Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business

For many people, the concept of artificial intelligence is still something related to the area of science-fiction type of dystopia. However, this image seems to be closer to fading into obscurity with each passing day as AI becomes more common in people’s everyday lives. Uzialko (2022) notes that today, not only is AI a household name – it is “sometimes even a household presence” (think about, for instance, Alexa). Granted, its widespread adoption in society is a fairly new development, but it is not a new notion. AI’s modern field came into being in the 1950s; still, decades were spent on making serious progress in the development of an AI system and turning it from a dream into a reality.

There is a high likelihood of you interacting with AI on a daily basis in one way or another without even realizing it. You do not even have to have the afore-mentioned Alexa installed at home: AI is present in all areas of our lives. That includes business, in which artificial intelligence can be applied in a wide variety of ways. Some of these ways might be primitive, however, one thing is true despite it: AI is currently virtually altering almost every industry’s every business process. With the spread of AI technologies, they are becoming an essential element to hold a competitive advantage.

Among the uses of artificial intelligence in business, five are the most common. These are cybersecurity, machine learning, Internet searches, management of customer relationship, and personal assistance. When it comes to cybersecurity, AI systems are able to recognize a threat or an attack on a computer-based system, find its source, and prevent similar cases in the future. AI in machine learning is irreplaceable for capturing large amounts of data, and in Internet research it helps better understand search behaviors of users. Moreover, artificial intelligence changes software programs for client communication to ensure they stay accurate and relevant. In addition to that, AI bots are often used in business to facilitate the work of human assistants.


Uzialko, A. (2022). How artificial intelligence will transform businesses. Business News Daily.

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