“Nurses and Nursing Assistants’ Decision-Making Regarding Use of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Technology” the Article by Kanaskie and Snyder

Research Problem/Purpose The problem statement is clearly presented in the article “Nurses and Nursing Assistants’ Decision-Making Regarding Use of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Technology: A Qualitative Study” by Kanaskie and Snyder (2018). This study aims at exploring the use of safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) among registered health...

Shared Leadership in Nursing Settings

Introduction Different approaches to leadership exist, and their appropriate use in healthcare is critical. Among other things, surgical settings need suitable leadership approaches (Aufegger, Shariq, Bicknell, Ashrafian, & Darzi, 2019). Shared leadership (SL) presupposes a horizontal approach to leadership, in which entire teams share tasks and responsibilities (D’Innocenzo, Mathieu, &...

Chinese New Year Celebration History

The Chinese New Year is a long celebration spanning for fifteen days commemorated on the citing of the second new moon. This is done immediately after solar winter solstice. The Chinese New Year is based purely on astronomer’s observations. Of all Chinese celebrations, the New Year holiday is rated as...

Same-Sex Marriage Legality: Discussion

Outline Same-sex marriage is becoming common and accepted legally and socially in many societies. This is more common in more advanced economies like the UK, Europe and the USA. There are three factors that affect same sex marriage namely society, legal factors and religion. It appears that it is the...

Should US Public Schools Have a Longer Year?

Introduction US pubic schools should never have a longer school year. However, it is best to understand in brief about the education system of USA and then analyze the pros and cons of both sides before arriving at a conclusion in the context of having a longer school year. It...

Business Outsourcing and Contracting

Small Project Cost Estimating at Percy Project overrun refers to a case where a project takes more time than was expected. This is a common phenomenon in an organization. Before a project is undertaken, managers should carry out a careful analysis as to the duration of the project, total costs,...

Following Toyota’s Standards: The Case of Nokia

In the world of business, companies need to choose appropriate plans to become successful in the market. Some of such strategies are connected with customer-oriented initiatives and waste elimination practices. Toyota is the company that first introduced the lean enterprise model and Toyota Production System, and it has already proven...

Genghis Khan: The History of Life

Introduction Genghis Khan was a Mongolian Emperor and prominent military leader in the 13-14th centuries AD. He is notably one of the most prominent leaders of the region and strongly contributed to the spread of the Mongol Empire which encompassed most of Eurasia and Southeast Asia becoming the second largest...

Manifesto of a Generation: “The Breakfast Club” by John Hughes

Introduction The Breakfast Club was different from typical films for young people of that time. The release of the picture determined the development of the English-language youth cinema genre for decades. I choose this film because although it is a simple story without plot twists and unpredictable ending, the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Children of 1 to 10 Years of Age

Introduction The chosen subject for a scholarly paper is the prevention of childhood obesity in children of 1 to 10 years of age. This subject was chosen because of the widespread presence of obesity in modern western states, which begins from an early age and follows a person throughout their...

PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

It is of utmost importance to develop new patient care practices or implement changes to the existing ones, thus making them reflective of the recent trends in the field. The so-called PICO(T) method is used to guide the process of data collection since it allows practitioners to formulate specific questions....

God Exists: Reasoning and Proof

One of the topics that can be discussed indefinitely is the existence or unreality of God. Neither this discussion nor any other can ever answer that question. Moreover, the debate about God or Deities has been going on since the human mind (Feuerbach, 2018). It is crucial to understand this...

Gender and Sexual Labeling

The two major categories for gender and sexuality labeling that are recurrently used within contemporary society are related either to (a) specific actions or (b) particular identities. For the queer community, the situation is different because it does not adhere to any existing categories such as sodomite (action-based labeling) or...

The Causes of Water Pollution

Introduction Water pollution is a significant decrease in water resources’ quality due to the ingress of various chemicals and solid waste into streams, rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, or the multiplication of microscopic living organisms. The causes of water pollution are related to human activities. After observing the Drinking Water...

Animal Behavior of a Snake

Snakes are a widespread species that can be found in almost every part of the planet. While many people find them dangerous and even have phobias associated with snakes, they are interesting animals worthy of researchers’ attention. Due to the snakes’ inaccurate portrayal in media and culture, the general population...

The Death From Patriarchal Dependence

Marriage is a complex institutional system in which relationships between partners can be destructive. “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin is a feminist short story in which a woman reveals the subconscious desire to be free from her spouse’s pressure. A husband’s tragic death initially upsets Louise Mallard,...

