Online Communication: Wikis vs. Blogs for Collaboration

Without any doubt, online communication is one of the most widely-spread types of communication between people. Being far from each other, people get an excellent opportunity to share news, discuss various themes, meet new friends, organize their days, and entertain. Of course, writing letters and chat communications are excellent and captivating indeed. However, if you are going to take some crucially important steps and need to save information in a proper format, chats and e-mails turn out to be not as safe as should be. This is why people have to pay attention to such Web page called wikis. Wikis allow its registered visitors to view and modify information.

Lots of people may find wikis very helpful, and time-saving means to share and discuss information. For example, Sarah offered her team to use wikis in order to discuss facts and collaborate. All the members found this way rather appropriate: clicking on such buttons as ‘Save’ and ‘Edit,’ adding the necessary points, and analyzing this information.

Even those people, who face such a technology for the first time, have all chances to comprehend its way of working and participate in discussions. Another critical point about wikis is its easy availability: people get access to it from any place where the Internet is available.

To my mind, wikis are one of the services, which have to be studied and used by many people who prefer to collaborate online. They get a chance not only to discuss and make corrections but also to save all this information and use it whenever they want and need. Such communication will certainly make collaboration better and safer for people of different occupations.

Creating a blog is one of the easiest ways for people to share news and other captivating information. A not long time ago, people tried to use all their potential in order to create more and more different ways to share information and analyze it. Blogs turn out to be an excellent means to present chronological collections of facts, comment on them, and provide more other links with similar themes for consideration.

Ordinary people get an excellent opportunity to create their own blogs and create articles on absolutely different themes: sport, politics, economy, movies, music, art, etc. With the help of blogs, writers can ask visitors to leave comments in order to think about the ways to improve their blogs and be ready to present more captivating and readable information.

Professor Thomas offers her students to create separate blogs in order to develop students’ writing skills, critical thinking, and abilities to choose the best facts for consideration. These blogs are made according to a specific format, set by the professor. This innovation promotes quicker sharing of information and editing abilities. There is not moderate on such blogs, and the only responsible person for it is its creator.

Do you know enough exciting information about the last sports event? Do you want to inform other people about it? You are welcome to present your own blog and prove that it is worth visiting.

As for me, I think blogs as one more opportunity to develop writing skills and be closer to other people. Lots of writers have beautiful abilities to create stories and present information in a perfect way. Blog creation is an excellent opportunity to start a writing career and amaze everyone with the knowledge to present worthwhile and informative material.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 17). Online Communication: Wikis vs. Blogs for Collaboration.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Online Communication: Wikis vs. Blogs for Collaboration." March 17, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Online Communication: Wikis vs. Blogs for Collaboration." March 17, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Online Communication: Wikis vs. Blogs for Collaboration." March 17, 2021.

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