together." December 12, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/what-prevents-blacks-latinos-and-native-americans-from-banding-together/.

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