Neo-Orthodoxy Theology: Barth, Brunner et al.

Introduction Neo-orthodoxy is a concept used in advanced contemporary theology, also called liberal theology. The views of neo-theologians are different from those of the orthodoxy on the basis of their approaches to the word of God. Neo-theology is a deviant view of the doctrine of the word and is in...

Medication Errors: Patient Safety Concern in Nursing

Introduction Medication errors are a widespread patient safety issue: in fact, it is the most common medical error, which illustrates its significance for nursing practice (Gorgich, Barfroshan, Ghoreishi, & Yaghoobi, 2015; Vito, Borycki, Kushniruk, & Schneider, 2017). The adverse outcomes of medication errors range from distrust towards the healthcare institution...

Burger King: Global Emerging Market

Introduction Burger King is a popular fast-food chain that has a strong presence in many markets all over the globe. Recently, the company started planning an expansion to Sub-Saharan Africa in order to improve financial performance by reaching a new market (Gray & Fontanella-Khan, 2018). However, there are several important...

“The Hero With a Thousand Faces” by Joseph Campbell

A hero strikes one as an individual whose personal attributes elicit admiration both before and after their death. Mythology presents a hero as one with great strength and courage, one who is widely celebrated for bold exploits. Making such a unique character entails a process as Joseph has explained in...

Controversy About Global Warming: Skepticism and Reality

Introduction Global warming is a process that heats up the earth’s surface. The activities on earth’s surface produce green house gases, which entrap light and heat from the sun causing temperature of the earth surface to increase. The green house gases include nitrous oxide, water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide....

Women Have the Right to Decide Whether to Have an Abortion

Introduction Despite the numerous social changes that have occurred in the world with the development of science and technology in recent centuries, some aspects of human relationships have retained their archaic nature. In particular, the patriarchal foundations of society based on the domination of males over females have not lost...

United States Foreign Policy Doctrine

The United States foreign policy presents a matter of particular importance. Officially, it implies providing the citizenry and the entire international community with a secure, democratic and prosperous place of living. The significance of the U.S. role in foreign affairs cannot be underestimated, as it has the most advanced and...

Concept Synthesis on Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Many nurses use powerful concepts and competencies to promote the health conditions of their patients. Medical practitioners focus on the best ideas to promote the living conditions of different societies. Nurses should use “evidence-based ideas and concepts whenever improving the health conditions of their communities” (Hobbs, 2009, p....

English Law and Application of Statutory Legislation

Introduction Interpretation and application of the law is very critical in determining how effective a judicial system is. The judicial principles of statutory interpretation have a unique engagement with the interpretive powers that courts possess (Keenan, 2007). Lack of clear guidelines to control how courts interpret judicial principles is a...

The Myths of Tet

Introduction The Tet Offensive is the first large-scale offensive by communist forces during the Vietnam War in 1968. It was the war’s turning point, after which public opinion in the United States lost faith in the possibility of victory in Vietnam. In the country, Tet is the main holiday of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ghedi’s Ban on Wearing Burka on Public Places

In October of 2019, a case involving a nation, Ghedi, caused a storm all over the international arena. The Ghedian parliament had just passed a bill barring individuals from concealing their faces in public areas. As the legislation applied to all Ghedians, and all forms of face covering, it became...

Enron Company History, Management, and Financial Scandals

Introduction Enron Company got involved in several financial scandals between the years 2001 and 2002. The most interesting part of the scandal, however, was the persistent denial by the top managers of the company of their knowledge on the same. The managers vehemently denied knowledge of the mischievous financial activities...

Slasher and Gothic Horror Film Sub-Genres

The articles Slasher films and gore in the 1980s by James Kendrick and The Gothic revival (1957-1974) by Rick Worland discuss the evolution of two distinctive sub-genres in the genre ‘horror film’ throughout the mentioned historical periods – specifically, ‘slasher’ and ‘Gothic.’ Nevertheless, even though Kendrick and Worland addressed the...

David Ricardo’s Contribution to Economics

David Ricardo was a modern orthodox economist whose main ideas centered on positive economics. He is notable for his contribution in economics during the classical period of economics. The period lasted about 100 years and his book “On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation” that was published in 1817...

