5G Networks and Vehicle-to-Everything Communications

With the development of 5G networks characterized by ultra-low latency, high reliability, and high speed, the automobile industry currently pays particular attention to the implementation of data-intensive technologies, including the use of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. Operated through the Internet-of-things (IoT), V2X communications allow making cars autonomous. Their architecture is based on sensors that may generate and disseminate data through vehicle-to-network, vehicle-to-person, vehicle-to-infrastructure, and vehicle-to-vehicle links. Thus, new technologies imply the creation and maintenance of real-time data for control over the vehicles automatically.

At the same time, the generation, collection, and transmission of the large data volume required currently face new various privacy and security challenges. They include reliable cooperative driving, secure mobility management for group-oriented autonomous platoons, and privacy-preserving and efficient vehicular big data processing and sharing (Lai et al., 2020). Data transmission between network entities, onboard equipment, and control functions should be confidential. Automotive safety applications are supported by the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) standard that provides data transfer, however, it is not well developed enough to provide secure data exchange (HyperSphere AI, 2019). In addition, customers’ private data used for registration and payment should be protected as well to prevent its leakage. Thus, UW should evaluate available measures from the perspective of technologies’ safety, security, and privacy protections before their implementation to provide quality service for its customers.

In order to provide data safety, security, and privacy, solid cybersecurity solutions should be applied as the majority of cyberattacks are caused by unauthorized data access and unsecured software updates. In this case, access to control vehicle-related information should be provided only to authorized users. On the one hand, this measure will allow customers to use the system with comfort putting once all essential information, including name, occupation, address, license

number, public-key certificate, telephone number, and visa number (Lu et al., 2019). On the other hand, the transmission of their confidential information increases the risk of its leakage and collection for inappropriate purposes. In this case, the potential solution is partial or full anonymity – for instance, BMW applies CarData (BMW, 2020). In this system, users decide by themselves which data should be released for analysis. Another strategy is the implementation of anonymous authentication techniques that allow users to access services without exposing real identities (Lu et al., 2019). In other words, they will be provided with an anonymous credential by the provider that proves their ownership during service access.

Data security may be provided by HyperSphere’s patented communication protocol. Together with Secure Dynamic Network & Protocol (SDNP) and blockchain architecture, it helps keep data private and secure during fast data exchange (HyperSphere AI, 2019). In addition, one of the benefits of HyperSphere’s blockchain is its ability to record vehicle communications in order to prevent unauthorized access and initiate an investigation if a car accident happens or any unlawful action is detected. In addition, the use of cars with V2X communications technologies traditionally presupposes payments that should be secure and safe as well. In this case, PSEV, a developed Internet of Vehicle architecture with an Ethereum framework, facilitates and secures parking and other payments using Android application modules (Jabbar et al., 2021). However, the major potential disadvantage of this system is its instability due to constant development and changes. In general, all applied solutions require continuous and thorough examination as a great variety of cyberattacks create a threat to the system’s security due to the volumes of data used.

Reference List

BMW (2020) Connected car. Its history, stages and terms. Web.

HyperSphere AI (2019) How to provide sufficient data security in V2X Communications. Web.

Jabbar, R. et al. (2021) ‘Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles: how to use blockchain to secure Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication and payment?’, IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(14), pp. 15807-15823. Web.

Lai, C. et al. (2020) ‘Security and privacy challenges in 5G-enabled vehicular networks’, IEEE Network, pp. 37-45. Web.

Lu, R. et al. (2019) ‘5G Vehicle-to-Everything services: gearing up for security and privacy, Proceedings of the IEEE, 108(2), pp. 373-389.

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