Television Effect on America’s Culture

Anthropology is the study of the past, present and the future. Cultural Anthropology is one of its sub-branches that studies people living today, their cultural beliefs, practices, and values. With technology advancement, culture spreads rapidly, and some of the technological methods used in diversifying culture include the use of mass...

Interpersonal Relationships and Risk Perception

Introduction Being in a close romantic relationship is a significant lifestyle change in comparison with being single. Apart from the self-evident impacts on loneliness and happiness, it may influence how much a person values another human being compared to all others or even themselves. This perception of a close one...

Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The use of the internet for human communication and connectivity has established in society. According to Karim et al. (2020), at least 3484 people had social media account in 2019, which is an increase of 9% from 2018. Networking sites have advantages to people as they enhance interactions, entertainment, provides...

Diagnosis and Treatment of Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders

Introduction Mental health is crucial for the overall well-being of an individual. Stress-related disorders contribute negatively to people’s health outcomes, and therefore, early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders and the initiation of proper treatment plans are critical. One of the most common stress and trauma-related conditions is Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder, commonly abbreviated as...

Human Trafficking Concerning Minorities in the U.S.

Social Issue Nowadays, minority groups in the U.S. face numerous challenges connected with social, political, ethical, and other issues. Human trafficking is one of the most severe ways of harassment that humanity has ever faced. In this research paper, the issue of human trafficking concerning minorities will be discussed in...

KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 Stand Mixer Review

Introduction The purpose of this report is to describe and analyze consumer behavior while purchasing KitchenAid Artisan KSM150 Stand Mixer. The consumer is female, 21 years old. With the passion for cooking and the high expectation of gaining popular image on social media, the consumer is heavily involved in all...

Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report in the United States

A summary of the key messages of the IOM report The US has a chance to transform its healthcare system and nurses, perhaps the largest workforce in the healthcare system, have critical roles to play in the transformation process. In this regard, the IOM focuses on fundamental issues to overcome...

Understanding Our Gendered Selves

The issue of gender identity has always been topical and was developed not only by sociologists but also by representatives of many other scientific groups. Gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The...

Health Insurance Myth and Misconceptions in Nursing

Dear Professor, I suppose that health reform in the USA still remains one of the most discussed issues in the medical sphere. Too many changes were made that touched all spheres of medicine, and this issue will be considered until all the misunderstandings are removed and all the problems are...

Health Law: Howell v. Hamilton Meats and Provisions

According to Schwinghamer (2011), the California Supreme Court (CSC) ruled that plaintiffs who have injured themselves personally are not warranted full receipt of the entire amount if the insurers paid a small amount of the medical expenses. This decision was held on August 18, 2011. Rebecca Howell was the plaintiff,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Summary of “The Paradoxes of Time Travel” by Lewis

Time travel is a fascinating fantasy idea that has a logical justification in addition to its obviously entertaining function. In particular, such travel is inextricably associated with the endless paradoxes generated whenever the traveler decides to move into the past or the future. This raises legitimate questions about whether the...

Realism as a Convincing Theory of International Relations

Political realism consistently remains one of the main concepts in the theory of international relations. From the time of the first political discussions, the basic concepts and principles of diplomacy began to be defined within the framework of a realistic paradigm. Following this paradigm, various countries decided to build their...

Buddhism’s Resilience from Western Ideologies

Introduction Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, is the co-founder of the Buddhism faith that came into existence in India over 2500 years ago. Buddhism is considered one of the major religions in the world due to its large group of believers. A more extensive following of the faith...

Qualitative Health Research Ethics: Autonomy, Justice, and Beneficence

Introduction Qualitative research has come into play with the onset of patient-centered and evidence-based practices due to arising ethical issues. There is a common consensus that qualitative research is a mainstay method in evidence-based practices such as physical therapy and as such ethical issues are paramount in such type of...

Adolph Coors Firm’s Competitive Advantages in the Brewing Sector

Introduction The Coors Brewing Company is a US brewery and beer corporation that began in 1873 in Golden, Colorado, as a holding business. The organization is managed by the heirs of the founder, Adolph Coors. Since its formation, the Coors Brewing Company has sustained high production levels and expansion, making...

Interpretation of “Why I Live at the P.O.,” and Its Literary Elements

Plot and Setting In Why I Live at the P.O. by Eudora Welty, a youthful anonymous lady has all the earmarks of investigating the envy and struggle in her family. The setting of the story is the family home in Mississippi at the turn of the 20th century. By bringing...