The US-Russia Ongoing Confrontation

Introduction As of today, more and more people grow to realize that the ongoing confrontation between Russia and the U.S. accounts for the most acute geopolitical problem/issue of modern times. After all, one does not have to be a genius to understand that, if allowed to continue gaining a momentum;...

Thai Students’ Issues in Learning English

Learning a foreign language can pose serious problems for learners. Thailand students are facing this challenge, especially when they go to study in foreign countries. Challenges like pronunciation make it difficult for them to speak and understand English words. With these challenges, English learners prefer a foreigner to teach them...

Customer Compaints, Relationships and Sales Ethics

Customer Complaints All the customers’ complaints regarding the quality of service that is offered by sales staff should be taken very seriously. Firms need channels through which customers can send their complaints regarding the quality of service that is offered to them by their sales staff. Customers’ feedback regarding the...

Leadership Simulation Using ExperienceChange Model

Theories Employed To complete the online simulation of managing organizational change, I used the ExperienceChange Model. The model is based on models developed by Kurt Lewin, John Kotter, Edgar Schein and David Nadler (Chisholm & Warman, 2007). First, I wanted to apply Kotter’s model. The method involves the establishment of...

Human’s Aggressive Nature in Social Settings

Abstract This paper uses the discursive framework of a Rogerian argument to promote the idea that, even though humans are true ‘naturally’ predisposed towards aggression, it is thoroughly justified to discuss their predisposition, about what happened to be the affiliated social settings. Introduction The fact that people are being more...

Popular Research Paper Topics

HindelburgeCement Plant’s Environmental Impact

Introduction The process of soliciting a competent contractor must scrutinize available bidders to ensure the selection of the one who meets certain requirements. However, it is important to note that there is a particular order of merit in this consideration. For instance, normal criteria will take into account the technical...

Global Warming and Its Health Implications

Introduction Global warming is the abnormal rise in the average temperature on the surface of the earth. This has been caused by human advancement towards industrialization and modernization. The outcome of global warming has been exhibited by the melting of ice and snows in areas such as the Antarctic, which...

Spa and Salon: Business and Management

Introduction In today’s economic environment, enterprises need some effort to survive. The necessary conditions for the survival of the company are flexibility, adaptability to rapidly changing market conditions, increased labor productivity, and the ability to develop creatively. The team method of work is more effective in managing an organization in...

BH Health: Project Communication Plan

Project Title: BH Health Project Sponsor: BH financial manager Project Manager: (Add your name here as the project manager.) Table 1: Project Communications (created by the author). Communication Type Prepared By Sent By Reviewed By Received By Frequency Delivery Project spendings outline Project manager Project manager Case managers Sponsor Weekly...

Marketing Research for Hobbs in Birmingham

Background Hobbs is a store that sells clothes and accessories and it primarily targets wealthy people. The marketing strategy that the firm wants to start for the year 2009 is aimed at raising the footfall. From the analysis from Mosaic, it is clear that Birmingham is a place that has...

Green Logistics: Implementation Issues and Solutions

Introduction The rapid development of economics, globalization and technological progress lead humanity to improve the quality of life worldwide. Despite the profound outcomes of such changes, the environmental damage is devastating and requires industries to take measures to save the planet. Factories leave vast volumes of waste, recyclable materials pollute...

Ethics and Leadership Relations

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among healthcare specialists that, in order for physicians and nurses to be able to address their professional responsibilities in the most effective manner, they must be thoroughly aware of what the concept of ethical leadership stands for. One of the main reasons for this...

From an Interfaced System to an Integrated System in a Hospital

The advent of improved technologies coupled with the higher demand for healthcare services has called for urgent needs for better methods in which organizations handle and manage information systems. This is necessary not only for improved care for patients but also for the sake of boosting the experience of employees...

Public and Private Policing

Introduction Private police bodies are under the control of the non-governmental entities that conduct that mandate as instructed by the government. The government may contract out police work to firms or it may be officers contracted by firms to be in charge of their companies. Company police is the mostly...

Budget Justification for New York City Transit Agency

Introduction This report aims to give justifications for FY 2021 budget increment for the department of security and counterterrorism, which is one of the divisions of New York City Transit agency. Due to covid-19 pandemic, New York City is experiencing arise in insecurity since some unemployed citizens have resorted to...

