Women and Men Empowerment for Gender Equality

Women empowerment promotes biasness

I found out that women are more likely to be illiterate and poor than men, especially in rural and slum places. Besides, I noticed that women are less likely to engage in politics than men and are suffering more due to domestic violence against them. The current world is focused on empowering women as a way of motivating them to resolve their challenges. However, it promotes biasness because men have been segregated from the empowerment process. Moreover, this debate has been controversial because some people have affirmed it while some have refuted it.

Empowerment aims to instill confidence in marginalized individuals; it develops and encourages self-sufficient skills to eliminate the dependency level among individuals. For example, it aims at supporting marginalized persons to be productive and self-reliant. If women were effectively capable of controlling fertility, they would fundamentally improve people’s living standards (Anderson 22).

When people thought of empowering a society, concepts such as gender equality and empowerment should be analyzed critically. Research has found that if a woman can form effective policies that guide her family, then she would be able to manage other important issues in her life. For example, a woman would be more productive when empowered. Moreover, it is found that when women become aware of their reproduction rights (such as the right to plan for spacing, timing, and a number of their children, and to make their decision without violence, coercion, and discrimination), they would participate equally and freely in society (Gebert, 29).

Empowerment focuses on the social, economic, and spiritual strength of communities and individuals. Empowerment is a vast concept that should not be concentrated upon women’s affairs. It should cover every human affair, including men, though feminism movements have been promoting women empowerment. Enhanced inequality sidelined men from the process of empowerment (Lee 46). Also, empowerment should aim at liberating a human being from any form of discrimination on gender, ethnicity, disability, religion, and race (Mihesuah, 9).

Equality in human society

A society that promotes equality among men and women would benefit from obligations, outcomes, opportunities, and rights in every sphere of human interaction (Parpart, Rai, & Staudt 88). Gender equality functions comprehensively in an environment where men and women are liberated to indecently function but within an optimal range in family, economic, and social quests (Du 76). Unfortunately, domestic violence has been prevalent against women. Such violence in human society could be resolved by empowering women.

As a response, this could be promoted through re-addressing and identifying an imbalance of power and to make women autonomous and independent in taking care of their own lives (Datta & Kornberg 8). Moreover, empowering women would be important in promoting human rights because it enhances and sustains human living standards (Mihesuah 7). Research has found that if women’s status is low, then the size of the family members would likely be bigger.

As a result, this makes the situation challenging and difficult to take care of the family (Anderson, 29). Reproductive development and health issues are desirable when the pivotal point of operation surrounds the lives of women. Empowering women would benefit every person in the family, and such would improve the future living standard of people not only in families but also in the entire society (Jensen 3).

Responsibilities in which women and men participate are not determined biologically but are determined socially (Gebert 28). Though such roles might also be determined through religion and culture, it widely varies depending on change and locality in terms of time factor (Du 80.) Also, empowering women could be enhanced by adopting cultural approaches while respecting various social organizations.

Addressing feminine issues surrounding feminist theorists should be complete and reflective of the roles and acculturation as adopted by the society expected to embrace gender equality (Myers 8). For such reason, supportive intervention should be provided to vulnerable and marginalized women to address their needs. For example, these can be women who are marginalized in a refugee camp.

Women suffer more than men in terms of the challenges of reproductive health. For example, such a problem might happen as maternal morbidity and mortality. However, these are preventable problems (Datta & Kornberg, 5). In developing nations like African countries, disability and death cases are more prevalent among women. Through the application of informative learning, women are put in a position to understand and appropriate family planning.

Failure to do this is a violation and gender discrimination against women (Gebert 26). In developing countries, women are entrusted with managing family diet, household, and environment. Furthermore, they are more likely to implement practical things that they learn from household care in preserving natural resources than men (Parpart, Rai & Staudt, 89). They are closer to the conservation of the environment than men.

