“The Nicomachean Ethics” Book by Aristotle

Basic Knowledge of the Book The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle is a major guiding force in academic and political ethics, which is a fundamental factor for human existence. The book is based on the author’s views and is subject to constructive and negative criticism from its intended audience. From my...

Summary of Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin

Introduction “Sonny’s Blues” is one of the most compelling short stories that effectively conveys its message to the target audience. The fiction story aims explicitly at telling the story of suffering among the Blacks living in America. The story takes the reader through the tales of two brothers who went...

The Short Story “The Yellow Wall-Paper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The first-person narrative of “The Yellow Wall-Paper,” a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, immediately grabs the reader’s attention. The first-person viewpoint gives readers a clear window into the narrator’s thoughts and feelings. This window is helpful and harmful as the narrator’s mental state steadily declines. Third-person understanding of a...

American Mission of Jewish Return to Holy Land

The idea of ​​the exceptionalism of the American nation and its unique role in helping the oppressed populations appeared many centuries ago. Religious Americans believe that they are destined for the mission of helping the Jewish return to their native Holy Land. These beliefs come from the social, religious, and...

Critical Response to Ford’s Analysis of Networking

Like most other professional skills, networking is important in starting and advancing careers. However, it is difficult and often with a bad reputation as it is understood as an opportunistic practice with no authenticity. Robert Ford (2021) provides a detailed analysis of networking, highlighting its importance and applications in career...

A Political Cartoon About Canada’s Inflation by MacKay

Political Cartoon Background of the Political Cartoon News Story At the beginning of the summer, it became known that gas prices in Canada had reached an all-time high. Canadians in most parts of the country noted that prices were either over $2 per liter or approaching that level. The Consumer...

Cross-Cultural Evangelism Strategies

Cross-cultural evangelism is the sharing of the gospel with people from other cultures. It involves getting to know people from other cultures, learning about their customs and beliefs, and then sharing the gospel with them in a culturally relevant way. An example of cross-cultural evangelism would be a missionary who...

The Unjust British Rule as a Cause of the American Revolution

The British authority and their legislation are dangerous and harmful to the colonists’ welfare. This is not only due to the factors of financial hardship but poor governance that results in injustice and violence that permeates the entire nation. The British crown neglected the demands and needs of the American...

The Bombing of Dresden: How This Decision Can or Cannot Be Justified

Introduction Many people say that at war, there are no entirely right or wrong actions or decisions. When the victory or defeat of entire nations is at stake, many politicians forget about issues of morality and ethics and can make controversial choices. Some later prove to be ethical and positive,...

“La Dolce Vita” Movie by Federico Fellini

La Dolce Vita is a very interesting movie directed by Fellini which portrays issues as they are in the real world. The director (Fellini) captures certain characters in the movie to communicate occurrences in real life situations. It is interesting to watch how the director portrays the tabloid media and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immigration in America as a Political Issues

Since the first immigration of European settlers into North America some 600 years ago, the area has been receiving thousands of new entrants every decade. The feature has created an important topic that has received massive attention over time. Also, it has caused a major problem that is currently affecting...

The First World War Beginning: Causes and Reasons

The First World War, considered as one of the deadliest confrontations in the world’s history, started on July 28, 1914, and finished on November 11, 1918. Almost all the major players on the political scene of that time were involved in this confrontation. The War took place all over Europe,...

Mind-Body Problem: Belmont Principles and Future

Application of the Belmont Principles The topic of our research is the mind-body relationship, and the main question is, “to what extent do psychological factors, and physiological factors influence a person’s character, reactions, and behavior?” The research will be based on a literature review, and thus we will work with...

Containerization, Its Pros & Cons, and Future

The History of the Container for the Transportation of Goods The inventor of the container and the father of containerization is the American Malcolm McLean. It is considered that he was watching workers unloading the car; they were picking up sacks of cotton and carrying on the board of the...

Communism as the U. S. National Paranoia

Because of the desire to keep the integrity of the American society, the fear for the Red Plague, as known as the communists, has been cultivated in the United States for decades. Despite the fact that the United States were rather distanced from the Soviet Union, the Communist ideas were...

Physical Activity and Sedentary Lifestyle Issue

In the contemporary western world where people’s lives do not require much physical activity on a daily basis, sedentary lifestyles and jobs are starting to grow into a serious public health problem. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of risks that can be brought about by physical inactivity. As a...

Carnival Cruise Lines: Business Level Strategy

Introduction The carnival cruises marketing plan is considered the most successful company. It controls up to 44% of the cruise industry worldwide. It runs ten different cruise lines, and it boasts to be the world’s largest night cruise company. The company operates in the Bahamas, Caribbean, Alaska, Hawaii, Europe, Mexican...

Information Technology Oversight and Governance

Highlight the role that the board of directors should play in bringing oversight to IT at IVK. What’s important about the board’s role? Although IT became paramount to the business sphere, it remains the responsibility of IT departments. Nolan and McFarlan state that the majority of boards of directors remain...

Storytelling with Children: the Art of Imagination

Introduction Story telling is one of the mechanisms through which teachers can interact and impart knowledge to children. For my story telling session, I selected “The hare and the Hyena”. The story is about the relationship between the hare and the Hyena and how they lived in the jungle. I...