Strategic Performance Management Plan for a Sales Manager

Introduction Strategic performance management is a necessary practice for each organization regardless of which field it operates in. It includes setting clear criteria for the employees’ professional achievements, detecting progress, and improving the principles of the job. Its main goal is to align the work with the organizational goals and...

Analyzing Employee Development Activities

Introduction The success of every organization depends on how effective its employees are and how properly they perform their duties. It does not matter what financial or technological resources a firm has because it is likely to have significant difficulties reaching its objectives if individual workers do not contribute appropriately....

Hotel Recruitment Practices Case Study

Introduction The presence of high-quality service in the travel and tourism industry is an essential element for success. Striving for enhanced customer experience, companies in the hospitality industry place great significance on their recruitment practices. The technological changes and advancements of recent years opened many opportunities for expanding recruitment channels,...

Overconsumption of Alcohol by a Customer

Introduction Alcohol use can increase our risk of suffering minor and significant mishaps, including slips and falls, drowning, poisoning, and other unintended injuries. In reality, accidental damage accounts for slightly under one-third (29%) of all alcohol-related fatalities (World Health Organization). Alcohol is a depressive; it slows the brain and impacts...

Genetic Engineering: Dangers and Opportunities

Introduction As of today, the practice of genetic engineering continues to remain highly controversial. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that there are a number of the clearly defined ethical undertones to the very idea of inducing ‘beneficial’ genetic mutations to a living organism. After all,...

Transcendence Issues in American Literature

Touching upon various ethical and religious issues, contemporary authors define the concepts of physical versus spiritual life and transcendence. It is important to consider all the symbols and the context of the previous works of the writer or poet and his/her life experience for decoding all the messages of the...

Family Development, Health Beliefs and Issues

Family Composition The family chosen for the assessment consists of four members: husband, wife, and their two daughters. The extended family is not large as the husband’s parents live abroad and rarely visit. Both of the grandparents from the mother’s side live in a retirement home; however, the family sees...

Joint Commission Standards Related to Staffing

Background: Staffing Standards and Their Significance Creating a team of experienced employees that are capable of meeting the company’s ethical and professional standards, engage in professional development, and deliver consistently positive results is a crucial step toward improving the overall performance of an organization and promoting further progress. Therefore, it...

The Film “Dead Man’s Letters” by Konstantin Lopushansky

Introduction Dead Man’s Letters is a 1986 apocalyptic film by a Soviet director Konstantin Lopushanskiy. The story depicts events of a war that has recently become nuclear. The story is a cautionary tale, and its historical context is especially important. It also utilizes a variety of film techniques to create...

The Aviation Industry: Contemporary Issues

The aviation industry is experiencing rapid growth. The growth is contributing significantly to the growth of the global economy and at the same time presenting numerous challenges that put the industry’s future at risk. According to estimates provided by IATA, the total number of passengers will continue to rise in...

Companionship in “Frankenstein”: The Theme of Human Connection

Theme of Companionship in Frankenstein: Introduction The theme of family in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is not the only central topic raised in the writing; however, it is the issue that most explains and opens up the complex context of the book. Family is one of the most important parts...

The Korean War: Applying Operational Art and Design Concepts

Introduction The success of any military operation depends on the commanders’ ability to develop an executable plan and implement it successfully. Operational art and design are instrumental in describing how exactly (ways) the military force can utilize the available “capabilities (means) to achieve military objectives (ends)” and mitigate possible risks...

Improving LinkedIn Profile

Introduction Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn has been specifically identified as a professional, academic and work-related platform. Many users who join LinkedIn do so in order to present themselves to the world as professionals and experts in their field (Kim & Malek, 2018). Therefore, one’s profile on the platform...

Nutrition Labeling Meaning and Importance

Nutrition is the diet of a human being; his intake of food and the necessary mineral and nutrients that come with it. The word nutrition is derived from nutrients, which are the essential ingredients that a human body needs to survive and be healthy. The knowledge of nutrition is extremely...

Major Depression Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Introduction Identifying a disorder is the main challenge in giving assistance to mental health patients. A therapist must be able to identify the disorder their patients suffer from in order to give the most appropriate intervention. Many disorders have conflicting symptoms that make it challenging to identify a disorder. Although...

Crisis Intervention Plan to Stop the Violence

Introduction Shootings at schools have become a popular topic in the media and raised concerns among public including officials, parents, and scientists. The extent and the cause of the problem have been researched by multiple specialists from different fields. Flannery, Modzeleski, and Kretschmar (2013) tend to think that acts of...

