Applying to Boston Architectural College

My name is Xhesi Qose, 20 years old. As far back as I can remember, I dreamed of becoming an architect. Where others see projects, experimentation, and the presentation of architecture as a chore, I only see excitement and beauty. However, unfortunately, after graduating from Winthrop High School in 2019, it was impossible to connect my life with the still childhood dream of becoming an architect. So, after graduating from high school, I entered Northshore Community College, the Radiology Tech program. I studied there for two years and realized that I should do what I wanted my whole life.

Architecture conveys human ambitions and ideals by providing living, working, and reflecting space to people. I believe Boston Architectural College can help me fulfill my dream of becoming a professional architect. According to BAC, “in the present, the Boston Architectural College (BAC) provides excellence in design education emerging from practice and accessible to diverse communities.” (BAC, 2021). I believe that in the design training that is practical and accessible to various populations, Boston Architectural College offers excellent results. One of the most critical factors, in my view, is that students of BAC are naturally creative and constructional in architecture and design. BAC students always draw, construct and tinker, imagine things, and bring thoughts to reality, whether digital or tangible. It reminds me of me throughout my life, a constantly drawing child. In my opinion, this program from Boston Architectural College is great for me, as I consider myself creative and purposeful. The sphere of architecture is close to me because I have dreamed of becoming an architect all my life.

At the moment, I have an architecture firm that is developing and increasing income. It is the number 1 task for me because I want to enter the world architecture market as a first-class specialist. Boston Architectural College will help me gain more profound knowledge because I already have skills in designing, creating buildings. Boston Architectural College prepares specialists in this field, which I want to get in my studies. The knowledge gained at Boston Architectural College will help me develop my company faster and provide future clients with better service. I believe that it is in Boston Architectural College that people get the best knowledge in the United States in the field of architecture since it is the first certified US work component architecture program.

Knowledge is an essential resource; land, labor, and capital are today, in a certain sense, constraining and limiting factors. The fact that knowledge has become the main, and not just one of the types of resources, and turned the industrial society into an information society. This circumstance radically changes the structure of society, forms new driving forces of social and economic development. I believe Boston Architectural College can help me fulfill my dream of becoming a professional architect. One of the most critical factors, in my view, is that students of BAC are naturally creative and constructional in architecture and design. It reminds me of me throughout my life, a constantly drawing child. The information acquired by the Boston Architectural College will assist me quickly and better serve my firm for future customers. I believe that admission to Boston Architectural College will help me realize myself as an architect and unleash my full potential to fulfill my future architectural dreams.


BAC. (2021). Our vision. The-Bac.Edu.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 9). Applying to Boston Architectural College.

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