Community Resources for Older Individuals

Old age is a critical period that often results in the deterioration of various spheres in an individual’s life, for example, one or more of either physical, social, or mental domains. However, with the right community services to support elderly individuals, it helps improve their quality of life and delay...

Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections: Prevention and Reduction of Infection Rates

Introduction The first thing that should be done is the analysis of five peer-reviewed evidence-based articles on the issues of central line-associated infections with older adults and ways of preventing and reducing the rate of infections. 1a. Read and review five articles for the strategies and interventions known as the...

Responsibilities Regarding Humans as Research Subjects

Human exploration guidelines ensure that people are treated ethically without causing harm to research subjects. Moral rules that oversee the application of human subjects under examination are a genuinely new development. After 1906, administrative bodies, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Institutional Review Board (IRBs) were presented...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Concept of Nursing Informatics

Introduction The 21st century has seen significant progress in terms of computer technology growth and its practical applications in a variety of spheres. Modern informatics allows for efficient data storage and exchange, thus contributing to the quality of services. This factor plays a role of paramount importance in healthcare, as...

Personal Management Plans: Managing Stress, Nutrition

Introduction One of the essential aspects in life is to ensure we live a quality life free from stress. To achieve this goal there is a need to encourage fitness, a positive and good nutrition, develop better disease prevention mechanism, and ensure better departure. It is every person’s dream to...

Why the Wealthy Do Not Go to Jail for Hate Crimes

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr once said that “Darkness cannot drive the darkness away, only light can do that. In the same way, hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” These words are powerful in every sense as they talk about tolerating one another regardless of their...

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray

Abstract Medical Malpractice Lawsuit People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray presents a case of medical malpractice. The paper discusses the allegations which were made in the case, evidence presented, defense argument, punishment awarded to Dr. Murray and whether the situation could have been avoided. Introduction The legal case concerning the Michael...

The Future of Satellites Lies in the Constellations by Nataniel Scharping

The recent article “The future of satellites lies in the constellations” by Nataniel Scharping, published in Astronomy magazine, discusses possible opportunities and problems that may arise from the launching and operation of numerous satellites. The author argues that by 2030, the number of active satellites revolving around the Earth may...

Kunshan: The Making of China’s Richest Town

The successful development of a provincial region is complex due to the number of innovations that need to be introduced. That is why the example of Kunshan, located in southeastern Jiangsu, is so revealing. In just ten years, the city’s population has grown from 600,000 to over two million (Kirby...

Virginia Henderson Nursing Need Theory

Introduction For advanced nursing care, nurses must be familiar with nursing theories, which were established to give direction for clinical practice. According to Gligor and Carmen (2020), recent advances in technology, abilities, expert knowledge, and patient needs and expectations have resulted in a changing health system. Growing lifespans and chronic...

Media Influences on People’s Views and Opinions

It is hard to disagree that various types of media can have stronger or weaker impacts on the behaviors and thoughts of their audiences. Even though many of these effects are, unfortunately, negative or biased, some sources or authors decide to open people’s eyes and get them to think about...

Symbolism of Canopic Jars in Ancient Egypt

Introduction A canopic jar is a ritual vessel, usually a jug with a lid in the shape of a human or animal head. The ancient Egyptians stored organs extracted from the bodies of the dead during mummification. After extraction, the organs were washed and then immersed in vessels with balm...

Researching of Board of Nursing in Texas

Board of Nursing In order to understand the differences between nursing professional associations and boards, it is vital to review the key features of each entity. A board of nursing (BoN) is a state agency that operates on behalf of the government. In total, there are 59 Boards of Nursing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Philosophical Teachings About the State

Introduction The state is the leading central institution of society, which is a political and territorial organization of public power that has a special apparatus capable of making its dictates binding and exercising its governance. Philosophers tend to discuss their own opinions about what they think is the state and...

West Kowloon Cultural District Development

West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) is a cultural development plan in the city of Hong Kong. It aims to create a district that will combine both traditional and modern elements, making it “A Place For Everyone” (About the District). The project began in the 90s and was approved by the...

The Movie “Liar Liar” by Tom Shadyac: Moral Issues Analysis

The philosophy behind morality helps to train mind in the disciplines of logical and critical thinking to distinguish between good and evil and what merely appears to be both of these things. As normative ethics became widespread, more theories and addendum were proposed by scholars and philosophers. Over the years,...

Market Structures: Principles of Macroeconomics

Under perfect competition, many firms sell identical products, the price is set by the market; Under monopolistic competition, the price is still set by the market, but the products are more differentiated; With an oligopoly, the number of firms in the market is small, a high degree of interaction between...

