Women’s Mental Health Program Proposal

Mental health conditions are highly prevalent in modern communities, with women reporting higher levels of distress, because of the increased pressures of daily living and complex factors that interfere with their well-being. As a result, we have made it our mission to lend a hand by empowering women and putting them in a better position to counter unprecedented issues. Over the past eight years, we have hosted women’s conferences focused on alleviating issues by providing access to mental health education and training workshops. Generally, we create awareness of how to cleanse the body, mind, and soul. However, our workshops also include but are not limited to emotional and economic empowerment, clean energy education, dieting, healthy lifestyle practices, and much more. In partnership with Mountaintop Faith Ministries, we have managed to change the lives of many women and mothers in the US. Therefore, this time, we request your assistance as we aim to make the event as memorable as it can be.

We record the attendance of about 500 women every year. As a result, we have partnered with a grief counselor and two clinical psychologists who conduct workshops to address mental health issues. Every year, we get to evaluate the effectiveness of our initiatives by measuring their success levels. Seemingly, we have had a substantial impact on the lives of many women who provide positive feedback about the event. Therefore, we are looking for sponsors to enable us to advance and maximize the benefits of the programs. Our budget for the next event is estimated at $25,000, but we are certain that the resources will yield fruit. Therefore, we will appreciate your generous donation, which we will channel toward providing quality presenters, equipping our educators, and providing them with the necessities to complete the program.

Domestic violence is also a vice that is deeply rooted in our society because of gender inequality. Thus, we also conduct free monthly workshops for gender-based violence survivors with testimony. Although these workshops have run smoothly for the past ten years, we anticipate that a mutual partnership with your institution will help us expand our presence and expand our mission of assisting historically underserved communities. All individuals in the US, especially marginalized communities and people of color deserve access to self-empowerment and the promise of a bright and colorful future (“The WHO special initiative,” 2019). Thus, our establishment as a non-profit organization allows us to consistently give back to the community by offering free workshops, events, giveaway items, and effective assistance to change all individuals’ lives throughout the year.

Partnering with Mountaintop Ministries has significantly enhanced our presence and expanded our ability to reach more people at our events. Mountaintop Faith Ministries has more than 4000 members and has spent about 31 years of its service spreading the motto “The Church in the heart of the city, with the people of the city in its heart.” Southern Nevada is made up of vast communities with diverse individuals. Therefore, even as joint entities, CHR, Inc. & Mountaintop Faith Ministries are limited in the people they can serve and assist in becoming better. However, your help will be appreciated as we will include your company name as one of our event sponsors. If you wish to offer assistance, you can mail your contribution to Mountaintop Faith Ministries, Attn: Dr. Mary L. House, 2845 Lindell Road, Las Vegas, NV 89146. Our tax ID is 88-0360776 for a file or business tax purposes. We also accept material donations and any form of support you can facilitate. If you have any queries or require further details, please contact me at_. Thank you for your time; your contribution will be much appreciated.


The WHO special initiative for mental health (2019-2023): Universal health coverage for mental health. (2019). World Health Organization.

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StudyCorgi. "Women’s Mental Health Program Proposal." June 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/womens-mental-health-program-proposal/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Women’s Mental Health Program Proposal." June 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/womens-mental-health-program-proposal/.

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