Key Takeaways from the American Psychological Association’s Annual Event


As part of my psychology class, I was required to select a current event in the news, media, or on the APA website. Thereafter, I was to integrate what I had learned in class and tap into my reactions to the event. In my assignment, I selected an event on the APA website. Notably, the website has a number of topics that are relevant to psychology. Among the numerous topics and events, I selected an event that focused on work, stress, and health.

The event happened on May 9, 2015 (American Psychological Association 1). The essay below illustrates my reactions to the event. As such, the essay will begin by indicating its objectives. Following this, it will illustrate the evidence that supports the truth of its conviction. Thereafter, it will analyze whether the event presented all the evidence. Lastly, by focusing on my deduction about the event the essay will try to analyze if I provoked egocentric thinking when establishing my conclusion.

What is it that someone wishes me to believe?

After examining the information presented about the event, I noted that the occasion is held annually (American Psychological Association 1). I learned that the event tries to tackle the dynamic nature of labor and its consequences for the health and welfare of the employees. The symposium focuses on a number of subjects of concern to the workplace, administration, experts, and scholars. Labor, family matters, new emerging occupations, and shifting workers’ interests are some of the subjects discussed at the events. The ability to interact with professionals, top researchers, and consultants present in the meeting offers an exhilarating opportunity for learners (American Psychological Association 1). The learning experience offers up-to-date information about work-related health psychology.

After reading the event’s news, I was informed that this year’s symposium focused more on the idea of sustainability and the essential function of work-related wellbeing and health in maintainable financial development (American Psychological Association 1). From the news, I learned that business sustainability signifies a chance for the maintenance of corporate accomplishment over the long-term.

With respect to employees, sustainability signifies an opportunity for uninterrupted maintenance of welfare (American Psychological Association 1). Nevertheless, I noted with concern that the above situations have become inseparably linked. In the past, sustainability initiatives in the corporate world were usually directed at environmental preservation initiatives. However, the initiatives have shifted in the recent past. I learned that corporate sustainability welfares have extended to encompass communal accountability, employment practices, and work-related security and wellbeing.

During classwork, I learned that currently, most people spent most of their time in their work environments unlike in the past (Myers 798). In this respect, poor working conditions may cause uneasiness, health problems, nonattendance, and reduced output. On the other hand, enhanced working conditions protect the health of the residents and add value to their well-being. In my analysis, I noted that compared with corporate social responsibility, work, stress, and health have not received the much-needed attention. However, with increased occupational stress and illnesses the issues have now become a subject of growing public distress. The issue has been provoked partially by the appearance of new work-related problems and the reduction of productivity because of occupational stress.

Just as I had been taught in my classwork, I learned that key life events, whether worthy or wicked, were possibly stressful (Myers 731). Usually, employees experience a number of life-changing events prior to the commencement of their stress. Based on these, it is apparent that stress is responsible for a number of patients’ illnesses. In this regard, I now believe that stress results from modifications, which can cause huge vulnerability to physical and psychological health disarrays.

What evidence supports/refutes the truth or lack of truth of this belief?

Based on my analysis of the event, I noticed that some evidence had been given to support the truth of the above conviction. The financial risk of unsafe working conditions featured prominently as the key confirmation. According to the International Social Security Administration, the financial liability of occupational damage alone is the same as 4% of the global GDP (American Psychological Association 1). The results indicated that the damage was higher than 10% in some nations. I learned that in America the yearly expenditures for work-related damages were estimated at $251 billion.

I also noted that the event used the performance of businesses that have embraced communal accountability and good employment practices as their case studies. Through this, the researchers were able to illustrate that sustainable labor and health are essential to administrative and financial sustainability. In my analysis, I noted that unsuccessful businesses were not upholding the employees’ welfare leading to an increase in work-related stress among the workers. Because of this, the turnover was also very high.

Am I being given all the evidence?

Based on my analysis of the above event, I noted that not all the evidence was presented. I believe that damages resulting from occupational stress and illness are extensive. The event focused more on financial damages. The event should have also indicated how work-related stress and illness have contributed to the increased nonattendance, more sick leaves, poor employee efficiency, and increased turnover in the present-day office. It is projected that corporations lose 20 to 36 minutes for each worker every day owing to work-related stress and illness (American Psychological Association 1). The above implies that other than expenses to individual companies through misplaced output, poor working conditions result in needless expenses on the society through direct health expenditures.

Equally, I believe that the financial damages of work-related stresses and illnesses were undervalued in the event. It was indicated that in America the yearly expenditures for work-related damages were estimated at $251 billion. However, I believe that the above figures are likely to be an underrated value because the estimate does not factor in the price of any harm to construction resources and tools owing to work-related stress or illness.

