Artificial Intelligence: Emergence of Employment Issues

What is Artificial intelligence? And has it benefited people through its many fascinations? Artificial intelligence has become particularly widespread in the modern world, but there are significant controversies about the benefits of this technology in people’s lives. This is because this technology has a negative impact on society and causes its significant decline and the emergence of employment issues. However, many believe that artificial intelligence has multiple positive qualities to improve the lives of individuals. Despite this, the outweighing disadvantages of artificial intelligence are a rise in unemployment and an increase in laziness.

The first contributing factor to the drawbacks of artificial intelligence is the rise in unemployment. Job satisfaction does not originate when people start losing jobs they are passionate about due to artificial intelligence, thus leading them to have jobs they do not enjoy. Thus, when a worker is not satisfied with their job, they would lose their motivation, which could lead them to become unemployed. The contributing factor to the rise of negative attitudes towards artificial intelligence is that this innovative technology covers an increasing number of professions without the participation of human resources. Moreover, jobs with high exposure to automation technologies experience declining employment and wages. Therefore, people might find it hard to find good jobs, leading to unemployment and poverty.

Another significant negative aspect of using artificial intelligence is the increase in laziness. Creativity and human intelligence are integral parts of human functioning, which cannot be introduced into the work process using artificial intelligence. In addition, the introduction of artificial intelligence has a negative effect on reducing work ethic and enthusiasm. People lose interest in performing the actions assigned to them as they consider performing activities that machines can replace not as effective and satisfactory. The lack of initiative also results in obesity and other health issues that arise due to the inactivity of employees. Thus, dependence on technology could lead to humans using less knowledge and their brain functions to perform actions.

However, despite all the disadvantages, there is a point of view that artificial intelligence provides significant benefits. One of these arguments states that its advantage is that it has no time limit. Thus, if people tend to be tired and, in some cases, burn out, innovative technology can work constantly. Nevertheless, despite this factor, innovative technology needs to have the creativity that individuals can bring to work. Moreover, artificial intelligence is known for its excellent efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, artificial intelligence will mainly assist humans in being more productive and refer to such new technologies as intelligence-assisting innovation. Moreover, the improvement of productivity indicators is due to more precise functioning and the fact that the technology is unlikely to get any errors. Despite this relatively strong advantage, this technology is devoid of development and cannot perform functions that are beyond the limits assigned to it during development.

In conclusion, the most significant limitations of artificial intelligence are rising unemployment and increasing laziness. Thus, it negatively affects society and its productivity in the workplace. On the other hand, others believe it is beneficial as it is faster and more efficient. Moreover, it improves performance since the innovative technology can work for an unlimited time. Therefore, artificial intelligence could be used as an assistant to prevent people from losing their jobs which could impact people’s lives.

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