Medication Errors: Causes, Outcomes, and Solutions

Abstract One of the unresolved global problems in the healthcare system is medication errors and the damage that is caused as a result. These mistakes can occur at any step of the patient treatment process, from unnecessarily prescribed medications to wrong dosages to issues with monitoring to lack of documentation...

Transcranial Doppler in Sickle Cell Disease

Only a few decades ago, the patterns of diseases acquired at a particular age were almost precisely established, making it easier to anticipate certain dysfunctions before reaching their risk groups. However, lately, various external factors have contributed to the rapid increase in those patterns breaking, with children struggling with health...

Prince George’s County: Demographic and Epidemiological Situation for HIV/AIDS

Community “Prince George’s County continues to have the second-highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases in Maryland and the second-highest number of reported AIDS and HIV cases, according to the county’s top health official.” (Wiggins, 2009) As it can be understood from the above statement this paper will focus on the...

Are Nurses Becoming Influential in Health Care Policymaking?

Introduction Many people associate politics with the government and political aspirants. However, politics exists in the healthcare systems. In this case, we will consider the biased politics in the healthcare systems that oppress the nurses to an extent that they are unable to voice their pleas. In the contemporary world,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Global Poverty: Tendencies, Causes and Impacts

Introduction The world community struggles with various significant issues that require a long-term, valid approach and comprehensive support to be resolved or at least mitigated. One such problem, which concerns every country, especially developing ones, is poverty which generally implies the state of lacking enough material resources or income to...

Gender Roles in Modern Society: Structural-Functional vs. Conflict Perspectives

In the modern world, gender norms continue to undergo certain changes and improvements regularly. Some people are obsessed with their biological or social differences, while others prefer not to pay much attention to these concepts. Compared to the physiological characteristics based on sex, gender touches upon the way of how...

Employment Law Paper: Workplace Discrimination

Discrimination at the workplace is a severe issue because it implies that people are deprived of some rights or inadequately treated based on their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and others. American legislative bodies understand that the problem exists. That is why Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act...

Challenges Faced by Ryanair Holdings Due to COVID-19

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly influenced not only individual companies but also entire industries. Among them, one of the most affected is the airline industry. In 2020, the International Civil Aviation Organization estimated that the pandemic could result in a reduction of about 1.5 billion passengers and 71% of...

Surrealism and Dadaism: Comparative Analysis

Introduction Surrealism and Dadaism are highly recognizable art movements predominant in the early 20th century. Supposedly surrealism that became common in the 1920s could have emerged from dadaism, which developed earlier in 1916 to 1920 and may have outgrown it. Both movements have distinctive cultural connotations and periods despite the...

Urban Slums in the 1890s in New York

Introduction America has changed a lot in the last hundred years, reaching its maximum urban development. Interestingly, until 1870 such modern metropolitan areas as Chicago and New York were small towns with a population of no more than 60 thousand people (Betz et al., 2018). With the arrival of millions...

Chinese Dating Culture and Its Origin

Introduction Dating and romantic relationships are common and crucial aspects of life in adolescence and the early years of adulthood. Scholars have emphasized the relative significance of dating, which is vital for society and individuals. Close, good relations have been associated with enhanced physical and mental well-being, a more vibrant...

Position on AI’s Role in Education

Introduction Educational establishments make significant contributions toward defining the future of a nation. These establishments ensure that young individuals master specific knowledge and skills, which will be further needed to succeed professionally and impact society. That is why appropriate organizations and the government are expected to do their best to...

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Analysis

Introduction The middle Ages was a period in European history where religious beliefs, jobs, and money separated individuals. During this time, a class system began to emerge. The middle class emerged, a social group between the working and upper class, including professionals, business employees, and their households. Chaucer’s The Canterbury...

Law: Digital Rights Management

Introduction We live in a time when exponential progress in the field of IT technologies results in traditional legal notions, concerned with copyright protection, being deprived of any sense, whatsoever. Unfortunately, people who actively strive to slow down the pace of technological progress, in order to be able to continue...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Family Nursing Care Plan’s Development

Introduction For performing the family health assessment, the Yosleidy family residing in Miami, Florida, was selected. The assessment was conducted on the basis of the provided set of questions. The researcher has conducted interviews with each member of the family in order to gather the data needed for performing the...