Prevention of Breast Cancer

The Introduction of Study The present proposal offers a study that will examine the possible effectiveness of consultations performed by advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) in promoting the use of mammography in high-risk populations. The problem of the study is a major one because it is connected to one of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Brazil’s Booming Economy: Too Hot for Comfort

Name of the article Brazil’s booming Economy: Too hot for comfort Author of the article The Economist online In 1-2 paragraphs, outline what the article is about? The article describes the occurrences in the Brazilian Economy in the recent period after the famous global crisis. The Brazilian economy has experienced...

Personal Philosophy of Advanced Nurse Practice

The provision of nursing care is a complex and multifaceted process that involves a multitude of elements and tasks. In particular, there exists a nursing metaparadigm that is comprised of four concepts such as a person, nursing, health, and environment. These components represent critical dimensions in the nursing philosophy of...

Metrics and Performance Measurement in Operations Management

Introduction Metrics is indeed a powerful management tool in aligning company strategies and objectives and ensuring people are working towards a common direction. Going beyond metrics practice in trying to improve processes and products, managers should strive to fulfill predictable requirements in designing and managing metrics to ensure they are...

Wired Magazine: Culture Analysis

The name of the magazine is Wired. They have a target audience that ranges from children all the way to adults. To put it simply, it is suitable for both the old as well as the young. The kinds of products sold in this magazine are mainly electronic gadgetsand electronic...

Microeconomics Principles: Production, Costs and Profits

Benefits of Economies of scale A franchise firm is big company which means that their cost of every unit sold or produced is lower and this implies that they earn higher profits; thus, as the firm expands, the cost per every unit sold or produced significantly reduces (Abraham, 2007). Franchise...

Affirmative Action by Albert Mosley

Is affirmative action in employment an appropriate way to make restitution for a history of discrimination against minorities and women? Mosely (2015) truly believes that it is a kind of moral obligation for governments to provide minorities and women with restitution and use affirmative action in employment as one of...

Teacher Beliefs and Views on Educational System

My Ideal Educational System Based on Classical Thinking To me, the ideal education system would involve both teachers and students in the learning process equally. This is one of the core concepts of Plato’s writings on education, which are explained by Shim (2008) in detail. Specifically, Shim (2008) explains that...

The History of Imperialism and Exploitation

Social Darwinism Social Darwinism was an ideology based on Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection and applied to human society arguing for the “survival of the fittest.” It became popular in the 19th century with the rapid imperialism conquest of the world by European nations. When clashed with native cultures,...

Math and Science Opportunities in a Preschool Program

Introduction Mathematics and science may seem like difficult subjects for young children to understand, but with the selection of right approaches, an educator can reach considerable success in increasing preschoolers’ learning opportunities in these spheres. To make young learners eager to study some mathematical and scientific concepts, a teacher has...

Axon Enterprise, Inc.: SWOT Analysis

Axon Enterprise, Inc. specializes in technology and weapon items for law enforcement and is one of the leading companies in its industry. A necessary activity of such a corporation is performing a SWOT analysis in order to be aware of the company’s situation. SWOT analysis is a general tool examining...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interprofessional Teams and iCare in Intensive Care Units

The intensive care unit (ICU) is a highly complex dynamic work environment that requires highly sophisticated and engaged interprofessional team functioning. Interprofessional contributions and expertise are necessary for effective treatment and patient safety in ICU. There are a variety of teams, including nurses, technical support, clinicians, and specialists which collaborate...

Religion and Healthcare: Cases of Incompatibility

Introduction First, one must note that religion and healthcare often interact with each other due to their connected nature. While healthcare provides care about the physical condition of the body, faith gives the spiritual ways of understanding it. However, their interaction frequently produces unexpected negative results. In several aspects, religion...

Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Pressure Ulcers

Introduction The present project aims to identify the epidemiology and clinical presentation of pressure ulcers as one of the most disturbing issues that may develop in patients staying in bed for a long time. The definition of pressure ulcer, as well as its complications and diagnosing procedures, will be presented....

College-Level Academic Skills Test: A Waste of Time

Introduction CLAST Exam is a waste of time. Testing a student for reading, writing, and maths skills as a requirement for graduation is a waste of time. This is because throughout high school the teachers monitor the ability of the students. The students who have a problem area are identified...

Main Risk Factors of the First Period of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful conversion of a lady to the form of a mother. It is the phase between the formation of the fetus in the womb and the delivery. The first period of pregnancy is called the first trimester of pregnancy and it is the time most of the...

The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank

Introduction This paper will make a review of the book, The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank. The author has explicitly examined and narrated how corruption becomes uniquely blameable in a democratic setup in violating the basic principle on the part of the government, of serving the citizens of the country....

Buyer Behavior in the Wine Industry

The buyer behavior entails the processes through which buyers go through when purchasing and using goods and services. Buyer refers to consumers, agents, or dealers. The buyer’s both personal and psychological characteristics are among the major factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Some of the buyer’s personal characteristics include age,...