How Taxation Led to the American Revolution

Introduction Throughout the 1700s, the British government and its colonies had tension-filled relationships. The end of the French and Indian war in 1763 increased the tensions even further, and most of the colonies started demanding rights that their ancestors thought were privileges (Otis). Britain had started losing grip on its...

Operation Geronimo: Resolving Legal Issues

Introduction For the majority of common people in the West, Operation Geronimo, which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, was and still is considered as an indisputably right decision of the United States’ policymakers. Nevertheless, some scholars and politicians raised certain concerns regarding the legal grounds of the...

An Advocacy Campaign for Ending Surprise Medical Bills

Introduction Surprise medical bills refer to the overcharging of patients when they receive care from out-of-network facilities, physicians, and clinicians. In most cases, patients are subjected to costs and bills above what insurers are willing to pay (H.R.3630 – No Surprises Act 116th Congress (2019-2020), n.d.). It is a form...

Leadership Styles Used by the Church

Introduction Effective church leadership is important in the numerical growth of congregants. As such, the management strategy adopted by a church minister will have a bearing on the growth of membership. Poor administrative practices can lead to a drop in the followership of churches which even started with a large...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The African American Community

Introduction The selected group for this analysis is the African American community. Members of this population are of the African descent and arrived in the Americas as immigrants or slaves. Having become part of the American culture, they live among other racial groups. A proper assessment of their social and...

International Law and Its Developmental Process

Introduction Along with the expansion and development of world’s society, international law is improving. This sphere has a number of subjects and sources that predetermine the vector of its development. However, it is worth noting that not all innovations over time can be interpreted as unambiguously positive. It is necessary...

Complete Mapping of DNA‐Protein Interactions by Liu et al.

Summary Liu, W., Li, J., Xu, Y., Yin, D., Zhu, X., Fu, H., Su, X., & Guo, X. (2021). Complete mapping of DNA‐Protein interactions at the Single‐Molecule level. Advanced Science, 8(23), 1-10.  Introduction The regulation of genetic information is important and must occur within the confines of specific conditions to...

Food Insecurity’s Causes and Implications

Introduction Food insecurity is a complex problem that affects the economy, demography, ecology, and many other areas of development of states and their societies. Speaking about food insecurity, one should consider the issues of food accessibility and quality, as well as the utilization and stability of food (Gundersen et al.,...

A Critical Examination of WHO Screening and Treatment Guidelines for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a devastating illness that affects women all over the world and continues to represent a serious threat to their health. Over 13,000 new instances of cervical cancer are detected each year, and over 4,000 women die from the illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and...

James Horn’s “A Land as God Made It”

Introduction The book A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America written by James Horn, relate to the hardships that the early European colonizers faced in their pursuit of rich and flourishing civilizations.[1] The Europeans had traversed across the Pacific in search of wealth and new...

History of Cold War and War on Terror

The ‘War on Terror’ appears to originate from the Cold War era. Cold War and ‘War on Terror’ are similar in different ways, since the American protagonists created ‘War on Terror’ as the core element of national politics, and enforce their manias on other countries. The strategies used in Cold...

Copywriting Impacts on Small Businesses

Small businesses have distinct advantages that larger businesses may have sacrificed as they grew. Small businesses also have unique challenges. A major example is marketing. Ad copywriting, web content and maximizing relations with customers are all have higher stakes for a small business. Keep your smaller customer base and dependence...

Technology and Learning Experience

Introduction Technology has transformed the education sector as people try to find easy ways of passing knowledge. Assistive technologies have benefited learners who suffer from various physical or mental problems. Normal students have also benefited from advanced technology as a new era of online learning become popular in the global...

The Fayum Mummy Portraits

Fayum portrait is the modern name for a style of realistic painted portrait which was attached to mummies during the period of roman Egypt. These mummy portraits have been found in all parts of Egypt, but are mostly concentrated in the Fayum Oasis. These portraits are the examples of modern...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mental Health: Strategic Action Plan

People affected by mental illness are underserved, face stigma, and often lack advocacy (Hernandez, 2011). The case of mental health is complicated because even the international health community has constantly ignored mental health conditions, specifically persons who display symptoms associated with psychosis, such as social withdrawal, delusions, incoherence, hallucinations, and/or...

Substances Influence on Water

Introduction and Literature Review When temperature decreases, liquid changes into solid, which is called freezing. The temperature at which the solid-liquid change takes place depends on the chemical composition of the substance (Ge & Wang, 2009b). While pure compounds melt and freeze at certain temperatures, the addition of other substances...