Supply Chain Risk Management: Emerging Issues

Abstract This paper indicates that the use of modern technologies in supply chain can result in preparedness against various risks. However, ICT supply chains are promote to cyber risks that can disorient the business model of the affected company. The discussion encourages companies to form Supply Chain Risk Councils (SCRCs)...

The P-TECH Educational Model Adoption in the USA

The reinvention of New York State education has lately started from the introduction of the new technology learning model. According to the current reports, 16 school districts of the state launched a new educational program that replicates the Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P TECH) (The Business Council,...

Trimodal Model of Effective Nurse Leaders

Introduction Nurse leaders in the modern society face numerous challenges in the provision of health care for they have to keep abreast with dynamic political, social, cultural, and technological changes, which have a considerable impact on patients, nurses, and healthcare organizations. For nurse leaders to overcome these numerous challenges, they...

Zara Company’s Business Model and Competition

Zara: Fast Fashion Case Study Founded in 1975 by Rosalia Mera and Amancio Ortega, Zara is the main brand the Spanish corporation Inditex Group, one of the largest retailers of clothing in the world. Described as “possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer” (Fraiman, Singh, Arrington, and Paris 270), the...

Rhetoric in African-American History Articles

Introduction The chosen articles on the history of African-Americans seem to be linked by individual conventions. The inner organization and content are the items that unite separate text into the united body of knowledge. History is the area where ideology, style, experience, and the depth of research intertwine to create...

Promotion Plan for the Book “Boy on the Move”

Introduction I am sincerely grateful for the inspiration I have acquired from the authors who have profound experience in the book tour. Also, I am grateful for what I have gained from publishers and authors who have opted to share their experiences through diverse mediums and this has considerably helped...

The Rape of Nanking

Introduction War is the largest evil ever to have been invented by human beings. All the rage and horror of war is usually manifested in the treatment that civil citizens of the contesting countries get from their rivals. This aspect of the World War II stands no criticism as far...

Reframing Organizations & Educational Institutions

Case Description Last year, our school faced a challenge familiar to many educational institutions: how to develop a more consistent approach to discipline from classroom to classroom and in common school areas, such as hallways, cafeteria, and playground. Our school community, with the support of the administration, identified the need...

Women’s Status in The Canterbury Tales

Introduction Women from various periods of time portrayed varying degree of domestic and societal influence or standing. This notion may be glimpsed on fictional literature as well as verifiable studies conducted to better understand her story. For fiction, various factors also influence the presentation on the role of women that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Euthanasia Law: Legalization of Euthanasia Issues

One of the more controversial subjects in the medical field and elsewhere for many years has been the question of euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide. Those who support the practice feel strongly that the individual freedoms of choice we enjoy during our lifetimes should also extend...

How Children’s Thinking Came To Be

Man has been in perennial search of knowledge. He has been gifted with the tools to acquire it. Theorists have come up with a variety of ways to explain how a person comes to know things. One theory is the Information Processing Theory which identifies various components that work together...

Gary Soto: Biography and Soto’s Poems Analysis

Gary Soto is a Chicano writer born in Fresco, California in 1952. Even as a child, he used to work as a farm laborer, which had a significant effect on his works resulting in their reflecting the whole reality of life. His works have taken this direction owing to the...

Myth About the Selkies Narrates About the Seal People

The Ireland is a country of ancient myths and traditions whose magical stories are emotional and appealing. Those narrations are always a mixture of love and hate, sufferings and pleasure, joy and grief. The myth about the Selkies narrates about the seal people who have all the qualities of the...

Are There Limits to What Should Be Questioned? Philosophical Questions

Questions are usually used by many people to set the base for an inquiry. Therefore, any constructive conversation must contain some questions. This piece of work therefore tries to explain whether limits should be put to what should be questioned or not. Philosophy is a discipline that is characterized by...

Research Methods for Teaching

Introduction The ways of scientific research and approaches to the presentation of academic work have always evolved in parallel with technological progress. Various scientific developments significantly improved the already existing long-term methods and principles of both quantitative and quantitative methodologies of the study. Digital and Internet technologies have enabled students...

