Airport: Definition and Functions

Firstly, it is important to note that the word to be defined is a term airport, which is a structural complex comprised of buildings and runways designed to enable a proper and safe landing and take-off of aircraft vehicles with civil transportation purposes. In addition, airports are critical for the maintenance of planes because they undergo regular and systematic check-ups, repairs, and functional as well as safety evaluation by dedicated groups of specialists. Airports also play a central role in coordinating and navigating the correct and safe order of landings and take-offs of aircraft on the basis of precise and accurate scheduling systems.

Secondly, the subject belongs to the general class of critical infrastructure, which is an essential part of the transportation system within a country and globe. Critical infrastructure elements, such as airports, are integral to proper societal functioning, and thus, they require a special status and treatment by governmental authorities, especially in regards to security matters.

Thirdly, the three key particular characteristics of the definition for the airports include buildings, runways, and aircraft. The airport needs to have a building or system of buildings to provide a working and operating space for the personnel and other professionals. The structures are mandatory for the passengers as well because they cannot and should not be left outside due to high wait times, extensive security checks, and noise emitted from the planes. Runways are fundamental for safe landings and take-offs because the vehicles need smooth surfaces with sufficient length to account for the acceleration and deceleration needs of an aircraft. In the case of the latter, it is a primary mode of transportation for which these coordinative efforts are made.

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