Is there more than one way to interpret the evidence?

I believe that there is more than one way to interpret the evidence. In the event, the evidence was interpreted using financial figures. Other than depending on financial figures, I believe that self-report surveys can also interpret the evidence presented. Through this approach, it will be possible to understand the stress levels among the employees. In the surveys, individuals should respond to queries about their psychological or physical conditions. I am certain that if the event organizers had utilized this approach, they would have gotten a comprehensive understanding of the extent of the effects of work-related stress and illness on the employees.

To evaluate the evidence using the surveys, employees are required to identify the major life-changing events they have experienced in the last year. Thereafter, they were required to add the score of the events. The final score will indicate a rough estimate of how stress has affected their work and health in the previous year. For instance, to interpret the evidence presented by an employee who has experienced less sleeping habits and the death of a close work member.

On a Holmes-Rahe life stress inventory, changes in sleeping habits are equated with 16 points. On the other hand, the death of a close friend is equated with 63 points. The final score of the two events is 79 points. The final score indicates that the employee has major life changes. The above implies that he or she is susceptible to stress related illness.

Am I using egocentric thinking to come to a conclusion?

In my classwork, we were taught about Piaget’s theory (Myers 239). Through these lessons, I learned that egocentric thinking is perceiving the outside world relative to oneself. Through this, I noted that egocentric persons are selfish and only plan their welfares. The above act compromises on critical thinking. As such, it is hard for such individuals to recognize the above attribute within themselves.

Following my analysis of the event, I concluded a number of things without using egocentric thinking. After analyzing the event, I became informed about work, stress, and health. I learned that in the future individuals should adopt appropriate strategies to ensure that their stress level points remain low as possible. By prioritizing tasks into urgent, not urgent, important, and not important categories individuals can be able to prioritize their time. Through this, they would manage and plan their time effectively. The above initiative will not only lower the chances of getting stress-related illnesses but will also increase productivity.

Similarly, I have learned that individuals should identify actions or events that make them feel stressed. Thereafter, they should identify precise, tangible, and realistic means of substituting stress-causing ingredients with more supportive and pleasurable actions and events. Through this, they would avoid being engaged in things that make them feel strained. When overwhelmed by stress levels, individuals should possibly listen to soft music, take a nature walk, talk with friends, or read favorite books. By doing so, they will be able to relax their mind enabling them to tackle the stress-causing elements.

To manage the inevitable stresses, individuals should be ready to tackle life challenges whenever they occur. The above initiative requires them to plan ahead of stressful events and be positive. They should visualize themselves undergoing the challenging events successfully. When they fail to meet their expectations, they should have a backup plan. Through this, they would be able to tackle life challenges with ease and avoid stress-related illness.

Based on the above conclusions, it is apparent that I have an open mind to the opinions and philosophies of other individuals. I believe that my open-mindedness has enhanced my critical thinking capacity. To me, the best protection for reducing thinking egocentric thoughts is to be informed about it and to be aware of the necessities of other individuals. In essence, we should all endeavor to perceive thoughts and concepts from several perspectives.


In conclusion, it should be noted that labor, family matters, new emerging occupations, and shifting workers’ interests are some of the subjects discussed in the event analyzed above. From the analysis, I was informed that currently, most people spent most of their time in their work environments unlike in the past. In this respect, poor working conditions may cause uneasiness, health problems, nonattendance, and reduced output.

On the other hand, enhanced working conditions protect the health of the residents and add value to their well-being. Compared with corporate social responsibility, work, stress, and health have not received the required attention. Just as I had been taught in my classwork, I learned that key life events, whether worthy or wicked, were possibly stressful. Usually, employees experience a number of life-changing events prior to the commencement of their stress. During my analysis of the above event, I noted that not all the evidence was presented. I believe that damages resulting from occupational stress and illness are extensive.

The event focused more on financial damages. The event should have also indicated how work-related stress and illness have contributed to the increased nonattendance, more sick leaves, poor employee efficiency, and increased turnover in the present-day office. I believe that there is more than one way to interpret the evidence presented. I believe that self-report surveys can also interpret the evidence presented. I came up with a conclusion without using egocentric thinking. After analyzing the event, I became informed about work, stress, and health. I learned that in the future individuals should adopt appropriate strategies to ensure that their stress level points remain low as possible.

Works Cited

American Psychological Association. Work, Stress and Health. 2015. Web.

Myers, David. Psychology. 10th ed. New York: Worth, 2011. Print.

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