Gender Representation in Akira Kurosawa’s Films

Japanese director Akira Kurosawa is considered one of the most influential filmmakers in the history of cinema. He was taking an active part on many levels of the creation of his films, often serving as a screenwriter and editor. Kurosawa was investigating various themes in his movies, including human identity,...

Militant Groups: Impacts and Management of the Militant Groups

Militant groups are on the increase in the recent past. The word militant means devoting one’s life as a soldier. The term describes movements that use terrorism strategies to conquer their opponents. The various militia groups or extremists rarely share ordinary tactics. The groups usually employ violence either in defense...

All Knowledge Is an Illusion

All knowledge is an illusion. While this declaration does not mean that we should support the supernatural or ignore knowledge, I trust that it is essential to accept some limitations of knowledge that relate to its source. Unless we consider some fundamental premises, we may be surprised to come across...

The Problem of Ocean Pollution Today

Introduction Millions of people around the globe continue celebrating their achievements in the fields of technology, business, health care, and education. Certain steps have already been taken to improve the quality of life and create the best living conditions on the ground. However, society usually forgets that about 70% of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Change and Its Impact on Environment

Introduction Many people have experienced social changes that the environment has impacted. Alteration implies all variations in human societies that can lead to positive or negative outcomes. When transformation occurs in the modes of living of persons and social relations get affected, such alteration is called social changes. For instance,...

Community Health Assessment Evaluation & SWOT Analysis

Wake County is one of the most highly rated living and working environments in the United States and North Carolina. Thankfully to great opportunities, Wake County keeps growing on big scales. The County has more than 1 million people, and it is the largest population in North Carolina (U.S. Census...

Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies Assignment

Dexcom Corporation is a healthcare company that distributes generic, branded, and specialty pharmaceuticals in the United States. The firm’s main goal is to offer quality health care and enhance the quality of care through the products provided in the market. This paper will identify business-level and corporate-level strategies and evaluate...

The Movie “Pursuit of Happyness” by Gabriele Muccino

Perseverance; the desire to keep going when things seem impossible. It is a measure of success, or at least how much one is willing to sacrifice in the pursuit of success. It is difficult to achieve a goal without a plan or direction, but the end goal and path that...

Transcription and DNA Replication

The central dogma of molecular biology postulates the formation of polypeptides and proteins from DNA by two processes called transcription and translation. The biological meaning of these processes, united by the name of protein biosynthesis, is the creation of protein structures in the body. These proteins are used from different...

The Movie “Hidden Figures” by Ted Melfi

The movie Hidden Figures is set in the 1960s during an age in the United States (US) dominated by racism and racial segregation. The film reveals the struggles of three African-American women – Katherine Goble (a mathematician), Mary Jackson (an engineer), and Dorothy Vaughan (a technician) (Melfi & Shetterly, 2017)....

Social Media in Bahraini Decree Law 47 of 2002

Executive Summary Bahrain acquired its independence from the British Protectorate in 1971. Following independence, the country’s new constitution was ratified. The constitution provided for freedom of expression for the press within the media laws present at the time. However, some articles in this same constitution had to contradict clauses on...

Alcohol Advertisement and Its Impact on Consumption

Was Spykes a bad product? Did Anheuser-Busch do the right thing by stopping its sale? In essence, Spykes was not a bad product. Although it was an alcoholic product, it also doubled up as an energy drink that was caffeinated and was packed in different flavors like spicy lime, spicy...

TorontoNorthAutoParts Company’s Human Resources

Introduction The human resources (HR) department in every organization undertakes numerous studies to identify the challenges employees face and apply sustainable strategies to address them. At TorontoNorthAutoParts, the rate of rejects began to increase sharply, therefore forcing the company to introduce superior measures to minimize them. This occurrence might be...

Dementia: Evaluation of an Epidemiological Problem

The individuals with dementia experience memory loss and the reduction of cognitive abilities caused by the degenerative processes in their brain. Today, more than 47 million worldwide are diagnosed with dementia, while it is anticipated that their numbers will grow (Livingston et al., 2017). Dementia is identified by the scholarly...

Five Model of Entrepreneurship: Hurdless and Recommendations

Introduction Launching a new company is a challenging task and requires careful consideration of the product features, positioning strategy, and development opportunities. John and Quincy want to establish a sustainable business that offers customers an environmentally friendly option of powering their homes. The five models of entrepreneurship outline a multidisciplinary...