National Office Machines and Nippon Cash Machines Merge

Major Issues in the Case Study The merging of National Office Machines (NOM) from the United States and Nippon Cash Machines (NCM) from Japan brings two different cultures together with contrasting marketing strategies. The two significant problems that result from this partnership include: the problem of the ideal compensation plan...

The “If Introverts Were Honest” TikTok Sketch

Summary This work is devoted to the analysis of a sketch from TikTok. Its author is Kris Collins, who is quite famous for her videos on social networks. The sketch in question is dedicated to such a type of person as an introvert who is not very socially active, taciturn,...

“West European Jewry 1940–1944” by Bauer

Subject and Thesis Statement This chapter is devoted to the situation of Jewry in Western Europe during the Second World War. The main subject is the consideration of how the attitude towards the Jewish population in European countries was formed under the influence of Nazi policy. From the author’s point...

Teratogens and Their Effect on Mothers and Children

Introduction Teratogens are substances, such as medications, chemicals, or diseases, that can induce aberrant development in the womb. Teratogens are ambient substances that, when introduced to the mother, can disrupt normal fetal development, culminating in gestational maldevelopment or mortality (Tsamantioti and Hashmi, 2020). There are billions of possible teratogens, but...

Cultural Importance of Ognissanti Madonna and Basilica of Saint-Denis

Introduction Ognissanti Madonna is an altarpiece that Giotto created in c. 1300-05. It was his only painting and was explicitly meant for the church of the Ognissanti in Florence. Although the painting was undocumented, it was universally accepted by scholars. Before creating the painting, the Humiliati, a religious order, did...

Anxiety Disorders in Older Adults

Although anxiety is a common reaction to stress, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are all conditions that can cause chronic anxiety. Numerous people suffer from anxiety disorders daily, which may be devastating in many circumstances (Goodwin et al., 2020). A diagnosis of an anxiety condition...

When Distance Offers Pain and Hope

After failing the first time in any area of life, it is always encouraged that someone tries a second time. Quitting can protect a person from potential failure and possible victory or happiness. On October 22nd, 2015, a freshman, Annie Danielson, meets a 6’5” sophomore basketball college athlete at the...

Colorectal Cancer Screening and Its Importance

Introduction Colorectal cancer is among the most common cancers across the world. It starts either in the rectum or colon, and its naming depends on where it starts. Rectal and colon cancers are usually grouped because they have numerous common features. Due to this, they have the same screening tests...

Associate Degree Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum

The traditional approach to the nursing curriculum design in the healthcare field seems no longer able to enclose all the knowledge the students need to become professionals. In addition, the ever-changing pace of the modern healthcare environment, technological advances, and recent research results require profound skills in generalizing and critical...

The Great Escape by Paul Brickhill: Book Analysis

The Great Escape, a non-fiction book by Paul Brickhill that was released by WW Norton & Company in 1950, describes what it was like to live in a German POW camp during World War II. The author was an Australian fighter pilot and became a prisoner of war, which means...

Law Enforcement: The Perfect Policeman

Introduction The policemen play a significant role in maintaining law and order in society. Therefore, they deal with issues ranging from civil disputes to criminal disputes. In many societies, policemen are expected to know the law and any other area that involves maintaining law and order. Unlike other professionals, police...

Development: “The Absorbent Mind” by Maria Montessori

Introduction In Richard III and Godfather II, one can fully trace the main characters’ history and formation, making it possible to understand their motives in favor of choosing a criminal path. The hero of Shakespeare’s work, Richard the Third, is the main manipulator of the tragedy, who skillfully uses any...

The Problem of Free Will

John Searle and Rene Descartes on Dualism Descartes’ philosophy can be represented as an extreme manifestation of dualism since the philosopher believed that a mind does not have any physical properties and, thus, is related directly to consciousness. Searle, on the other hand, believed that there is a strong biological...

Snapple Juice Company Analysis

Introduction Snapple Juice targets all the youths and young people. As far as market segmentation is concerned, Snapple juice targets the health conscious market segment (Snapple 16). The company brands and beverages target the youth and they have been doing well in this target market. All along, Snapple juice has...

The Enron Scandal: Watching the Commercial Bubble Burst

Abstract The Enron scandal has become a notorious case of the 21st-century entrepreneurship. Although the concept of a financial fraud itself cannot be considered something out of the ordinary, it was unexpected to witness a global company deciding to choose this avenue to manage its financial issues. Despite the fact...

