Virtual Colonoscopy – Colon Cancer Screening

Abstract Virtual Colonoscopy is constantly becoming more and more popular, in comparison with the traditional approach and conventional colonoscopy in particular. Despite the fact, that VC is not fully researched at the moment, most patients prefer it for increased comfort, and doctors have an opportunity to perform the extensive study...

Heartseasism: Religious Ideology of Harmony

Introduction With the development of scientific knowledge as well as technology that have given answers to many questions and provided outstanding opportunities for exploration and invention, beliefs began to outlive their usefulness. It would not be reasonable, however, to consider religion as a phenomenon obsolete; rather, it needs adapting to...

Homeschooling: Argumentation For and Against

Introduction Education is a fundamental component for the development and ultimate advancement of the society, and for this reason, all governments, therefore, insist on the provision of education for the children and youth. How this education is dispersed may vary from school-based education to homeschooling. Homeschooling refers to a form...

Gender Dysphoria: Classification, Causes and Treatment

Sex is what you are assigned to at birth while gender identity is something that develops during your life based on your self-perception and personal subjective understanding of who you are. In most cases, these two categories are the same, but when they do not coincide, the person can experience...

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations: Downtown Miami

Overview Description of the Community Downtown Miami is positioned around the Central Business District (CBD) of Miami. This is the major financial area in the city of Miami. The majority of buildings are sky-scrapers competing with one another in height (Viglucci, 2017). History The history of Downtown Miami is not...

Attitudes Towards Economy’s Recession

Introduction The United States is experiencing one of the worst economic crises in a century and Americans have lost their sense of hope. Companies are closing, people are losing their jobs, the people are scared about the future, banks are not lending, the housing industry is collapsing; in short, it...

Different Perceptions in Knowledge

Introduction Knowledge in this world is relative not always what we see but also dependent on other extra-sensory perceptions. Unlike animals who mostly judge the world and its knowledge in a limited way with their senses, our methods of perception include the use of the five senses, reason, logic, emotion...

IT in Healthcare: Barcode Medication Administration System

Use of information systems in healthcare In 1970’s computers were first used in the departments to support functions such as accounting, and general administration works just like any other department. In the 1980’s the cost of computers started going down allowing many people to be in a position to afford...

Bad Health and Poor Choices

Thesis statement A case study carried out in Australia gives a clear picture of how health determinants impact the lives of individuals. This study considered the relationships between the health determinants, the choices that people make, and the affected populations. The study identified the general health determinants, the impact of...

Fetal Rights vs. Stem Cell Research

Discussion When we look at Western civilization as socio-cultural phenomenon, it will appear that, throughout its history, religion (particularly Christianity) always acted as counter-productive factor of cultural and scientific progress, closely associated this civilization. That is – religion always strived to erect obstacles, on the way of science broadening people’s...

Bill Clinton’s Life, Times, and Political Ideals

Introduction The advent of the 20th century saw major remarkable improvements in the art culture. The rapid increase in technological innovation facilitated this departure from the long-held traditional art forms. This was the onset of the age of modernism. The idea of pluralism denies the existence of absolute truth. It...

Convention vs. Invention: Television Genres

Lost: Transmedia Storytelling Lost functions as an example of transmedia storytelling in that the producers create an all-encompassing narrative, large and compelling enough to continually expand beyond the confines of its initial medium – television. Transmedia stories mushroom across numerous media platforms, ever expanding, and each manifestation contributes something deeper...

Health Disparities in the United States

The primary goal of the government is to serve its people by implementing appropriate policies and establishing various agencies. Some of the key areas that politicians should take into consideration include social welfare, healthcare, and education. In the United States, disparities have remained a major predicament that affects the experiences...

Policymaker Visit About the Childhood Obesity Problem

Policymaker Visit The most important result of the policy-making visit was a successful contact establishing with the policymaker. It appeared that the person is also concerned about the problem since she has the close ones affected by the negative outcomes of the problem. Besides, the identification of common positions in...

Politics in the Upkeep of a Sustainable Quality Environment

Introduction Humans aspire to have an adequate supply and access of resources, a clean and habitable environment, and good health. People desire to achieve a clean environment that sustains their daily needs of people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2016), human wellbeing is linked to the health of...

Family Squalidae: The Main Features

The main features of the taxon include their size, from small to medium (Francis, Stevens, & Las, 1988). They have a sharp spine and two dorsal fins. This family comprises of sharks in the order of Squaliformes (Snene et al., Springer, 1959). The main feature of the representatives of this...

Supernatural in Poetry of British Romantic Period

The world of literature is rich in the outstanding writers and poets. Prose and poetry were developing throughout years when each epoch gave birth to another one. Thus, it is vital to pay special attention to the British poetry and the eminence the Romantic period that created grounds for the...

7-S Framework Organizations Assessment Tools

Abstract Organizations apply a range of tools to analyzing their performance, measuring its current quality, and identifying the necessary improvements. Among those are the 7-S framework, the balanced scorecard (BSC), the SWOT paradigm, and its PESTLE equivalent. Using each of these separately enables resolving particular issues but leaves gaps, for...

Aspects of the Developmental Psychology

Introduction Cognitive learning theorists developed the idea of information processing to understand better how people learn and remember new information. The theory of information processing is often credited as the brainchild of George Miller who found that the average human being’s working memory has room for seven objects (Vuong et...

Social Norm Violation: Essay

Check out this “breaking social norms” essay for ideas regarding violating social norms. Learn all about norm violation with plenty of examples. Introduction: Norm Violation in Sociology Social norms are changing with every new era. What was typical a hundred years ago is not acceptable nowadays. Some standards have been...

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