Student Assessment in Nursing Education

Articles Discussion According to Campbell (2012), numerous nurse scholars that conducted studies at the time that the article was created very often utilized a set of traditional methods in order to conduct research; however, the author stresses that these nurses were unaware of a wide range of new analytical tools...

Multicultural Psychology and Biopsychosocial Model

How Do You Define Culture? Culture is a very complex concept, which incorporates multiple elements that can be of importance to its comprehension. From my perspective, culture refers to the products of the intellectual activity of human society (the individual or collective activities of humans) that may have tangible and...

Telehealth: Healthcare Technology Evaluation

Nowadays, due to the increase in average life expectancy, medics are under pressure to deliver a greater volume of health care services for patients. This often creates a lack of temporal and other resources among health care professionals. Therefore, such technologies as telehealth can prove useful to facilitate information transfer...

Information Systems in Business

Examples of Databases In reality, databases exist in almost every place where record keeping is necessary. Examples of databases in which personal information is available include the university database, hospital database and hostel or apartment database. Information in university database is captured for the first time during enrolment and updated...

Hair Services’ New Concept

Defining the concept (a retail business that is somewhat unique, that has an marketing edge over its competitors) The concept involves a retail hairdressing store that provides hair cuts by professionals. However, it is unique and a cut above the rest owing to the fact that it is also doubles...

Psychology: Teenage Sexual Behavior and Education

Introduction Teenage sex is a topic relevant to both parents and kids, likewise. When teens approach puberty, they experience numerous changes in their bodies, ranging from an overflow of emotions resulting from developing hormonal activity to peer pressure from older members of their age group (Bukatko, 2008). Some feel the...

What is Art? Finding a Definition

Introduction To the question “What is art?” tens and hundreds of different answers can be given. In my view, there is no need to consider any specific definitions of art in detail since none of them can be satisfactory. However, I think that the concept of art is central to...

Telephone-Based Support for Post-discharge Breastfeeding Mothers

Data Collection The proposed research project is focused on the following PICOT statement: (P) – new mothers after a vaginal delivery; (I) – lactation support phone calls after discharge; (C) – patients receiving no intervention; (O) – the increased chances of breastfeeding success; (T) – six weeks after delivery. Since...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dynamics of Change in the Supervision of Others

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation The 13 years of professional experience taught me that there could be a range of external pressures and complications that affect organizations’ need to change. These can range from disruptions in the market to new technologies or shifts in the preferences of customers. Any organizational...

Exploring-Storming Phase of Group Process

Introduction The commonly used framework of the group process, which, for example, is presented by Pessagno (2013), includes the storming (or exploring) stage as its second element. This stage (or phase) is difficult to navigate since it refers to the uncertainty period that is characterized by members experiencing conflicts in...

Consumer Behavior: Internal and External Factors

Introduction Consumer behavior can be defined as the analysis of how, what, when, and why individuals purchase certain commodities and leave out others. The analysis tries to comprehend what drives the making of decisions by consumers either as an individual or as a group. It further attempts to evaluate what...

Has the Media Changed the Response to Natural Disasters?

Summary In most cases, when a disaster strikes, the first people that tell the world about it is the media (Reyes &Jacobs, 2006, p. 444). Upon hearing of any disaster that has occurred, the media tries to obtain more information about the disaster, dispatch their reporters to the site of...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Study

Introduction Data can be classified as either qualitative or quantitative (Black, 1999). Quantitative data is data that can be put in numerical form while qualitative data cannot. Qualitative data deals with quality while quantitative data deals with quantity. There is a distinctive difference between the two types of data. Qualitative...

The Code of Hammurabi: The Second Source

Author Martha Roth’s work, dedicated to the study of syntax in coupled with the historical and political meaning of the collection of laws of the ancient Babylonian sixth king Hammurabi, was chosen as the object of research. According to information provided on the official website of the University of Chicago,...

Critique of “We Should all be Feminists” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

In April 2012, a Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gave a speech entitled “We should all be feminists” at the TedxEuston event in London. TEDx talks are regular events across the world that invite speakers of various backgrounds, from philosophy to medicine, to share their experience and expertise. By 2012,...

Naturalism, Transcendentalism, Social Anxiety and Fear

Modern advances in manufacturing, space travel, and science perpetuate immense corporate appetites of global companies that continue to abuse the planet’s natural resources for short-term financial benefit. The dystopian society is what many modern thinkers predict to come at some point in the future. The Space Merchants by Cyril Kornbluth...

The Virus COVID-19: What Went Wrong?