Early Care and Education: Health Policy Review

Introduction Childhood obesity is one of the biggest modern health problems. In the United States, more than one child in five (age 2-5 years) is overweight or obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). As stated by Cunningham, Kramer, and Venkat Narayan (2014), the number of the US...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Affordable Care Act: Institutional Policy Analysis

Policy Type Summary of the Policy (in your own words) Explain if the policy is effective and provide a rationale Describe the financial outcomes of the policy Provide examples of policy violations National Improve cost-efficiency of health services The state-wide improvements contribute to overall result (Liverani, Hawkins, & Parkhurst, 2013)...

Technology Description Diary: The Use of Smartphone and Diary of Observations

Modern life is impossible to imagine without a great number of devices that make people’s lives easier and help to keep many things under control. There are applications that we use at home or work, as well as those that we carry around all of the time. As an experiment,...

Financial Models of Reimbursement

The modern US health industry is market-based, inherently raising the subject of financial incentives and reimbursement for patients. As the fee-for-service traditional delivery of care is experiencing significant challenges, many healthcare providers along with relevant stakeholders are considered lower-costing value-based care. The most well-known programs are Medicare and Medicaid which...

Allegiant Air Company’s New Routes and Facilities

Introduction In order to review the Research and Development (R&D) efforts of the low-cost airline carrier Allegiant Air, it is first important to mention that calculating exact costs that go toward innovation because of the specific nature of the airline industry. With fluctuating demands on specific carriers and with the...

Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Adult Clients

Introduction and Learning Objectives Opioid use disorder can be defined as “a problematic pattern of substance use that leads to clinically significant impairment in different areas” (Soyka, 2015). It is usually caused by either physiological dependence or psychological addiction to the substance (Lusk & Stipp, 2018). It has the following...

Event Management and Planning Challenges

A designated party managed all events in order for them to be successful. It is due to the fact that one event can have multiple activities that need to be coordinated and performed on the same day without fail. For the people who attend events, preparation begins on a material...

Vocalists Communication Research: Peculiarities and Challenges

Introduction Attention-Grabbing Idea People can communicate in absolutely different ways: some people prefer to use signs, many people like to gesticulate to attract attention, and the vast majority of people use vocal cues to underline their intentions. Vocalist communication is one of those interesting types of communication that requires certain...

Equal Opportunity Advisor Constructing Personal Visions

I have always cherished the dream of becoming an Equal Opportunity Advisor as I possessed an aptitude for matters relating to civil rights as well as Commandant Instructions. During my life so far, I have seen people, who, despite being highly talented and capable, have not been able to rise...

Hypertension and Intervention Practices

Introduction Hypertension is one of the most common conditions that family health practitioners assess routinely in individuals of all ages and elderly patients, in particular. The prevalence of the given disease substantially increases with age. At the same time, certain factors define older persons’ ability to manage their disorders, as...

Issue of Morality in “First Impressions” (“Pride and Prejudice”)

There can be no doubt as to the fact that the title “Pride and Prejudice” suits Jane Austen’s novel much better than the original one – “First Impressions”, even though that this is not because the revised title corresponds more to the novel’s semantic properties. “Pride and Prejudice” implies high...

Analysis of Puzzle, Quize, and Sports Game

Small PC games are aimed to train, entertain and have a pastime, as they may assist in developing attention, logic memory and so on. It is stated, that Computer games have been used for learning and training in lots of various spheres, such as academic, business, military, and medical. Investigators...

Healthcare Economics and Financing

Introduction Healthcare represents a unique field of economy based on theoretical concepts and principles. It is considered that economics is a values-neutral science in which no judgment or value is placed on the theory or how the system works. Thus, the case of healthcare shows that this statement is not...

Professional Education for Company Employees

ABC Corporation has developed a new technology program, which is essential for the whole staff of the company. The time limit is six months, and one more essential condition is that the age range of the personnel varies from seventeen to seventy years. Taking these factors into account, we should...

“My Mistress’ Eyes” by William Shakespeare Critical Analysis

William Shakespeare’s “My Mistress’ eyes” jumps into the theme of loving one another’s imperfections and flaws. The poem is a sonnet that is in iambic pentameter. “The rhyme scheme of the sonnet is highly regular” (Zsoldos line 24). That is, it follows a regular rhyming pattern. The rhyme of the...

Korean Citizens: Migration to the US

Introduction Korean immigrants have played a big part in the shaping of US culture and history over the last hundred years or so. From a rich history of serving in the armed forces or representing the US in various sporting disciplines, they have become a part of American society even...

“The Myth of Latin Women” by Judith Ortiz

Introduction In the myth of the Latin woman; Judith Ortiz explained how she grew up under stern observation, since virtue and humility were equated to family honor by culture. From her story it can be seen that as a teenager, she was required to conduct herself as a good ‘senorita’....

