Apple: Digital Business Models

Apple Inc. is a technology company, which sells electronic equipment, online services, and computer software. It practices different business models, especially B2C, which is the most common. However, Kim notes that the organization should also be regarded as B2C brand (2017). Both models, which are highly effective for the company, along with high inclusiveness, largely contribute to Apple Inc.’s success (Linz, Müller-Stewens, and Zimmermann, 2017). It sells its goods and services to other companies, as well as ordinary consumers. Berghaus and Back emphasize business models are implemented intuitively in many organizations (2016), but Apple Inc.’s employees plan everything strategically; thus, the organization continually grows.

Business Information Systems

Apple Inc. uses different business information systems, which are employed to “facilitate production management” by various organizations (Tao et al., 2018, p.2). The company incorporates Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). First, ERS plays a critical role in improving internal processes within the company, ranging from marketing to manufacturing. Second, SCM gathers data needed to streamline Apple Inc.’s supply chain. Finally, CRM, which “gathers customer interactions across all channels in one place,” is effectively employed by the organization to manage customers’ data (Sirk, par. 2). These systems can successfully function due to different resources and considerable infrastructure Apple Inc. have. For example, human resources and different monitoring tools help business information systems work properly and effectively.


  1. How can Apple Inc. grow as a B2B to be brand? What approaches should it adopt?
  2. How does the organization implement CRM? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of the business information system? How it can be improved?

Reference List

Berghaus, S. and Back, A. (2016). ‘Stages in digital business transformation: results of an empirical maturity study’, MCIS 2016 Proceedings, 22, pp. 1-17.

Kim, R. (2017). Apple is a B2B brand as much as it is B2C. It should be celebrated as such. Web.

Linz, C., Müller-Stewens, G., and Zimmermann, A. (2017). Radical business model transformation: gaining the competitive edge in a disruptive world. Kogan Page Publishers.

Sirk, C. (n.d.). What is CRM? Definition & beginner’s guide to CRM. Web.

Tao, F. et al. (2018). ‘Data-driven smart manufacturing’, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 48, pp. 1-13.

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