Why Do Humans Rely So Much on Technology?

Technology has always played an indispensable role in people’s lives. Be it the invention of the wheel or the development of an innovative digital tool, technological advances quickly percolate into people’s everyday routine, shaping it both on personal and professional levels. Though the idea of being overly dependent on technology has been viewed as a significant flaw, it can still be explained as the need to use the latest tools that make managing daily routine significantly easier. Since technology has been firmly integrated into people’s daily lives, especially the one linked to information and communication technology, it should be recognized as a reason to continue incorporating technology into one’s environment.

The extent of possibilities that technology provides for interpersonal connection is truly enormous. Therefore, the fact that the younger generation, particularly, teenagers, use the specified function of innovative ITR and ICT to improve their communication experience is indicative of the functions that technology plays in modern society. Specifically, technology should be viewed as a framework for enhancing one’s experience, making it more palatable and nuanced to others. Even more importantly, innovative technology provides an opportunity for quick and easy connection with others, thus, facilitating uninhibited communication. Therefore, the need to socialize and continue experience sharing can be regarded as the primary drivers behind people’s active use of technology, especially as far as communication technology is concerned.

The chance to make one’s daily routine, as well as life, in general, significantly easier is another reason for most people to use innovative technology. For instance, with the advent of digital innovations, a range of activities typically performed offline have been transferred to the realm of online interactions. As a result, carrying the tools that used to be utilized when managing the actions in question in the offline setting has become no longer necessary, which is why most people have been resorting to the use of innovative technology. In other words, the integration of advanced technological tools into people’s lives makes it notably easier to manage everyday routine, including both home and work-related ones (Raja and Nagasubramani 34). For this reason, a range of people appear to be drawn to the use of technology in the contemporary sociocultural setting.

The importance of automation as one of the key functions of innovative technology that compels people to choose it not only in their personal life, but also in the realm of business and industry should also be acknowledged. Indeed, the incorporation of tools that allow increasing the speed of automation and the quality of the output represents a highly valuable asset that innovative technology provides. Consequently, using it to enhance the efficacy of a company and advance it in the target economic setting is only sensible (Boczkowski et al. 247). Therefore, the reliance on technology is dictated mostly by the necessity to improve and advance in the further development, breaking new grounds and making life both easier and more exciting.

One could argue that the increased utility, which the application of innovative technology provides, is not the only factor driving the sales of technology globally. Indeed, apart from the sociocultural factor of maintaining a connection with others, the integration of technology into one’s everyday routine indicates the presence of a rather high social status (Singh et al. 1). Even though most companies producing digital technologies have been striving to make their tools primarily practical, the emphasis on the social weight that the specified items add to their owner has also been quite explicit (Singh et al. 1). For instance, the famous Apple brand has been thriving on its elite status. Therefore, the use of technology as the means of establishing one’s authority within a specific community can also be seen as the reason for a significant number of people to rely on innovative technology in their lives.

However, upon closer analysis of the issue, one will notice that the social factor defining people’s willingness to rely on technology is rooted in communication opportunities to a much greater extent than it is built on the premise of improving one’s social status. Instead, most people tend to overlook the status issue, preferring cheaper yet nonetheless effective options in order to access the necessary functions or resources. In the age of the Internet, reliance on technology has risen exponentially due to the focus on communication and knowledge sharing (Waizenegger et al. 431). Therefore, reliance on digital tools, as well as technological innovations, in general, has increased rapidly, which is quite justified given the role that it has been playing in people’s lives.

Since technology has been proven to have a profound effect on the quality and extent of communication, denying its impact on people’s daily conversations is impossible. Consequently, technology must be incorporated into people’s lives since it facilitates a range of essential activities, making an even greater range of them easily accessible. Therefore, it is critical to continue making technology accessible to young children when supervised by their parents or family members appears to be beneficial to the former since it helps improve outcomes to s significant extent.

Works Cited

Boczkowski, Pablo J., Mora Matassi, and Eugenia Mitchelstein. “How Young Users Deal with Multiple Platforms: The Role of Meaning-Making in Social Media Repertoires.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, vol. 23, no. 5, 2018, pp. 245-259.

Raja, R., and P. C. Nagasubramani. “Impact of Modern Technology in Education.” Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, vol. 3, no. 1, 2018, pp. 33-35.

Singh, Jagdip, et al. “Sales Profession and Professionals in the Age of Digitization and Artificial Intelligence Technologies: Concepts, Priorities, and Questions.” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, vol. 39, no. 1, 2019, pp. 2-22.

Waizenegger, Lena, et al. “An Affordance Perspective of Team Collaboration and Enforced Working from Home during COVID-19.” European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 29, no. 4, 2020, pp. 429-442.

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