The Future of Kaplan College Education System

Introduction Attaining college qualification presently is a key topic in the public, state and local domains. Economists, policy makers and education experts concur that in order to sustain, build a strong and vibrant nation, secure a long term economic growth and social stability, the United States education system should be...

Leadership and Management in the Patient-Centred Care

The terms of leadership and management are often used interchangeably within the nursing environment. Both leadership and management are crucial for high-quality delivery of health services (Francis, 2013). Though these notions are often seen in the same respect, they differ in behaviour, skills, or perspectives. Both qualities are demanded to...

Medical Indications vs. Christian Faith: The James’s Case

Medical Indications Beneficence and Nonmaleficence James experienced high blood pressure, fluid buildup, and glomerulonephritis due to a streptococcus infection. Beneficence: immediate dialysis would alleviate the patient’s high blood pressure and fluid buildup. The delay in dialysis due to the patient’s parents’ preferences resulted in complete kidney failure. James needs of...

The Article “E-Waste: An Overview on Generation, Collection, Legislation and Recycling Practices”

Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to analyze the article “E-waste: An overview on generation, collection, legislation and recycling practices” for readability and pseudoscience versus real science. Summary: In this memo, the readability and trustworthiness of the article are proved. The paper’s writing and presentation are clear and well-planned;...

Analysis of a Scene from ‘Fences’ by August Wilson

Fences written by August Wilson is a play that revolves around the conflict within an African American family that takes place in the year 1957 in Pennsylvania. The play’s title has a metaphorical meaning, and the unfinished fence the audience sees on stage symbolizes the uneasy relationship of the main...

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety and Substance Abuse

Conceptualization Mark is a student who suffers from social anxiety and alcohol abuse problems. As a person who grew up in a conservative, non-drinking, and socially secluded environment, he did not develop social competencies and interpersonal skills to successfully integrate into a highly psychologically demanding college community. Mark’s inadequate social-emotional...

Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Dubois on the Loss of Civil Rights

Booker T. Washington’s vision of freedom is more compelling than Dubois’, and thus preferable. Abdication of violence and riots, as well as a focus on self-improvement through work, is a better strategy for addressing segregation. Moreover, it would have offered African Americans an opportunity to improve their social and economic...

Patient Engagement and Public Data Gathering

The rapid growth of electronic communication and expanding access to the Internet have empowered providers and consumers of healthcare information. The variety of sources has changed the relationship between a doctor and a patient. Healthcare organizations use a variety of patient engagement tools that a big step forward in technological...

The Opioid Crisis: Education Initiatives

The term “opioid crisis” is used to refer to the sharp rise in the number of Americans addicted to opioids in the 2010s. It started with the development and launch of new painkiller drugs in the 1990s that, despite pharmaceutical companies’ claims, proved to be highly addictive, leading to fast-growing...

Retirement: Transition From Work to After-Work Life

Introduction Many workers find it challenging to transition from work to after-work life, a significant transitional stage for every employee is retirement. At the moment, the number of people retiring from work is almost 46 million, and the number is expected to rise to 90 million by the year 2050...

The History of the Slave Trade in America

Introduction When the first colonists settled down in America in the early 1600s, they marked the beginning of a new nation aimed at setting itself free from British tyranny. Yet, this nation itself became tyrannical toward black people who were bought in America and enslaved by colonists. Although slavery and...

Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia

Diabetes occurs in two forms; Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the deficiency of insulin in the body, whereas type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) occurs due to the body’s inability to respond effectively to insulin in the blood. T1DM is most common in...

Tacitus’s Characterization of the Barbarians

Historical records and, particularly, the accounts of the key events provided by the experts that were present to witness historically significant occurrences, hold particularly strong weight and value for the future generations as the window of opportunity to glance at the past critically. However, the presence of personal biases and...

The Link Between Organizational Structure and Change

The organizational structure is a set of organizational units, and their interrelationships, within which management tasks are distributed between the units, the powers, and responsibilities of managers and officials are determined. It can directly influence the way an organizational change is managed in both positive and negative ways. Therefore, it...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Spear-Phishing and Effects of COVID-19

Spear-phishing is a type of email or digital communication fraud that targets a particular person, organization, or company. While fraudsters usually aim to steal data for vicious intentions, they also might seek to install malware on a selected user’s device. During the COVID-19 pandemic, spear-phishing crimes have dramatically increased. According...

The Iraq War: “The Accidental Guerrilla” by Kilcullen

Introduction In Chapter Three, “The Twenty-First Day”: Iraq during the Surge, 2007 of his book The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One, David Kilcullen explores the Iraqi war of 2003. As the reader learns from the book, Kilcullen was present in Iraq during the...

