Why Corporations Should Participate in Preventing Crimes of Violence


Crimes and violence are problems that concern the official forces that help establish and punish the guilty and society in general. Crime prevention should be a matter of concern for every member of a particular community since the issue affects the health and stability of everyone. The most influential institutions apart from the government and police departments that should promote violence prevention are huge corporations because they possess enormous resources and have the power to shape public opinion (Miller et al. 231). That is why the government should encourage businessmen to participate in crime prevention programs.

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However, it may not be so easy to do that. Instead of just saying that all businesses should put violence prevention as their primary concern, the authorities need to explain to their owners the benefit they will get from the program (Miller et al. 242). The first way to do it is to provide factual data on the issue, paying special attention to the negative outcomes of the crimes for their businesses and society. The company’s reputation is usually the primary concern of its owners, and participation in crime-preventing programs is a good way to improve it. Hence, if a company helps the authorities reduce crime rates, it not only helps the community but also gains new loyal clientele that may be attracted to it because it helps protect society.

The most evident strategy that a corporation may lead in crime prevention in the local authority is to become a sponsor of the crime prevention program. Additional funding will help attract more forces in order to stop the violence. The companies may provide the police or civilian squads with the necessary equipment, such as electronic devices or cameras, to help maintain peace in the streets if the community lacks it. In addition, the company’s managers may conduct a conversation on crime prevention with their staff to increase public awareness on the topic.


To conclude, it is necessary to state that crime and violence prevention is a matter of government and civic concern. The company’s participation in such programs may not be considered obligatory. However, crime-prevention activity is a good way for business owners to express their civic position and perform their civic duty. It decreases crime rates and positively influences the companies reputation. That is why the owners should be interested in the issue.

Work Cited

Miller, Linda S. et al. Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving. Cengage Learning, 2017.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 28). Why Corporations Should Participate in Preventing Crimes of Violence. https://studycorgi.com/why-corporations-should-participate-in-preventing-crimes-of-violence/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Why Corporations Should Participate in Preventing Crimes of Violence." December 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/why-corporations-should-participate-in-preventing-crimes-of-violence/.


StudyCorgi. "Why Corporations Should Participate in Preventing Crimes of Violence." December 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/why-corporations-should-participate-in-preventing-crimes-of-violence/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Why Corporations Should Participate in Preventing Crimes of Violence." December 28, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/why-corporations-should-participate-in-preventing-crimes-of-violence/.

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