Moral Theories: Utilitarianism, Duty-Based Ethics and Virtue-Based Ethics

Introduction Ethics and morals are close in meaning, interchangeable and quite often complementary terms. Studying ethics, people seek to assess the actions and their consequences from the moral point of view. In that sense, moral can be an abstract term, whereas the assessment of one’s actions’ morality is of practical...

Zain Company: Marketing Strategy

Zain Company is the biggest telecommunication network in the company that has proved its success for nearly two decades of presence on the world arena. In the course of time, the network has managed to create the customer’s demand and keep a large market segment despite a vigorous competition perceived...

Values That the ISO9000 Can Bring to Riordan Manufacturing

Introduction ISO 9000 is the accepted system of standards that guarantee correspondence to the world standards and that regulate quality management. Originally, the correspondence to the ISO standards does not guarantee the high quality of the production, however, the adherence to the requirements of these systems of standard promotes the...

Arizona Constitution and How It Affects Counties

Introduction Any government has to outline how it is going to lead its people. This outline which is put in writing is what is called a constitution. The document describes how laws are made by the government, shows the powers that the government has, explains how courts make policies and...

The Research of the Hellenistic Period

Introduction Whereas there is a clash in the exact period that would be defined as Hellenistic period, there is abidance in the general knowledge that it is a period in the Mediterranean region that begins with the death of Alexander the Great and ends with the defeat of Cleopatra. This...

Political Cartoon on Health in the United States

Political cartoons have been used by artists to send a message to the politicians on the current events. The artists usually criticize the politicians for overreacting to the current events, but ignore the usual events that have been affecting the society. Let us consider the following cartoon. In this picture,...

Interpreting Epidemiological Evidence: Research Analysis

Peer reviews are not certain criteria of a work’s quality. Understanding of study design and systematic error/bias is critical for a researcher. This essay investigates the abstract of a sample study and attempts to determine whether it displays any faults related to these aspects. Case Study Design The authors describe...

Managing a Diverse Workforce

Implicit biases are not inherently permanent, and steps can be taken to address their impacts both on a personal and organizational level. Many companies provide implicit bias training, which is necessary but lacks long-term solutions, offering workers to consistently keep their biases in check which requires significant cognitive energy and...

“Reaction to Hernando Washington” by Lisa J. McIntyre

The piece on Hernando Washington’s case, written by Lisa J. McIntyre (2013), is an analysis of criminal behavior from the sociological perspective, yet, on the individual level. The text leaves mixed emotions on that, and it is the task of sociologists to deconstruct the case. Nevertheless, it is fair to...

Preventative Measures for Pressure Ulcer

Introduction Pressure ulcers are the medical conditions of the surface tissues, resulting from the continued weight exertion on the area because of sitting or lying positions. This problem is frequently faced in hospital conditions where the patients are immobilized and subject to the development of the mentioned condition (Baernholdt et...

Email System Upgrade: Project Scope Statement

Project Objective To upgrade the existing email system by January 15th, 2011, in such a way that it becomes: one system with a capacity of 2500 users, replacing the existing 5 systems and making it capable of both LAN and remote (Wi-Fi) access; install new standards and protocols, reconfigure the...

Art Reflection Paper: Drawing vs. Photograph

For every individual, inspiration arises from different things; however, what is common to everybody is that it gives an artist an idea and enthusiasm and triggers the process of creation. It is difficult to predict where inspiration may lead the creator: it can result in the immediate image of the...

“Sources of Stress in Nursing Students” by Pulido

This is a critique of the paper titled Sources of stress in nursing students: a systematic review of quantitative studies by three University of Jaen scholars. All components of the article were evaluated for strengths and weaknesses. It was concluded that the paper was not well written and that it...

Women’s Equality in the 1960s

Introduction In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Carol Oates presents a story of a 15-year-old Connie, who has poor relationships with her mother and sister. The girl began to spend more time in front of the mirror and giggled constantly. Such incomprehensible and joyful sensations of admiration...

Nursing, Community Health

The family A family is a group of people related by marriage, blood, and adoption. As a result, they have strong bonds with each other. The family has a vital role to provide a sense of belonging to its members (Bianchi, Casper & King, 2005). A family’s major role is...

High-Level Assessment Skills: The Importance for Nurses

Nurses are an integral part of the healthcare system and these professionals use their skills to care for patients and promote positive health outcomes. The role of nurses in the healthcare industry has changed significantly over the decades. Clarke (2014) notes that historically nurses were only required to read and...

Vulnerable Populations: Homeless People and Health Inequalities

Gardner, J., & Emory, J. (2018). Changing students’ perceptions of the homeless: A community service learning experience. Nurse Education in Practice, 29, 133–136.  As an underserved, vulnerable part of society, homeless people can take advantage of a service learning experience for nursing students. The article’s main argument implies that the...

Ethical Culture and Misconduct at the Workplace

Almost any person’s work is associated with communication with other humans, even in those rare professions where the employee is isolated from colleagues. These relations can be presented by teammates and work colleagues, higher authorities, and subordinate specialists. Consequently, the workplace should have its own distinctive ethical culture related to...