Presentation of “The Worst Hard Time” by Timothy Egan

Introduction The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan offers a discussion of the events of the American Dust Bowl. In particular, the author describes how the natural features of the American West, combined with inappropriate agricultural practices, including over-farming, caused the disaster. The narration unfolds by tracing the life events...

McDonaldization of Society: Principles and Advantages

Introduction McDonaldization is a phenomenon described by an American sociologist George Ritzer. By this term, the author means the process of domination of the principles of fast-food restaurants over the whole society in the U.S. and in other countries as well (Ritzer 20). It is characterized by several basic principles,...

Investigative Techniques Applied to a Robbery Case

The robbery case at 34 Carton Avenue’s Stop & Rob exhibits several elements worth investigating. The incident involves inactive strategic inquiries because the investigations take place long after the criminals leave the premises. Examining the premise, counter, cash register, the utilized tape, door handles, and the garbage bag utilized during...

Analysis of “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst

James Hurst’s novel, The Scarlet Ibis, is a piece rich in parallels and literary devices that evokes emotions of empathy and regret from the very beginning. Its central theme is the guilt and shame of the protagonist over the death of his younger brother. Above all, the author emphasizes these...

Ethical Dilemmas, Kant’s Moral Theory, and Virtue Ethics

The morality of the newspaper columnist breaking her contract relies, largely, on the legality of her breaking the contract. If it is legal, however, the utilitarian perspective will support the action. The pleasure/harm from the action between both companies competing for the columnist will balance each other out, and the...

Project Management Analysis and Globalization

Introduction The appearance of technological advancement has led to globalization, which has made the world a global village. Stiff competition in the market sector forces entrepreneurs to adopt strategies for trading internationally to achieve maximum returns. Project management is the application of financial and non-financial procedures, methods, skills, knowledge, and...

Criminalization of Immigration in America

Introduction Immigrants seeking greener pastures and other forces driving migration, including poverty and war, have made countries, including the US, experience their upsurge. Most non-citizen individuals believe that moving to America will become the source of their betterment of life due to massive job opportunities. Even though there is no...

Registered Nurses and Physicians Comparison

Introduction Nowadays, the healthcare field is extended and involves numerous medical professionals that are required to perform specific duties. Among such healthcare professionals are registered nurses (RNs) and physicians. While the first group gathers valuable medical data, conducts tests, treats sicknesses, and cares for the needs of patients, the second...

Entrepreneurial Profile of Mark Zuckerberg

There are many different examples of entrepreneurship examples in the modern world that show excellent results in their activities. One such example is such a famous personality as Mark Zuckerberg. This paper investigates and analyses Mark Zuckerberg’s entrepreneurial profile, the CEO and co-founder of Facebook and the youngest self-made billionaire....

Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigms of Business Research

Introduction Almost all the scientific information and knowledge available globally is a product of research. However, not all such knowledge emanates from the same form of study or method of inquiry. The aspect results from the so-called paradigm wars, where various scientific inquiries fight one another. These aggressive facets maintain...

Heinz Ketchup: Segmentation and Positioning

The chosen brand The brand that our team has selected is Heinz Ketchup. Over the 150 years of its existence, this ketchup became popular worldwide (Heinz, 2022). Indeed, Heinz ketchup is described to contain “only the juiciest, ripest tomatoes” (Heinz, 2022, para. 1). This brand varies in its colors, flavors,...

Rose as a Family Leader in “Fences” by August Wilson

Introduction Fences is a play by American playwright August Wilson that was first staged in 1985. Set in Pittsburgh in the 1950s, it explores race relations and the evolution of the African-American experience. In the center of the plot is the character of Troy, the head of the household, who...

Nursing and Physician Shortage

The nursing shortage is a complex problem involving many factors of influence. Ethics and culture can play a significant role in solving this issue. In particular, the conditions of work in which the employer supports and promotes ethics and the diversity of cultures are more favorable for the staff and...

Character Development and the Faces of Evil

Introduction Many people want to live in a perfect world where everyone acts according to morals. However, various obstacles and problems make life much more difficult, and the fact that numerous humans allow evil to control them is the reason why the cycles of evil are challenging to break. Thankfully,...

Parenting Peculiarities in Queer (LGBT) Families

Introduction The 21st century has seen more significant changes in identification with sexual identities as society has changed its perception and started recognizing gay, lesbianism and same-sex marriages. However, there are some opposing views from those who belief same-sex marriages should be illegal. The advancement has led to the increased...