More women are poor than men in the current world. Such economic disparity exists since most unpaid or low-paid jobs within communities and families are done by women. This is because many women are discriminated against economically by men (Du 78). Two third of those who are not educated in the world are women. Normally, educated women would endeavor to promote economic and educational opportunities for their families (Mihesuah 4).

Unfortunately, many institutions do little to democratize the institution of gender, especially in the approach of liberation through employment. Furthermore, domestic violence has not been prohibited in such a society (Lee 44). Empowering women and gender equality are a key focus on the attainment of millennium development. Therefore, policies that fail to address gender inequality also fail to support women to enhance the important development of their societies (Anderson 26).

On the contrary, such an argument is limited. The resolution for this problem should be measures adopted to promote and empower both women and men, not women only. Some have criticized the idea of empowering women alone since it contributes to gender inequality instead of promoting equality. For example, reproductive health programs should be empowered to women and men (Datta & Kornberg 2).

Empowering men

The current world has emphasized women empowerment that has led to men’s disempowerment (Datta & Kornberg 2). This is void of aspects such as resources like money that people have or work titles they hold. The main issue is about the power within people that enables them to respect human rights, be confident, and carry out activities with courage and zeal. Such inner power enables people to lead a healthy life in the world (Du 73). Unfortunately, the world has missed the point!

Moreover, the world has gone too far with this issue of empowerment. It is currently all about girl child empowerment, women empowerment, and the feminism movement (Gebert 30). Such feminine movements all focused on how women should be empowered. For example, issues on how women should obtain equal pay, work, and equally own property, etc. have been raised. This feminine perspective has promoted an extreme extent of biasness.

Feminism has not integrated humanity. For sure, where are men standing? It is assumed that men do not require any form of guidance since they are aware of what to be done and that they have already acquired what they possess easily (Myers 3). This is an assumption that has caused biasness in human life. This is a mess in the current world. People should journey together in resolving their problems.

For example, in commercial business activities such as stress-reducing services, women are the ones who are displayed to advertise such business activities. However, the question that should be answered is why men are men sidelined? The right answer should be, men should not be assumed at any cost. Men also need to be treated just like women are treated in the current issues. Men should not be ignored because this is the moment of history when men need to be healthier.

Also, the intention is not against empowering women, but why are men assumed as if they are already contented and satisfied in life? (Jensen, 4). Men need to lead the best life too. This is to say that the best life means to improve and work on the individual self physically, spiritually, and psychologically. Furthermore, there should be no idea that ‘the rise of women would lead to the extinct of men’ (Jensen, 4).

Fighting against inequality

Various investigations on terminating domestic violence against children and women have found that men should be treated empathetically (Mihesuah, 5). To handle oppression against women, it is important to involve men in the intervention of gender equality. Challenges and difficulties in men’s life should be resolved and not assumed. In most cases, men are never asked of their perceptions and views concerning the rights of women. As a result, most men do not see the importance of gender equality because they are never involved in addressing women’s affairs (Bullock 34). Perhaps men could provide more help concerning gender equality but rarely do they get consulted. People think that gender equality is a women’s issue.

Importance of egalitarianism

Research has shown that men who engaged in caring for their families have minimal heart and low mental problems and would live longer. Studies have shown that in places where men are involved in more household tasks, women are glad in such a relationship accompanied by effective sexual relations. Research has shown it men who are actively involved in family care are more confident than those who ‘operate on the fence’ (Lee 45). As a result, men should be informed to know such important facts. Thus, when resolving domestic violence cases, men should be involved in empowering women.

Emasculated man

Usually, men get recognition for what they do (work). Poorly paid or unemployed men normally question their real manhood because men are socially identified through their work. Unemployed men normally lose confidence and thus become powerless and irritated. As a consequence, this contributes to conflict against women at home. To make matters worse, many current popular micro-financing institutions only target women while sideling men from accessing financial services. This has been simply done because to empower women globally (Bullock 36). Something must be done to men who lost their job due to the global recession. Men identified themselves as providers and breadwinners, but the situation would be worst when they face unemployment. As a result, this is to say that to empowered women, men should also be empowered.


