The importance of designing the package and logo to brand a product is indisputable. The amalgamation of the three aspects, the package, design, and logo create the imagery of a brand. This paper discusses the packaging, logo, and branding of Wicked Laser torches. This will help to understand the effectiveness of these three aspects of the marketing strategy of a product (see figure 1).
Branding, Packaging, Logo
Packaging of a product is an essential part of the marketing and branding of the product. The packaging is defined as “the connection of form, structure, materials, colour, imagery, typography, and regulatory information with ancillary design elements to make a product suitable for marketing” (Klimchuk & Krasovec 2012, p. 65). The main aim of packaging is to meet the marketing strategy and target determined for the product.
The product is packaged in a hard cardboard box with Styrofoam inside, which helps to protect the product from damage (see figure 3). The packaging of the product is unassumingly giving the aura of it being the world’s most powerful flashlight, as is pointed out by the branding of the product. Packaging has three functional utilities – first is to protect the product, second is to facilitate in transferring product safely, and third is to communicate about the product. The packaging of the torch is presented in figure 3.

The logo of the product has the brand name “Wicked Laser” written in black. The word laser is underlined that ends in the sign of a light. The whole name is written in black. However, when written on a black packaging box, it is written in white to make the letters more visible to the consumers. The product is boxed in a plain cardboard box, which holds more cardboard boxes. The larger box contains four smaller boxes, which hold the two small batteries, the charger, and the flashlight. The user manual is presented within the box.

The torch is branded as the world’s brightest flashlight, which has a capacity of 4100 lumens (Merrill 2010). The torch has been branded as the most powerful flashlight, and the product supports its claim. The logo and the packaging are done in a similar fashion to give out the impression that the product is a hassle-free, utility product that lives up to its claim. The website presents the torch with the following words: “The Torch burns bright, this is the world’s brightest and most powerful flashlight with 4100 lumens of raw light power.” (Wicked Laser 2014) the torch is branded as a flashlight even though it has the make and the potential of a spotlight with all the power that it demonstrates.
The manual that is presented within the packaged box suggests that the torch should not be used more than 3 minutes at a stretch. The torch is sleek and easy to hold. Its hefty weight – almost half a kilogram – makes it heavy to carry. The logo of the torch is significant with a sign of a bright light, which immediately makes the consumers realize the purpose of the product, and creates a familiarization and identity for the brand. Branding of the product as the most powerful flashlight is true, given its powerful bulb.
How it is Made
The Wicked Laser torchlight is made of “military-grade aluminium” (Wicked Laser 2014). The aluminium body of the torch makes it heavy and hence has greater safety over plastic made torches, which melt on prolonged use. The torch has a textured grip which makes it easy to hold. The 14.4 volts rechargeable 1500mAh battery that runs the torch is also very heavy (Merrill 2010). The battery takes around 30 minutes to charge completely (Merrill 2010).

The synergy of the packaging, branding, and the logo is evident through the product that is created. The user manual contained within the packaged box suggests that the product should not be used longer than 3 minutes at a stretch. The dimension of the torch is 57 mm by 230 mm (2.25” X 9”). The torches with the batteries weigh around 19.3 ounces. The battery lifetime is 5 minutes. The torch uses a halogen bulb of 100W, and the bulb life is expected to be of 2000 hours. The battery is custom made to fit the torch seamlessly. The battery is made of twelve (double) A-cells (Merrill 2010). A single on/off button at the back of the torch controls the operations of the torch.
The torch is effective in illuminating with extremely bright light. Unmistakably, it is the best possible torch available in the market. However, certain drawbacks in its make its usability limited. For instance, the battery life of the torch is just 5 minutes. This is a serious limitation for a light, which is to be portable and may be required at any time. Further, the heat emitted by the torch may also limit its usage. The torch, though powerful, may not be a practical option for regular use.
Klimchuk, MR & Krasovec, SA 2012, Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding From Concept to Shelf, John Wiley & Sons , Hoboken, New Jersey.
Merrill, S 2010, Review: The Torch, a $300 flashlight. Web.
Wicked Laser 2014, Wicked Laser. Web.