Anthropology of Childhood in America

The process of understanding human behavior can be complicated because people react and respond differently based on the situations and the overall surrounding. Children make the case even more confusing since they have the potential to interpret the conditions effectively in a way their parents might fail to comprehend. In most cases, guardians assume that being a child, they lack the ability to possess self and thus cannot evaluate the environment around them. However, this is contrary to the true nature of young ones.

The most significant points of the course are behavior and culture. Children’s conducts are dependent on the observations they encounter in their surroundings. For instance, young ones relate their actions to older adults. Similarly, culture plays a vital role in shaping the perspective of children. Both the aspects draw extremely from the anthropology and the provided readings since they make key areas in understanding the nature of children.

The young ones, just like adults, have the ability to interpret their behavior, after which their overall action is influenced by the level of interpretation. This aspect makes children unique and somehow challenging to understand. For instance, a child may relate parent action to their current status and believe they are causing the situation (Bluebond-Langner 7). In other words, they interpret the behavior of people around them to have a view of themselves.

The relevance of the course in exploring childhood behaviors is critical concern. Based on the contents, the extent to which the program offers basic understanding of children ways of interpretation should be outlined effectively. The learning provides a different view from how I understood children. I knew that young ones are incapable of drawing meaningful conclusions because they are silent in almost all circumstances.

After studying the materials, I have a different perspective concerning how children make meanings from their surroundings. The interesting part is the way they study and interpret behavior to view themselves from people’s actions. The ideas from the readings provide proper insight into the world of children; therefore, I support them. Based on the previous findings, the behavior of children depends on the nature of their surroundings. They draw meaning from the objects and people they interact with.

Work Cited

Bluebond-Langner, Myra. “The private worlds of dying children.” Princeton University Press, 1978.

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