Normally, unemployment is associated with domestic violence. Lowly paid and undereducated men usually suffer from alcohol consumption, delinquency, and incarceration. Also, men usually lose their confidence when they are not able to provide for their families. They always yawn to re-conquer their worth. When men cannot articulate their situation, a lack of confidence will lead them to be violent whenever they are (Parpart, Rai & Staudt 87).

Furthermore, when men do not work, they feel unappreciated. Whenever they are at home, they normally require their presence to be affirmed and recognized. These shows that men need to be empowered just like women in the current world. Women’s rights would be strengthened when men are supported to build such a connection, which makes everybody humane.

Empowering women

Promoting confidence among women is a step aimed at the resolved consequence of gender inequality. This is focused on eradicating poverty and on attaining a high standard of living. Moreover, there are several ways this can be adopted to empower women. For example, political and leadership have to be implemented to reach the goal. Political commitment is a vital aspect that could bring social change and necessary resources for empowering women and gender equality (Bullock 34).

United Nations organization (UN) Summit promoted a commitment to ensure women enjoy their rights against all forms of violence in 2000 (Myers 6). This was reached to protect women from domestic violence and social abuses done by men. Also, investing in women empowerment is one of the keys that focuses on Millennium Development Strategies. Consequently, women have progressed, especially in the education and health sectors, which can be evident in risen life expectancy and reduced mortality rates. The reduction of gender disparity is an objective aim for Millennium Development Policy (Du 79).

Women empowerment and gender equality call for a fundamental transformation in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and power among women and men (Bullock 31). Genuine equality means better living standards and opportunity and justice to protect human dignity. Education is the key factor that could transform women’s status because investing in girl-child education has more returns in society’s development.

Moreover, this is endeavored to address gender inequality in secondary and primary education. However, education alone is not enough to reduce gender inequality in human society (Anderson, 23). Education is a pre-condition that is important to empowering women, but this is no guarantee for women empowerment (Jensen 4). This could only happen when women have to enjoy equal opportunity and rights, just like men. They have to be considered equally in decision making, economic opportunities, the utility of asset resources, and freedom from coercion and domestic violence.

Progress Module

Attaining genuine gender equality needs a different focus that is not just rectifying social challenges encountered by women. This is a special focus on both women and men holistically and equally (to work together) to achieve a better living standard in their families and for themselves. Men and women should equally share capability, enjoyment and voice, freedom from violence and fear, and economic resources.

They should share the responsibility of caring for their children and families, responsibilities for job payments, leisure, and joy. Every human being should equally treat one another with dignity and respect. Furthermore, human investment in decision making, resources, and institutions should be democratic and open equally to everybody.

Conclusively, gender equality differentiates and defines the rights, obligations, roles, and responsibilities of men and women. Empowering both men and women is critical in realizing Millennium Development Aims. These aims labor to alleviate hunger and poverty promotes opportunities that accelerate energy infrastructure, economic development, and basic transport, increase farm inputs to boost agricultural production, promote equal investments opportunities to enhance well-being and productivity of people and to empower both men and women to acquire an education that would enable people to control their fertility.

Works Cited

Anderson, Tammy. Neither Villain nor Victims: Empowerment and Agency among Women Substance Abuser. New Jersey: Rutgers university press, 2008. Print.

Bullock, Richard. The Norton field guide to writing. New York: W. W. Norton & Co, 2009. Print.

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Jensen, Vickie. Why women kill: homicide and gender equality. London: Lynne Reiner, 2001. Print.

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Mihesuah, Devon. Indigenous American women: decolonization, empowerment, activism. Lincoln: University of Nebraska press, 2003. Print.

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Parpart, J, Rai, S, & Staudt K. Rethinking empowerment: gender and development in a global/local world. London: Routledge, 2002. Print.

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