“The Red Dress” by Alice Munroe

Introduction “The Red Dress” is a short story by Alice Munroe, published in 1946. The tale is told from the point of view of a young girl who goes to high school and lives with her mother, who sews outfits for her daughter. The purpose of this paper is to...

Musculoskeletal Disorders: Rheumatoid Arthritis

The musculoskeletal system consists of such major elements as the skeleton and the muscles. No doctor specializes in one of these components as they are closely connected and function in terms of the processes taking place in this complex system. At that, it could be important to specialize further to...

Leader–Member Exchange and Social Network Theory

Introduction The concept of leadership and the notion of a leader always assume the presence of the followers. As a result, various theories exploring styles and models of leadership view them from the perspective of interpersonal relations and interactions. This paper discusses leader-member exchange theory and social network theory, their...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research: Review

A choice between quantitative and qualitative research Qualitative research aims at deciphering reasons and motivations associated with particular phenomenon while quantitative research aims at quantifying data of a sample giving general conclusions on the whole population (Smith & Firth, 2011). Quantitative research is more rigorous than qualitative research because the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leonardo da Vinci’s Artistic Work

Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian polyhistor of the great renaissance age, is generally regarded as one of the most gifted painters of his time. He was born on 14/15 April 1452 in Florence, Italy, and died in 1519 in France. In his early life, da Vinci was enlightened in the...

Eating Habits, Brain’s Role and Advertising Impact Analysis

Over the recent years, people’s consciousness about their eating habits has significantly raised. There has been a lot of research on neural and psychological processes that occur while consuming food. Those examinations are intended to discover the causes and consequences of obesity and other related eating disorders. With the commonly...

Depressive Symptoms in Patients: Archival Data Analysis

The option chosen for theproject My topic of choice is “Archival Data Analysis.” Archival data refers to data that already exists in libraries, reports, or other data sources. It exists in other files written by another person or organization. Archival data is initially collected for research purposes and kept for...

Causes of Climate Change and Ways to Reduce It

Currently, the topic of climate change has dominated media platforms, international conferences, and research institutions. Although the subject is contagious owing to the associated interests, the world has experienced changes in climatic conditions that can be linked to the alteration of the natural composition of the environment in the recent...

The Issue of Treatment of Status Offenders

There are different views on the issue of treatment of status offenders. One group of specialists believe that status offenders need to be treated similarly to delinquents. This reasoning is based on the assumption that at-risk youth tend to have drug problems and are highly likely to become delinquents as...

Edgar Alan Poe’s Stories Analysis

Works by Edgar Alan Poe are the most terrifying literature pieces in romanticism style. Even though the writer is always considered the representative of romanticism, his works can be regarded as the premise for the Southern Gothic formation. The most outstanding features of Gothicism can be found in his works....

Physical Security: A Biometric Approach

Based on modern trends and current news, failures and violations in IT physical security can lead to catastrophic consequences. As practice shows, such results often include financial losses, dissatisfaction of employees and customers, as well as various litigations and lawsuits. In accordance with this fact, many companies need high-quality protection...

Researching of Strategic Innovation

Innovation is the systematic application of ideas that culminate in the presentation of new products and services or an enhancement in the manner those products and services are offered. In the sphere of business activities and organizational performance, change and transformation can become the drivers of progress. Hence, it is...

“Stress Test for Free Speech” by Lincoln Caplan

Purpose It is possible to suggest that the two aims of Caplan’s writing are to inform and persuade people. Considering the former purpose, the author uses several techniques. To begin with, Caplan describes the issue with social networks and the First Amendment and explains its causes to provide the readers...

FindDreamJob Ltd.’s Advice to College Students

FindDreamJob Ltd. offers advice to college students who are considering their career options. Therefore, as a company representative, I would like to discuss the career outlook of Information Clerks based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and provide my findings and recommendations. The employment prospects are promising because overall...

Are You a True Leader or Just a Boss?

Leadership, in addition to solid character and certain characteristics, is often associated with prestige. This can be explained by the fact that not any individual can be called a leader, but only a person who possesses certain skills. Such skills, as, for example, the ability to listen or enter into...

Eveline Short Story by James Joyce

Eveline is a short story written by James Joyce about a 19-year-old woman making a hard choice regarding the direction of her entire life. Eveline lives in Dublin with her old abusive father; she works hard and looks after the house. Her mother and one of her brothers – Ernest...

Steroids in Sports: Overview and Analysis

Mazzeo, F. (2018). Anabolic steroid use in sports and in physical activity: Overview and analysis. Sport Mont, 16(3), 113-118. Web. In her article, the author describes the problem of the use of doping by athletes. Sport is one of the most common activities for both adults and children, but some...

Concert Review: George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”

Background Information The selected concert was performed at the New York Philharmonic in 1976. It became one of the most famous renditions of the already iconic composition Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin. Leonard Bernstein, a legendary American conductor, who conducted in New York Philharmonic for forty seasons (Alsop), played...

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex Production by Max Stapleton

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex is a tragedy that explores the story of King Oedipus. In Greek mythology, King Oedipus was the King of Thebes, one of the largest cities in Ancient Central Greece. Of all Sophocles’ Theban plays he wrote, three survived, which directly or indirectly touched King Oedipus. This essay...