Summary The documentary features interviews with a variety of experts, doctors, and nurses from different countries. They all discuss the actions that have been taken by state leaders during the coronavirus outbreaks. The video describes how the healthcare systems in China, Korea, Iran, Italy, and, above all, America reacted to...

Patient’s Past Medical History

Chief Complaints The patient in question is suffering from a rash that has spread all over her face and the bridge of her nose. The rash has caused lesions on her face that itches and aches. the reasons for the crash are not yet known since no prior diagnosis or...

Healthcare Rationing During a Pandemic

Introduction With limited resources to allocate, healthcare providers often have to make decisions about patients’ life and death. Especially with the covid pandemic, which places a significant burden on the healthcare system, it is essential to correctly assess the patient’s chances of recovery and the outcome of the decision. Thus,...

Problem of Bullying Overview and Analysis

Bullying is defined as the intentional desire by one or more individuals to threaten, frighten or hurt a person with actions, behavior, or words. Typically, bullying can be physical, verbal, psychological, or social and is one of the main problems experienced by young people (Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial...

Paradoxical Thinking and Cause and Effect Thinking

Introduction Thinking and analysis are an integral part of academic inquiry. People grow, learn and develop during the process of discussion, particularly when being engaged in learning institutions. Universities, schools, colleges, and various courses can all become a source of academic development, teaching people new concepts and explaining the old...

A Good Scary Movie and Key Requirements

Sometimes it seems odd that a movie that was shot over half a century ago remains scary for contemporary viewers. In contrast, modern scary films are simply irritating and do not possess the former quality. Indeed, filmmaking is one of the most popular mediums that thrive today, with horror movies...

Macy’s and Al Tayer Group Partnership

Executive Summary Venturing into the global market is usually a significant move for a company to make, and thus by doing so, it usually requires one to be prepared for any eventuality. The world of business is unpredictable, especially when entering a new market. Macy’s retail company understands well what...

Animal Rights and Welfare Laws

Introduction Animals are classified as sentient beings; most of them have abilities to perceive and even think. They are capable of emotions, feelings and can form complex behavioral patterns. They deserve a just and rightful attitude, but animals are still treated mostly as property, not as sentient creatures. Animal welfare...

“The Role of Individual Differences in L2 Writing” by Kormos

Introduction The article investigates individual differences in the second language, L2, writing process, and the written outcome. While there is sufficient research evidence regarding the role of individual differences on speech acquisition, the area of the writing process and the written product has been largely overlooked. The author focuses on...

Book Recommendation System (Content-Based & Collaborative Filtering)

Abstract The enormous variety of digital content encourages providers to engage users and consumers on their services. They use different recommendation systems in order to meet their customers’ expectations and preferences. Such methods direct clients according to their needs and requirements by analyzing vast information databases, such as prevalence, popularity,...

Disordered Eating Due to Impact of Social Media

Introduction For this paper, the influence of social media usage and visual social networks on eating habits, particularly, disordered eating, will be discussed. In addition, a separate technique for solving the mentioned issue will be described and provided as a potential recommendation. Emotional intelligence can be considered as a methodology...

Cancer: Disease Specifics and RNA-Based Detection

Introduction Cancer is a common problem and one of the key causes of death in the population. Risk factors associated with the development of cancer cells relate to radiation exposure, damage to the body by pathogens, as well as hereditary predisposition. Different types of neoplasms are named according to their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effects of Colonialism and Globalization

Income inequality is one of the significant legacies of colonialism. During the era of colonialism, colonies were perceived to be a major source of raw materials and for the industries of the developed nations. As a result, developing countries were deprived of their resources, making it difficult for their local...

Ethics and the Right to Abortion

Introduction The ethics of abortion concern primarily the question of what moral values are formed in health care, among staff, and in society. Ethical egoists believe that the choice of women who do not want to become mothers is predominant, so prohibitions against abortion are wrong and violate personal morality...

Aspects of Domino’s Pizza Crisis

Introduction The use of techniques aimed to assist an organization in dealing with a sudden and severe unfavorable occurrence is known as crisis management. A crisis might happen as a result of an unforeseen incident or as an unanticipated repercussion of an event that was previously deemed a possible concern....

Personality Traits vs. Leadership Styles

Introduction The Topic and Its Context Leaders of various organizations strive to apply strategies to boost the performance of their subordinates. Workers are the driving force of organizational success; hence, correct methods of coordinating their work are essential. The tactics of motivation and communication with employees define the leadership styles...

How Does Gang Affiliation Become a Social Problem?

