Air Pollution in South Carolina

Environmental issues have become significant determinants of human health and longevity due to the disruptive influence of industrialization on nature. In particular, in South Carolina, one of the most significant environmental problems now is air pollution with ozone and particles, which is hazardous to human health due to deadly diseases likelihood (Stewart, 2020). Historically, this problem was more severe in the previous years, when the ozone and particle pollution levels were higher (Stewart, 2020). However, with the implementation of such initiatives as the Clean Air Act, regulations on air pollution, and standards of air quality applied at the state and federal levels, the air quality in South Carolina improved (Stewart, 2020; The United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2021). The factors contributing to air pollution in the state include climate change, rising temperatures, and intensified industrial production (Phelan, 2021; Stewart, 2020). Thus, the responsible parties might be industrial corporations, local companies, and the overall global community due to the worldwide climate change involved in the issue.

The effectiveness of the efforts made to improve air quality is demonstrated by the increase in population growth. Indeed, according to South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office (2021), it was 4,635,846 in 2010, grew to 5,225,257 in 2020, and is estimated to rise to 6,263,614 by 2035. The air pollution problem is global and is related to other environmental issues, such as water pollution, species extinction, wildlife disruption, and others (Phelan, 2021). Air pollution mitigation might be implemented by imposing national and international regulations and penalties for corporations (Phelan, 2021). Thus, the state authorities demonstrate effectiveness in tackling the problem by instilling regulations and standards, reflecting air quality improvement. Such approaches might be appropriate for other environmental problems occurring on a global scale.

Overall, population growth is directly impacted by environmental factors due to health issues and the reluctance of people to reside in hazardous areas. Indeed, with a higher level of health risks due to environmental issues, the population shortens because of higher mortality rates (Phelan, 2021). Moreover, the likelihood of inhabiting an area marked by pollution or other environmental risk factors is hindered, which is why the population growth in such locations might be negative.


Phelan, J. (2021). What is life? A Guide to biology with physiology (5th ed.). W. H. Freeman Company.

South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office. (2021). Population projections 2010-2035. Web.

Stewart, B. (2020). South Carolina air quality shows improved results for particle pollution, finds 2020 ‘State of the Air’ report. American Lung Association. Web.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2021). EPA approved statutes and regulations in the South Carolina SIP. Web.

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