Discussion: Meditation on Death Awareness

Meditation on death may sound gloomy and unnecessary, but it has a great spiritual potential for ourselves. People get used to the things they possess and love during the life course. But, when the death comes, the self is deprived of all these things and has to start the death...

Natural Rights and Their Protection in the Constitution

A primary goal of the U.S. Constitution, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to protect people’s natural rights. The main three natural rights introduced by John Locke that are applicable to everyone are “life, liberty and property.” In the United States Declaration of Independence, the concept of natural...

Law of Armed Conflict Rebuttal

BRAVO’s actions in JULIET and ALPHA territories were necessitated by the presence of Day of Revenge (DOR) terrorists in the areas. The country faced an imminent threat as its neighbors harbored and protected its most significant concern for democracy. It is prudent to note that while ALPHA and JULIET issued...

Opioid Addiction Struggles and Coping Methods

The present case discussion focuses on Xavier’s struggles with opioid addiction, coping methods, and possible interventions to improve his adaptation. The client is a divorced thirty-two-year-old part-time landscaper exhibiting various biological, psychological, and social features worth consideration during the intervention. The following is a summary of his biopsychosocial features as...

Decent Work in Western Australia

Introduction The world as a whole should benefit from economic prosperity. According to the UN (n.d.), SDG8’s aim is to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” (para. 1). This is why the government must ensure that economic growth produces honest...

“COVID-19 Aerosol and Surface Stability” by Van Doremalen et al.

Shortly after the beginning of the pandemic, extensive academic research was devoted to finding differences between the emerging SARS-CoV-2 and the prior similar strains to identify the most effective prevention and mitigation strategies. Van Doremalen et al. compared the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 in different environmental conditions. Namely, they...

Gambling Addiction in “The Power of Habit”

Gambling addiction has been haunting people for years. It is too difficult to give up the opportunity to make easy money because it seems to every gambler that his day will come and he will win a substantial sum of money. This craving for an easy life without worries and...

Modern and Traditional Poetry Types

Poetry is not simply rhyming but is elevated to the rank of magnificent art. Poetry has existed for many millennia; the first poems were songs and were transmitted orally, which is why many of them are not known today. It is essential to mention that the oldest poetry known to...

A Natural Disaster Preparation Plan

Natural disasters are frequently occurring events that can meaningfully impact the life, health, and well-being of many people. Any severe weather that poses a substantial threat to human life, property, and critical infrastructure essential for the functioning of society and government can be viewed as a natural disaster (U.S. Department...

The Importance of Affirmative Action to Women of Color

Introduction One of the best methods for righting the wrongs brought about by long-standing prejudice in our country against women and people of color is affirmative action. It also helps level the playing field where there has long been inequality. Despite the progress made during the civil rights period, racism...

Public Health Efforts to Support Mothers During Pregnancy

Introduction Obesity, hypertension, bleeding, malnutrition, and mental health issues are some of the common problems a woman may face during and after pregnancy. Unfortunately, some women cannot carry their pregnancies to term and may experience miscarriage or fetal loss. Because giving birth is a matter of life and death for...

The Stella Artois Firm’s Digital Development Strategy

In 1366, the monastery servants from the city of Leuven built the Den Hoorn brewery for their own use. After almost four centuries later, the history of the world-famous Belgian beer Stella Artois began. In 1708, Sebastian Artois became head brewer at Den Hoorn. After nine years, Sebastian named the...

An Incident of Mass Violence in the United States

Introduction One recent incident of mass violence in the United States was the Parkland School Shooting that occurred on February 14th, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida (Schildkraut et al., 2022). The former school student shooter killed 17 people and injured 17 others. The incident lasted...

Psychoanalytic Theories and Their Differences

In psychoanalysis, there are many theories, on the basis of which therapists successfully build their practice. However, those that lose their level of relevance and cease to be trendy, as it happened with the teachings of Z. Freud, are among them. Moreover, there are often contradictions and mutual exclusions between...

Animal Rights: What of Animal Cloning?

Animal cloning is a subject that has attracted substantial controversy, especially after scientists revealed that it is also possible to clone humans. People around the world are thus divided on the issues with large factions against animal cloning, and the rest opposed to the idea. A bill has recently been...

Popular Research Paper Topics

History of Assessment and Ethical Issues – Psychology

In psychology, assessment is regarded as a critical process as it helps clinical psychologists acquire valuable information in diagnoses, selection of treatment options, and therapeutic change quantification. Personal assessment has become a very common practice in a wide range of subjects. Personality assessment involves the study of the characteristics which...

Franklin Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler: Inaugural Speeches

Introduction The aftermaths of the World War I and the Great Depression made people eager to see the changes. Strong leaders such as Roosevelt and Hitler offered the changes that had a positive impact on the development of their economies. However, Hitler insisted that his nation can prosper, but the...

Domain of the Cognitive Development

Abstract This paper offers a preliminary discussion of the domain of cognitive development, including its definition, the overview of the most influential theories, and the suggestions for future research on the topic. The paper briefly characterizes Piaget’s, Vygotsky’s, and neo-Piagetian theories, explains the personal interest of the researcher in the...