Introduction Despite the intention to create a positive and supportive environment, there are many conditions under which people continue experiencing social pressure, violence, and irrational biases and prejudices. It is not enough to find support but to ensure a better future, addressing available sources and knowledge. In the United States,...

Framework for Ethical Decision-Making

Issues The ethical dilemma faced by Carly LeBlanc is a difficult one. Carly wants to make her boss happy and increase the popularity of Fashionforward! among college trendsetters. Additionally, she is faced with a dilemma on whether to order T-shirts from a low-cost company in China or a fair-trade company...

Security Challenges and Solutions

Introduction Security remains one of the most significant factors in improving the quality of life of the elderly and people with disabilities in care facilities. In this context, security refers to the physical safety of the residents, the confidentiality of personal information, access to medication, availability of IoT functions, proper...

JetBlue Airways Company Strategies

David Neeleman’s original strategic vision for JetBlue was to “bring humanity back to air travel.” This was through the provision of low price air travel service that is affordable to all combined with comfort, value, and quality of onboard services. His ideas mostly were from professional and personal experiences. With...

“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Phillip Dick

Introduction Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a novel that covers Phillip Dick’s analysis of the human state and his pursuit to retire six androids. The story trails John Isidore based on a post-apocalyptic future. The movie Blade Runner assumes the same story line as the novel. The difference...

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Nurse-Patient Ratio

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most common nosocomial infections associated with intensive care units (ICUs) (Blot et al., 2011). The incidence rates of VAP are correlated with the risk profile of patients and the duration of their exposure to mechanical ventilation. The systematic review conducted by Blot et...

Multiple Intelligences Theory in Education

Introduction The paper provides a model of the innovative school development, which is based on the multiple intelligences concept. The approach was elaborated by the professor from Harvard University, Howard Gadner. In contrast to the traditional understanding of human mentality, Gadner’s methodology claims that intelligence should be viewed as a...

Conflict Resolution for Nurses in Acute Care Unit

Introduction Most nursing jobs, regardless of specialization, take place in highly intense environments and are connected with much pressure, many tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis. As a result, conflicts may arise in many different situations between nurses or groups of nurses. Very often, such conflicts may affect a...

Individual Learning Styles for Training Programs

Introduction Different people tend to use different learning styles and techniques, and coaches should take into account these peculiarities when developing planned training programs. The learning style is an individual’s preferred method of achieving the goals in the context of learning. The quality of the learning styles used by individuals...

The Passover Origin, Development, and Practice

The Jewish people started practicing the Passover feast as a religious requirement from Yahweh. It was one of the primary methods they had to adapt on the eve of their exodus from Egypt. From the beginning of this tradition to the current day scenarios, the Jews have passed on this...

Modern Psychological Testing: Concepts and Theories

Constructed- and Selected-Response Items When designing a test, one may select an option of providing either constructed- or selected-response items. Each of the tools has its place in the hierarchy of psychological assessment methods, and both have their unique advantages, as well as certain inherent flaws. For example, the use...

General Motors Process Improvement: Lean Principles

GM process analysis with Womack and Jones lean thinking principles Lean philosophy is the approach to process improvement that sees the elimination of all types of waste as its primary objective. It can be whether the excess lead time, using the excess amount of inventory or number of workers for...

General Motors Company: Operations Management Concepts

Introduction General Motors (GM) is an international motor vehicle company founded and currently based in the United States. Apart from designing and distributing vehicles, the company also owns a number of manufacturing facilities all over the world (GM, 2016). Due to the high competition in the automotive industry and the...

Bioethics: Medical Help or Christian Beliefs?

Introduction Christian discourses have been applied world over by individuals when making vital life decisions. In particular, various issues that have a bearing on a person’s religious standing are better addressed in line with the biblical stance on the matter at hand. Nonetheless, some occurrences, for instance, health decisions, require...

Pompey’ Character in the Play “Antony and Cleopatra”

Introduction The play, Antony and Cleopatra, revolves around a tragedy based on the relationship between Mark Antony and Cleopatra. The play depicts a scene that covers the events of the 15th century, which surround the wars of the Roman Empire. Remarkably, the geographical context of the play is the regions...

Language Death Process Causes and Factors

Introduction Language is one of the important tools and communication methods that human beings deserve to embrace over the past decade and still do. In the modern society, different strategies to promote the language creativity and active interactions have been a success. As much as people tend to cope with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Disaster Plan Activation and Healthcare Staff

All hospitals are required to have a comprehensive disaster management plan which is aimed to minimize deplorable consequences (e.g. disruption of patient care, physical damage to the building, injured and killed people, etc.) of a disaster by specifying the course of action a facility should take to respond and recover...