Buyer Behavior: External Variables in Marketing

Consumer behavior is one of the most important subjects, especially in the field of marketing. It mainly deals with the study of how people choose to buy a certain product, what, when, and why they buy. In fact, it is a multidisciplinary subject that blends elements from psychology, sociology, socio-psychology,...

Globalization, the Sex Trade and HIV-AIDS

Introduction Nineteen-year-old So-Young stands at less than five feet tall after being chronically malnourished in North Korea. A refugee, she crossed illegally into China with hopes of a better life, but found instead a nightmare of sexual exploitation. An “employer” offered her approximately $1.40 per day in exchange for work—money...

Henrik Ibsen and His Portrayal of Women

Outline This paper discusses Henrik Ibsen portrayal of women. Ibsen was one of the finest novelists of Norwegian history. His novels were very controversial about the role of women during that time. Though, he highlights different shades of women characters. This paper discusses his works and highlight how he portrays...

Globalized Terrorism Shall Lose Its Significance

Introduction to claims made regarding globalized terrorism The statement that the significance of the globalized terrorism will be decreased within 10 to 15 years seems to be an impossible one. Terrorism has been in the roots of politics of the states from the era of ruling empires and it would...

Mental Illness and Work: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder, previously termed manic depressive psychosis, is a serious mental illness characterized by mood swings with episodes of both elevated and depressed moods (Bipolar Disorder, 2005). Stressful conditions and functional disturbances are the triggers of mood swings. Effective therapy being available, the positive approach by the families and...

International Child Trafficking: The Modern Slavery

If there is a blot on the conscience of the so-called free world, the modern-day slavery represented by the millions of children who cross borders as sex slaves should turn the blot into a wound. Apparently respectable people cross borders into countries where law-enforcement is either lacking, inefficient or totally...

West Nile Fever: Definition and Scientific Articles

Introduction Many of the diseases, until recently considered exotic, which were mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical endemic foci of Africa and Asia, began to dramatically expand their range, capturing countries in the temperate climatic zone. In terms of the spread of West Nile fever in many countries, it is...

On the Politics of the Object in Life

Introduction Architecture has been evolving over the centuries in accordance with political, cultural, and social aspects of society. Concomitant evolution of architecture with various facets of society implies that, architecture is an integral component of political, social, and cultural spheres that have continually shaped building industry with time. Currently, historians...

A Collaborative Stress Management Initiative for Mothers of Cancer Children

Abstract The article explored the psychological stress experienced by mothers who have cancerous children. The author proposed that support groups are advantageous in stress reduction among mothers of cancerous children. The author did an experimental research to establish his findings. The research is current and relevant to contemporary health issues....

Justice in Ancient Greece: The Liberation Bearers

Introduction The perception of right and wrong and the impact of time on an individual’s actions are challenging concepts that characterize when reviewing the intricacies of justice. Understanding the context with regard to the individual’s intentions seldom helps acquit an individual from wrongdoing in scenarios where negative outcomes are experienced....

Diversity Competent Practice: Teenage Mothers in Foster Care

Giving birth at any age is normally a challenge to women, but it is a more difficult experience for teen mothers and more so for those girls in foster care. Research shows that in the developed world, the nation with the highest number of teen pregnancies is the US (Font...

Microsoft Corporation: PEST and SWOT Analysis

Background Today, Microsoft Corporation is a world leader in software production, provision of services, and Internet technologies for personal computers and servers. Over the years, the company has experienced ups and downs but was able to overcome the crisis and keep the bar of the leader in the development of...

Will China Unify With Taiwan by Force?

Introduction The relationship between China and Taiwan is currently in turmoil, and there are ongoing speculations that China is seeking to unify with Taiwan to form one territory. The suppositions of reunion have been trending for some decades, but the pressure has increased late, showing the interest of the Peoples’...

Universalism as Importance Philosophy of Society

It should be a globally accepted concept that everyone deserves to be helped by others around them, regardless of language difficulties, religion, race, education, income, or place of birth. This should be implemented as a universal rule, with everyone having a moral responsibility to aid another person in situations like...

Language-Rich Environment in Hong Kong Schools

Introduction Creating a language-rich environment is a complex process that requires significant effort at each stage. To study a foreign language, a student must put forth the effort, so having the desire and knowledge of why they are doing it is crucial. When it comes to school-age students, it is...