Colonial and Revolutionary America

In 1776 America faced a series of problems that required immediate resolution. While the British forces were perfectly disciplined, armed, and organized, the Patriot army experienced a lack of skilled generals and soldiers as well as a lack of armament. The Patriots needed foreign aid, and if they wanted to...

Ugli Orange Case and Filley’s Conflict Management Theory

Conflicts are an inevitable part of all group activities. However, in many cases, a suitable approach to conflict resolution process will provide acceptable terms for both sides. The following paper analyzes the Ugli Orange case, identifies and applies to it an appropriate conflict management theory, and offers an optimal resolution....

Fetal Development and Infant Attachment

Fetal Development The development of a fetus is influenced by a multitude of factors throughout the process. While the exact number of these influences and their relative weight is unclear, they are most commonly divided into two broad categories: biological and environmental determinants. The biological side of the process is...

Critical Thinking in Addressing Dispensing Errors

Dispensing errors are common and most of them, often, go undetected when dispensing drugs in the hospitals and the pharmacies. The errors may occur at any stage during the dispensing process which begins with the receipt of a prescription and ends with the release of the drug (Leung et al....

Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships

Early childhood education is guided by a variety of standards. In 2010, the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) formulated the initial standards to regulate professional preparation in the context of early childhood education. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Standard Two as one of...

Healthcare Information Technology Plan and Structure

How does a healthcare company’s IT area ensure that its information technology plan is aligned to the strategic plan and activities of the organization? Healthcare company’s IT area is the foundation of the transition to conducting personalized statistical reporting in the health care sector. IT solutions allow conducting a personalized...

Elder Abuse and End-of-Life Planning

Introduction In their daily work, care providers, such as physicians and nurses, face numerous ethical challenges. Elder abuse and end of life planning are among the most critical topics that cause ethical issues and dilemmas. To understand how to resolve essential issues, care providers should have in-depth knowledge of these...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Community Health Nurse in Canada

Introduction It should be noted that the role of the community health nurse (CHN) in Canada is multifaceted and complex. CHNs contribute to the enhancement of the population’s well-being in multiple ways and take on various responsibilities to be able to address the essential needs of people. CHNs in Canada...

CIO.com Website’s Structure and Content

Summary The website cio.com primarily deals with providing information on the latest I.T. trends in the realm of business process outsourcing, cloud computing, and the latest news in the tech, software, and security systems industry (Brodkin, 2011). Its primary source of revenue is the various advertisements placed on the site...

Chip Manufacturer’s Production Specifications

What Are the Elements That the Production Manager Should Consider in Determining His Company’s Ability to Produce Chips That Meet Specifications? To identify the company’s ability to produce the chips of the designated size, the production manager should consider the data such as the p-value and the confidence coefficient. The...

The Art of Motivating Employees

What would you have done as an HR professional if you had to deal with similar situations Dr. Grant has dealt with? If I was in the same position that Dr. Grant was in and given the fact that I had the same human resource management knowledge that I have...

Diversity Recruiting Materials: Online Analysis

Abstract The paper presents the results of the top companies’ websites analysis based on the questions formulated by Canas and Sondak (2014). The focus of the analysis is on discussing the companies’ commitment to diversity, as it is represented on the website. Introduction For many American companies, the promotion of...

“The Tempest” Play at St. Louis Shakespeare Festival

Introduction The Tempest is a widely known play by the well-known author Shakespeare. The creation tells a story of a man (who used to be a Duke) being trapped on an island with his daughter. One of the modern interpretations of the piece was shown at the St. Louis Shakespeare...

Project Risk Management Plan and Analysis Techniques

Strategies on the PMBOK Guide The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge creates a temporal framework for project implementation. The major strategies include a WBS, project scope, project requirements, defined activities, activity resources, project timeline, project schedules, and cost estimate. Risk Management Plan Risk management is a procedure...

Cyberbullying Issue and Interventions

Introduction The 21st century is known as the age of communication. It is now possible for individuals to remain connected with thousands of their peers thousands of kilometers away. However, this progress did not come without a price. The borders of what is considered public and private have shifted considerably,...

Margaret Fuller’s Women Empowerment Efforts

Introduction Margaret Fuller is one of the most influential female authors, editors, and journalists in the American history. Born on May 23, 1810 in Massachusetts, U.S., she holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans for her association with the American renaissance and the transcendentalism movement (Marshall 16)....

The Socratic Method as a Particular Way of Teaching and Learning

The Socratic Method is a particular way of teaching and learning, which originated in the V century BC in Athens. The method entails engaging in a structured debate to uncover more accurate meanings to concepts. In the debate, the teacher does not provide the students with undeniable factual knowledge but...

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Psychology of Difficult Choices on a Daily Basis

Introduction As social creatures, people have to make difficult choices on a daily basis. In fact, inconsistencies between individuals’ own goal strivings and responsibilities act as a barrier to decision-making. The assigned case presents a dilemma of a student who has to prepare for his exams but wants to attend...

Sexualization of Women in Hollywood Cinema

Introduction Hollywood is a widely known brand of cinematography. It is considered to be the capital of modern western film-making. It is known for hundreds of famous pictures and thousands of talented actors that took part in them. At the same time, cinema has deeply rooted connections to the gender...