Hypertension: Consequences, Prevention and Treatment

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a medical condition in which a person’s blood pressure is continuously elevated above the norm. It is associated with a broad variety of risk factors that put most people into a potential danger group. Furthermore, the effects of continued hypertension can be...

Paintings Timeline from the 18th to 20th Century

Painting is one art that has received global acclaim in the way artists have been able to use it to express the deepest of feelings and insights touching on almost every area of human experience. It is among the oldest capacities to be discovered and invented by man. In this...

Free State College and Right for Higher Education

Introduction Almost all countries in the developed world and an increasingly higher number of other nations in the developing world offer students access to free education at both the primary and secondary levels. This kind of education system is generally acceptable and as such, it does not attract a lot...

Marketing Management in the UK Motor Industry

Five Force Industry analysis Force Factors Impact Rivalry Other multinationals – Toyota Vitz, VolkswagenOwn Parent company BMW Very High Supplier bargaining power Exclusive features of MINI which are not available in other cars Very high Buyer bargaining power Availability of many similar modelsVarious discount dealing on cars similar to MINI...

Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students

Introduction College with its numerous assignments, hectic schedule, and exams requiring total commitment and concentration is more or less stressful for everyone who enters tertiary education. However, the ways humans react to stress and cope with mentally and emotionally challenging situations may vary considerably. In their article “Stress tolerance: New...

Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards

Concerns for information security take diverse structures in various frameworks and applications. Single clients might be worried about individual protection, and wish to restrict access to private information records. However, associations like the school, hospitals, and government agencies provide security to protect information identified with exclusive interests. The instruments for...

Transitional Care Programs: Study Design Phase

Literature Review The roles and responsibilities of healthcare specialists vary depending on their fields of expertise, the number of years in the profession, available equipment, and other factors. Patients who need professional and timely help may misunderstand the aspects of work of some healthcare providers, which highlights the importance of...

Nurse Managers’ Leadership Styles

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of the healthcare system, and the nursing staff is currently the largest category of health workers. The role, functions, and organizational forms of activities of the nursing unit – nurses are extensive. In modern conditions, it is worth highlighting such features of nurses as...

Advanced Nursing Practice vs. Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction Nursing education has progressed through significant evolution from the time the training of nurses began. This was necessitated by the urge to assume the responsibility of primary care providers for young children. Historically, nursing programs were not undertaken in learning institutions, such as colleges, as compared to the current...

Poka-Yoke Proofing in Non-Manufacturing’ Systems

Introduction Quality as a means of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage has been widely adopted by both manufacturing and non-manufacturing organizations. This strategic stance has been fuelled by the growing attention to strategic quality arising from the international successes of Japanese and other South Eastern Asian countries. Poka Yoke...

Barack Obama’s Leadership Qualities

Outline This topic describes the leadership qualities of a person. It helps to understand the issues in leadership qualities, values and personalities. It investigates the power, influence, values and behaviour of a leader. And it tells about how a leader is different from others and how he influences his followers...

Geographical Statistics and Statistical Tests in Research

Research of any kind can be successful only if it is structured and carried out properly. The proper structure of the research includes the focused methodology and the outlined practical tools to use the theoretical framework of the research. In the methodology, sampling strategies, sample size, and statistical tests prove...

Soda Goes Flat After It Is Opened

Introduction Soda is a drink that is made by mixing flavored syrups that are put under pressure and dissolved under carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is usually mixed to the drink when it is at very low temperatures. The colder the drink, the more carbon dioxide can be mixed into...

Socio-Cultural Shifts in European Renaissance

The expression renaissance has the meaning of revitalization or rebirth. During this period many themes that affect human beings were re-discovered, re-made, and perfected. To make this happen there were several foremost factors. During the Middle Ages, human societies in Europe did not find time to change their ways of...

Shirley Gorelick and Principals of Design

Shirley Gorelick (1924-2000) was one of the most prominent female artists of the 20th century. This American painter developed a distinctive realist style that enabled her to create “penetrating psychological portraiture” (Hottle). Gorelick studied at Brooklyn College and Columbia University. The artist’s early work was affected by surrealism, cubism, and...

Merits and Rewards as Motives of Human Behavior

Lous Pojman described merit as any positive quality which forms the basis for allocating positive ascription such as rewards and praise. This means that good deeds deserve positive recognition while on the other hand; a demerit being a characteristic that brings about negative ascription deserves punishments and penalties. However it...