Internal and External Factors Affecting Walmart: SWOT Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a large company with 1st place in the Fortune 500 list in 2020. It is an international network of large retailer shops, providing many workplaces in the U.S. and worldwide. It is present in more than 20 countries under different names, even though most of its revenue...

Wellness Program for Remote Workers

Introduction The pandemic, which is ongoing today, has changed a lot for employers. Now, to provide employees with a comfortable work environment, it is necessary to think more broadly and find new solutions. In addition, many people had a hard time working from home. There were several reasons for this:...

Social Stratification, Social Mobility, and Social Classes

Introduction In sociology, social stratification refers to the classification of people within Society based on their education, wealth, income, power, and family background. Like in geology, people with more resources are placed in the topmost layer of the social structure of stratification. The other groups with minimal resources are placed...

Personal Leadership Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Clinical nurses are an integral part of the healthcare profession and play a crucial role in decreasing costs and encouraging high-quality patient outcomes. Clinical nurse leaders are able to offer essential leadership at the point of care to improve the safety and quality of care throughout the healthcare encounter....

Cocrico: The Red-Tailed Chachalaca

Introduction Thanks to agricultural education, humans have mastered the art of domestication. In agriculture, five production factors are vital within the domestication process (Wiseman et al., 2021). Therefore, this study focuses on Cocrico, the red-tailed Chachalaca referred to as the Tobago Pheasant and is greatly revered for being in Trinidad...

The Crash of American Airlines Flight 1420

Introduction The tragedy in Little Rock was caused by a series of events that began with the captain’s decision to land in inclement weather conditions and culminated in a runway overrun and crash. The crash of American Airlines Flight 1420 on June 1, 1999, in Little Rock, Arkansas, resulted in...

Ramadan Intermittent Fasting in Diabetes Patients

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic condition requiring continual care through medication, dietary, and lifestyle changes. Intermittent fasting, which includes time-restricted meals and Ramadan intermittent fasting, has been a popular dietary intervention in recent years (Williams, 2016). Healthcare practitioners must understand these behaviors’ unique pathophysiological and pharmacological implications, particularly for diabetic...

Why I Want to Be a Dental Hygienist Essay

Among many other dental hygiene application essay examples, this one is a must-read. The following dental hygiene essay will give several arguments on why you might want to be a dental hygienist over anything else. The author will talk about their childhood and skills and say a few words about...

Abnormal Fetus and Its Moral Status

Introduction Given that a fetus is a developing human being, it ought to have a moral status that is equal to that of other humans. However, the moral status of a fetus is dependent on its health condition and that of the mother. Greasley (2017) asserts that the balance between...

Tobacco Use Reduction Among Adults

Introduction Tobacco smoking is one of the major causes of various diseases and premature mortality among adults. The recent statistics show that the smoking prevalence in the United States for both genders is 17%, whereas female prevalence equals 13% and male prevalence is 22% (World Health Organization [WHO], 2017). The...

Xeroderma Pigmentosum: Analysis and Symptoms of the Disease

What is the specific mutation? Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare autosomal recessive genetic defect. The mutation occurs in nucleotide excision repair (NER) by affecting the ATP dependent DNA helicase XP. The ERRC2 protein known as XPD in NER is also damaged. Essentially, the mutation causes NER to malfunction and no...

Doctor of Nursing Practice and Professional Issues

Introduction A Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree is the final advanced training level in nursing education. DNP graduates often find it hard to incorporate this degree into their professional life. The purpose of this paper is to use knowledge learned from the DNP guidebook by Chism (2017) as well...

Marketer’s Interaction With Youth and Children

This essay looks into marketer’s interaction with youth and children. Due to enabling technology, government control over the interaction between marketers and the youth continues to wan while marketers, buoyed by technology, continue to increasingly access youths and children using cunning methods. This trend has to be checked and measures...

Semiotics of Wolverhampton University’s Buildings

​Introduction The two buildings may be read as a complex set of signs in which symbolic and aesthetic meaning can be deduced. If one treats the two photographs as works of art, then their aesthetic appeal will limit the person. However, a symbolic analysis reveals the semiotic meaning of these...

Meanings in “Lady Lazarus” Poem by Sylvia Plath

The work of the American poetess Sylvia Plath is traditionally considered the birthplace of such a genre of poetry as confessional poetry. The name of the writer is not only well-known to the Western reader but became a kind of myth, embodying the tragic fate of a raging woman poet...