Patient Safety and Nursing Satisfaction Project

Problem Conceptualization When caregivers are not well, deterioration in the quality and quantity of patient care may occur. The research has indicated that nurses’ workloads and schedules can pose problems for addressing the issues mentioned above (Roberts & Grubb, 2014). This paper provides an intervention defining whether the implementation of...

Law and Nursing Practice in Florida and Alabama

Introduction The role of nurses in modern society is extremely important because these people contribute to the quality of human life. In addition to a number of administrative tasks, activities, and ethical aspects, nursing practice is characterized by certain legal regulations. There are specific laws and levels of responsibility that...

Globalization and Health

Globalization is a critical component in international public health. It is impacted by various patterns of migration, extensive trade, altering dietary practices, and ecological catastrophes; all of which affect the health of populations and contribute to the spreading of disease. Globalization has emerged concurrently with urbanization, which offers a variety...

Approach to Viewing Race and Race Relations: Critical Race Theory

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The Good Life: Meaning and Analysing

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Psychological Contract Between the Employer and the Employee

Introduction The psychological contract between the employer and the employee can be understood as an unwritten agreement, the formal definition of which can vary, but mostly revolve around expectations and beliefs regarding terms of an exchange agreement between the employee and the organization (Maguire, 2004). Accordingly, the agreement is not...

What is this Good News?

Faith in God is a power which gives people life and allows them to be busy with their casual life. Faith in God gives power to live. There are a lot people who follow all God’s passages and live godly life. Jesus, God’s son, was transmitted to Earth to tell...

Danger to Be a Journalist

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Popular Research Paper Topics

“Nice Guys Can Get the Corner Office” by Edelman Russ

The Book, “Nice Guys Can Get the Corner Office” is a conflicting view of why being a nice guy in business and life has more benefits than what the conservative believes. Being a nice person is a fashioned thing in the modern world contrary to what the conservative has believed...

Parsing and Analysis of the Phenomenon of Terrorism

Introduction The common objective for most terrorist groups that engage in violent activities has been achieve their political goals. These objectives vary from reclaiming a certain territory to freeing of detained prisoners. With all the carnage, violence and dead bodies most people even the neutrals do not see how killing...

Manha De Carnival Analysis

To begin with, it is necessary to state that the piece to be analyzed in this paper is a bright example of the Brazilian music style called Bossa Nova. The piece of music under consideration was created by Luiz Bonfa and Carl Sigman. The original version of the song has...

National Security Policies of the United States

Analyzing the effect of the perception of the public and the media on the policies of presidents, it can be stated that the issue is rather twofold. On the one hand, the most apparent impact can be assumed to be through elections, where the increased criticism leads to a decline...

Hamlet’s Vision and Candide’s Consideration of Love

Love is the ruling force of the evolution. People all over the world consider love as the brightest and the warmest feeling. Love is often the main theme of the greatest works of world literature. The theme of romantic love is also discussed in such masterpieces as William Shakespeare’s Hamlet...

US Army Leadership Foundations and Standards

Leadership is one of those few qualities that is an essential condition for any society’s normal functioning. Not everyone has a natural inclination for this feature, but some courses and approaches allow developing such property. Since no enterprise in any field of activity can exist without these skills, leadership qualities...

Differences Between Presidential and Parliamentary Types of Democracy

In the presidential form of democracy such as America, the President is the executive head as well as the head of state of the government who is aided by his ‘cabinet’ chosen by him. The President thus combines, both the executive functions as well as the diplomatic and ceremonial functions...

Trump Administration and Transgender Discrimination

At present, American political rhetoric actively incorporates the questions of gender and sexuality. One of the recent issues that caught the public eye and media attention is the Trump administration’s treatment of transgender people’s healthcare rights. There has been a long-lasting discussion about sex-based discrimination in the Affordable Care Act...

The Namesake: Comparison of Ashima and Gogol

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is a novel that demonstrates all the difficulties of adapting a person to a new cultural environment, as well as the search for his or her identity. The older generation has its problems because they need to accustom to the differences of the new culture...

“Song of Solomon” by Toni Morrison

Song of Solomon is a novel written by Toni Morrison in 1977 and belongs to African American literature. Although this text is one of the writer’s first works, the book brought Morrison great fame. The story of a young African American Macon Dead has raised many questions about black people’s...

“Beyond 90°” by Kemi Adeyemi

Introduction Inequalities in the distribution of power, prejudice, and the representation of some groups as the deviation from the universally accepted norm remain significant issues today. In her analytical article, Kemi Adeyemi gives a new meaning to the well-known physical notion of learning. This essay aims to explore the term...

Medicare and Medicaid Patients: Medical Theories

Introduction Many aspects have to be considered while promoting health care for American patients. Decamp et al. (2018) underline the importance of following ethical principles of non-maleficence, respect, and justice to design efficient population health programs and enhance medical professional growth. However, the case of Cape Fear Endocrinology and Metabolic...