Race and the Invisible Hand

Introduction Race and the Invisible Hand determines the subtleties and disparities of a workplace that gives the white job-seeker more employment chances over the black job seekers. At the heart of this discussion, the question is whether there are specific characteristics that make young black people undesirable as workers, compared...

Luxury Brands After Economic Crisis in 2008-2020

Introduction Luxury brands have been at the centre of interest for scholars and economists for a long time due to their specific and exceptional performance in times of economic hardships. In 2007-2011 the last severe and global financial crisis hit almost all areas of the world economy and trade. The...

Homelessness Policy in California

Introduction Most of the homeless in America are concentrated in large cities. There are several cities in which the number of homeless people is so big that the situation with the growth of homelessness in them is called an epidemic. First of all, these are Los Angeles, New York, Chicago...

Coronavirus Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang

Whistleblowers play an essential role in maintaining democracy by revealing different governmental deficiencies, human rights violations, and exposing corruption on various levels. All the information that comes from them is usually classified and withheld from the public concern by authorities. In 1882 Henrik Ibsen published the play An Enemy of...

Progressive Neurocognitive Disorders and Adulthood

Introduction Neurocognitive disorders describe signs and symptoms of many diseases, which lead to progressive or gradual changes in the functionality of a person. It is a general term used to explain the cumulative diminishing of memory, mental agility, intellectual ability, and impact on the accustomed emotional ripostes. Adulthood occurs in...

Sleep, Experiences and Podcast Sleep Through Week

Discuss the Aspect of The Daily Life That Contributes to Sleep Debt/Does Not Accommodate Chronotypes The podcast interview with Matthew Walker discussed how not getting enough sleep severely affects people’s health and well-being. The doctor noted that in many cases, the time a person wakes up and goes to sleep...

Hemodynamic Stability via Crystalloid or Colloid Solutions

Introduction A great number of disorders and mortality cases are due to sepsis, an extreme clinical issue following complications of an infection, caused by inflammatory processes. “Bad bloodstream distribution is said to be the essential consequence of this ailment, which causes an incendiary reaction of the whole body. Its main...

Addiction and 12-Step Programs

Haroutunian, H. (2016). Not as prescribed: Recognizing and facing alcohol and drug misuse in older adults. Simon and Schuster. The book in question dwells upon substance misuse in older adults and ways to address this problem. Chapter 2 provides valuable insights into the peculiarities of this population’s addiction development with...

Medicinal and Magical Practices Used for Survival Among Enslaved Africans

Life in Africa was not easy, but it was free. Everything changed after the slave trade began and slaves were sold to the Canaries, Maderia, the Azores, along with North America and Brazil (Greenfield 45). Working conditions on the plantations were severe; many Africans could not bear the unlimited working...

Domestic Violence: Justification Is Unacceptable

Introduction Violent acts committed against society occur for various reasons but are never justified. Finding a problem in a nonviolent way goes a long way toward developing and changing the collective consciousness about issues. More than 10 million people in the U.S. are believed to experience domestic violence –the mistreatment...

Business and Economics: Intercontinental Human Resources Management

Globalization has affected and caused changes in multinational companies’ strategies (MNEs) and other large corporations operating in different countries. Globalization is described as a continuous process through the integration, global communication, and trade network of regional economies, societies, and cultures. While developed nations’ internationalization has been long pursued by multinational...

Who Started the American Civil War and Why?

Introduction The American Civil War that spurred from 1861 to 1865 marked a critical turning point in United States’ history due to its long-lasting impacts. Before the war, the United States were plagued by slavery, unresolved issues from constitutional amendments, and a great divide between the Northerners and Southerners. However,...

Future Competitive Success in Delivery Industry

Introduction The courier and delivery industry has significantly impacted the business world. The industry involves parcel and package delivery from one destination to another. The popularity and reliability of this industry result from the speed at which parcels and packages are delivered to their final destinations. The industry has been...

Color-Blind Society and Racism

A color-blind society is a society where individuals are not treated differently based on their skin color. Instead, individuals would be seen as individuals without regard to race. This concept has been gaining traction recently as many researchers have become interested in combatting racism and promoting equality. Color-blind society ideology...

The National Rail Network History

Introduction The National Rail Network is a vital component of the national infrastructure. It is a network that provides passenger services and freight transport across the country, from Penzance to Plymouth via Exeter St David’s (Goodyear, 2022). The network covers most of Great Britain, with a route length of about...

