Case Study: JAMS Manufacturing

An Executive Summary

A local area network allows users to share computer resources and peripherals connected to a network within the same organization. Additionally, in networks with a large number of users, not all of them need to access all the computers on the web. When combining several computers, it is advisable to single out the most powerful computer – the server. The hard drive on the server hosts files (data and programs) that other computers on the network can access. In addition, all network users can access the peripheral equipment connected to the server. Corporate computer networks are created to ensure the activities of various corporate structures with territorially remote subdivisions.

To establish a local network within a corporation, it is first necessary to purchase new equipment. Moreover, an important point is the installation of computers by connecting to the network. Each computer connects and shares a standard server to get faster queries. Information from the peripheral computer is transmitted only to the central computer, from the central one – to one or more peripheral ones. Disks of dedicated machines’ file servers are available to all other computers on the network. Furthermore, file servers must run a particular network operating system that uses the protected mode of the processor. Therefore, in a centralized network, one or more machines are allocated to manage data exchange over the web. In addition, a crucial moment is the training of personnel to work with the new network so that the benefits of the innovation can be seen at an early stage. Thus, the company will provide a convenient service that will link all the computers in the organization.

Project Advantages and Changes

The advantage of the innovation is that the failure of one computer does not affect the operation of the entire network as a whole. In addition, the change has good network scalability, so it’s easy to connect a new computer. The local network is determined by an easy search for faults and breaks (Miller et al., 2020). Moreover, the distinguishing feature is high network performance for faster network performance.

This will change the work of employees when using a computer. Workers will have a faster and more convenient way to access files and necessary information. Moreover, all requests will be processed by one server. The visible change will affect the habituation of employees to the new system, which may take some time. However, with the proper training organization, familiarization with the new tool will be faster and more convenient.

A Work Breakdown Structure

The company indicated that it plans to replace old computers with new devices. Thus, the first step is to order the required number of computers from the supplier and coordinate the delivery. At the same time, it is necessary to set the budget limit that the company expects and coordinate the models and brands of computers with the authorities. Significant attention must be paid to logistics, as the equipment will be delivered to several factories and an office building.

The following is the physical setup of computers to connect to the server. The purpose of a dedicated server is to administer access for users and client machines to shared network resources. Thus, all computers are combined into one network through the work of programmers. After connecting the computers to the network, it is necessary to install special network software. In a centralized network, one or more machines are allocated to manage data exchange over the web.

Next, it needs to establish a network connection for all computers in the corporation. Other peripheral computers are connected to the server, each using a separate communication line (Muc et al., 2020). Training of employees and adaptation to new work conditions with a local network. Thus, organizing activity pieces to familiarize employees with the new system is necessary.


Miller, S., Curran, K., & Lunney, T. (2020). Detection of Virtual Private Network Traffic Using Machine Learning. International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies, 9(2), 60-80.

Muc, A., Muchowski, T., Murawski, L., & Szeleziński, A. (2020). Providing the Ability of Working Remotely on a Local Company Server via VPN. Multidisciplinary Aspects of Production Engineering, 3(1), 195-205.

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