Protestant Patient’s Spiritual Needs Assessment

The Interview Question: Do you currently practice a religion? If so, which one? Answer: I have been practicing Mainline Protestant Christianity for most of my life, including the present. Question: What type of spiritual support do you desire when ill? Answer: I do not believe I need significant spiritual support...

Scholarly Research Methods for Persuasion

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My 13-year-old working experience at Bridgestone required the identification and development of multiple skills and knowledge in the field of leadership, cooperation, and management. To be persuasive means to be ready to present credible information and clear facts and explain how to use the material....

Using the Systems Theory in Solving Problems in Nursing

The quality of nursing services is one of the pivotal issues in any healthcare organization especially in the context of skilled personnel shortages. To solve the problem of service delivery well, it is however not enough to analyze the hospital-level staffing indicators alone. The view on the healthcare organization as...

Four Types of Correlation Coefficients Comparison

Table Table 1. Four Correlation Coefficients and their Comparisons. Statistical Method What the Statistical Method/Test Measures What type of research question would best apply to this method? Pearson’s r This is the parametric coefficient for determining relationships between variables, including their direction and magnitude, and making inferences about correlations between...

Beowulf: Comparing the Movie and the Book

The story of Beowulf has remained a significant work for centuries not only because it is one of our first lengthy works of English, but also because of the timelessness of the themes it contains and its applicability to a modern audience, regardless of the period in which ‘modern’ is...

Pursuing Criminal Justice Through Effective Organizational Behavior

Introduction More than just enforcing the law and reducing crime, criminal justice agencies are faced with gargantuan challenges in the modern age that it needs develop salient functions in order to achieve their goals and be effective as an organization. Apart from protecting people from crime, their activities now reflect...

Cartesian Dualism: Arguments and Objections

Introduction Dualism is a very old theory that has its roots in the Greek culture. According to the Greeks, the spirit of a man is supposed to be distinct from his physical body. According to them, the soul and the body do not have any contact with one another. In...

Emporio Armani Cologne: Advertisement Analysis

Logos Given the fact that the advertisement of Emporio Armani cologne for men heavily exploits the factor of a ”brand name appeal”, its semiotics cannot be highly logical by definition. Advertisement’s appeal to Logos is being limited to the line “hard to resist”. The small font size of the letters...

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Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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Issue of the Sharing of Finances

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Stigma in HIV-Positive Women Article by Sandelowski et al.

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Human Resource Management at Vigo County Tax and Municipal Services Office

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Case Study About the Patient With Geriatric Syndromes

Functions of the Head Supports the face Provides communication network Protects the skull Monitors the five senses Facilitates signal processing and interpretation Manages the five sense organs Abnormalities of the head Brain tumor Neural pathway disorder Symptoms of brain tumor Headache Memory loss Speech defection Visual failure Personality changes Nursing...

A Business Plan for a Home Construction Company

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Professional Development of Teachers’ Skills

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“Gnomes” (The “South Park” Series) and Capitalism

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Defending People’s Rights Through GMO Labels

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Age of Exploration Analysis

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The Controversy Over Abortion Rights

Introduction The controversy over abortion rights has existed for a very long time. People are divided into two movements: the conservative, which opposes abortion, and the liberal, which believes that a pregnant woman, not society, should decide to give birth or not to give birth. The latter seems preferable; however,...

12 Years a Slave: The Analysis of the Film

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Energy Drinks: Metabolic Energy Sources

The component that contributes to most calories in energy drinks is glucose. Once a person consumes an energy drink, it is absorbed into the cells. In the cells, glucose is burnt to generate energy in the form of heat and adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that stores and gives out energy...

Globalization: Impact on International Business

The global environment and its challenges present a substantial risk zone for businesses. Furthermore, the development trend of the business focuses on the direction of globalization, implying that in order to expand more, businesses need to adapt to the global environment. Globalization, in general, stands for processes of interaction and...

HR Tech Solutions in 2022: Advancing Human Resource Management

HR tech solutions in 2022, written by HR management expert Oksana Lavri in september 2022, was chosen for this paper. The selected article focuses on the topic that in recent years, many companies have implemented HR technology solutions in their operations. The shift to a digital HR paradigm is helping...

Leadership Interview Practice on a District Director Nurse

Introduction The nursing unit is one of the central departments in the health care system. Nurses are key players in the welfare of patients. Leadership and oversight in this department are thus of uttermost importance. Proper administration ensures that resources and employees are readily available for patients when required. The...

Utilitarianism in Asian Business

Introduction Being the largest and most diverse region of the world, Asia varies in the forms of business ethics practices by the corporations. Some countries in the region are highly influenced by the colonization and spread of Western principles, which introduced them to the idea of utilitarianism. These influences then...