Organizational Knowledge Management in KBMS: Challenges and Solutions

Introduction “Database Management System (DBMS) is an analog-based on the idea of Knowledge Base Management System (KBMS) and the Knowledge Warehouse (KW)” (Date, 1981). In determining the differences among data, information, and knowledge, it is important to note that they all are common in the fact that they emerge from...

Identification of a Nursing Care Model in Practice

Introduction Professional care models in nursing are numerous, but they all have a common goal: providing the best services for the patients and keeping a positive attitude of nurse professionals by organizing a satisfactory working environment (Finkelman and Kenner, 2013). Some of the traditional models are rarely employed in current...

The UAE Successful Economic Diplomacy Platform

Economic diplomacy is the process of pursuing a country’s commercial interests, both locally and internationally. It involves the use of financial tools and policies to eradicate vices, such as poverty and crime. Fulfilling a country’s economic interests depends on different factors such as the political climate, security, education, and international...

Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention in Heart Failure

The article under analysis is entitled “Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece.” It was written by Theodosios Stavrianopoulos in 2016. The purpose of the article is to determine if telephone intervention in patients...

Assisted Suicide in Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction Humanitarian and ethical concerns of euthanasia (assisted suicide) are some of the most discussed points in the medical ethics of the 21st century. The societies around the world are divided on the subject, as it concerns many aspects of the existing legal, governmental, medical, economic, and religious systems in...

Royal Dutch — Shell Group Merger in Nigeria

Analysis of the challenges facing the merger of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and Shell Transport and Trading, and recommendations on how these should be confronted The merger faced many challenges ranging from political to economical which made the management distort the company’s core values and objectives. The areas of...

The Black Panther Party: Rise and Influence

The era of African-American civil rights was characterized by the emergence of different social movements in the United States of America (Murch, 2010). The primary objective of these organizations was to end racial segregation and discrimination against the black community. In addition, the groups were fighting to secure the legal...

Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Harkat

Abstract Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Harkat was a landmark case in Canada especially in regards to the era of terrorism. This case brief outlines the details of this landmark Supreme Court Ruling. Included in the brief are the details of the case, in summary, its background, accompanying facts, the...

The Stress-Buffering Hypothesis Test in a Mexican Sample

Introduction The current paper examines the results of a repeated-measures ANOVA provided in an article by Raffaelli et al. (2013). The brief information about the article is provided; the assumptions for the test are articulated, and it is assessed whether they were checked in the article; the research questions and...

St. Anthony Medical Center Marketing Strategy

Introduction It is evident that the healthcare industry is changing, and the factors impact the decisions regarding service lines of labor and delivery (L&D) centers as well. Marketing is crucial in this competitive niche, mainly because St. Anthony Medical Center aims to build a relationship with clients, who choose their...

Systems Theory in Nursing Department

The present paper is devoted to the investigation of the Nursing Department of the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn (NDS) from the perspective of the systems theory. The understanding of systems is essential for healthcare professionals because the analysis of varied events, phenomena, and institutions...

E-Concert Report: 20th Century Music

Introduction Music has always been a sensitive mirror of major social processes, attitudes, and trends. So was the case in the twentieth century, when the tendency to the scientific perception of the world, employment of technology, and progressing mechanization of life characterized contemporary society. At the same time, composers did...

Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus: Infections and Treatment

Introduction Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) is a bacteria or what is also known as germ is a bacteria that causes bad infections. The first strains of this bacteria first appeared in Europe by the year 1986 and three years after (1989) the first incidence in America was reported and between the...

Dynamics of Ethics, Ethical Principles and the Technology of Ethics

Every human individual is brought up with the idea that they should strive to achieve. As such, everyone learns to work towards avoiding bad to achieve an element of goodness. As such, if every single individual was to strive towards the good, the human race will ultimately move towards an...

Ghassan Kanafani: Biography, Short Story “Return to Haifa”

Biography Ghassan Kanafani (1936-1972) was a Palestinian writer and a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). While studying Arabic literature in Damascus he became a member of the left-wing Arab Nationalist Movement (ANM) but moved to Kuwait before completing his degree to edit an ANM...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

Ethical Issues in “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a research done by Rebecca Skloot to unravel the story of Henrietta and her family to know what she underwent because of her cells. Skloot reveals a scenario of one of the most significant inputs to the field of medicine in her book....

Culture: Role. Components. Types

Modern people pay much attention to cultures and cultural peculiarities of different groups trying to learn more about each other in order to interact with others effectively. Globalization is one of the major phenomena making people consider cultural aspects as the flow of individuals and ideas has become massive. Culture...

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