French Huna for Health

Introduction Successful health care is reliant on self-care as it highly contributes to one’s well-being. Although there is continued progress toward a holistic advance to healing and fitness, the disease remains the focal point. There is a rising concentration on disease prevention, the establishment of a cure for sicknesses, and...

The Technology of Heat Transfer Through Walls

Heat is defined as the measure of the amount of thermal or kinetic energy in a body. Heat transfer is therefore the movement of the kinetic energy from one part of the body to another. This movement is usually due to a temperature gradient brought about by a difference in...

Ethics of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged science and healthcare systems in many countries, but it also has posed several ethical questions to the international community. One of them is whether it is ethical and moral to infect a healthy individual in case the Phase III research needs it. From...

Extraneous Variables in Experiments

Introduction There are some variables in experiments besides the independent variables that usually cause a variation or a change to the dependent variables. These variables are referred as extraneous variables in research parlance. For instance, when studying patients and their response to medication, the researchers could realize that age affects...

Cordless Mixers Sale in the Kitchen Aids Company

This memo is intended to advise the Kitchen Aids Chief Finance Officer on the Revenue related to the cordless mixers sales. Since there are many customers of the cordless mixers, there are several information concerning the selling of this product to retailers and consumers. The advice herein emphasizes that the...

Sydney Opera House in the Geographical Context

Australia is known for its unusual nature and wildlife, yet one of its most recognizable cultural symbols is the Sydney Opera House. The structure was opened in 1973 and serves as one of the main tourist destinations attracting millions of visitors each year (The Sydney Opera House, 2019). It is...

Visualization of the DsRed1 Protein Tool

Introduction and Question Visualization of the DsRed1 protein is enabled because of its relatively longer wavelength of its red-emitting fluorescent protein that presents fewer challenges during in vivo labeling because of the reduced light scattering effect (Rodrigues, Hemert, Steensema and Leao, 2001). The importance of application of the DsRed1 protein...

Locating Credible Databases and Research Nursing

Promoting evidence-based practice among nursing staff is a responsible task for the management of healthcare institutions. As an example of such an activity, the case of a nurse from the surgical department will be reviewed. She asked to clarify the peculiarities and ambiguous aspects of such a diagnosis as a...

Social Justice and Sustainable Business Practices

Climate change and environmental degradation have become evident problems around the world, stemming from waste and emissions produced by human activity. Large businesses play a significant role in contributing to global emissions with practices ranging from manufacturing to transportation and overuse of certain materials such water, plastics, and others, creating...

African American Cultural Group’s Health Analysis

An Overview of the African Americans The African Americans of the US are what some people prefer to call the Blacks or the Negros. This group of Americans has its origins in those parts of the world that have the black race such as Africa and the Caribbean. There are...

The Choleycystits: Review of Literature

“The description by evidence-based medicine (EBM) principles and methods was used to analyze the literature of using Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) for treatment of Choleycystits” (“ZY, D., GL, W., X, L., J, L., DZ, Z., & CQ, L.”, (n.d.).). Eight medical research databases were searched including Chinese Clinical Registry Center,...

Certified Professional Midwifery Practice and the Home Birth Freedom Act

Brief history The Home Birth Freedom Act seeks to accredit Certified Professional Midwifery (CPM) practices (Fischbein, 2013). The act aims at protecting the CPM practitioners from being prosecuted. In addition, the act advocates for no supervision of midwives by the physicians. Senator Tom Goolsby filed the bill on 19 February...

Biology: Aspects of Fruits

A fruit is the fleshy and sweet part of a tree or any flowering plant that contains seeds. Some fruits are poisonous while some are edible. Plants usually disseminate seeds using fruits. There are different types of fruits and each has its distinctive taste. Some fruits are sweet; some are...

Sickle Cell Anemia: Detection, Complications, and Transplantation of Liver

“The Manual Process of Detection of Sickle Cell Anemia” Lack of enough healthy blood cells causes anemia since the red blood cells are responsible in transporting the oxygen to all parts of the body. The inheritable disease is caused when a person gets two abnormal genes from each of the...

Collective Bargaining Procedure and Its History

Collective bargaining is the concept that has captured my attention in this module. It is a procedure that offers a platform for negotiation between employers and employees intended to institute and regulate working remunerations, conditions, benefits, and other elements of staff compensation and privileges (Nigro & Kellough 2014). The concept...

Exploiting Virtual Value Chain

Executive Summary Over the past decades, the world has changed dramatically, and the business realm has not been left behind. The scenario is exemplified in the article “Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain” by Rayport and Sviokla, published in 1995 in the Harvard Business Review. The authors argue that businesses nowadays...

Discussion of Challenges in Long-Term Care

The first article includes literature reviews of a book that analyzes the perception of nurse long-term care from first-hand sources. The book focuses on ethical issues for specific populations to assist nursing students, educators, researchers, staff, administrators, and others who may interact with long-term care patients. The text is organized...

Amy Tan’s Reflections on English Varieties in ‘Mother Tongue’

Summary of Text: In her article “Mother tongue,” Amy Tan shares her views on different forms of English and their impact on the life of people, especially immigrants. She raises the problem of the limitations of their activities connected with the language barrier (Tan, 1990). In the article, Amy describes...