Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario

The presented case of the child who bangs his head to attract the attention of parents and other adults is closely related to the behavioral aspects of child psychology. The ethical dilemma is whether an aversive punitive-based intervention strategy is an appropriate way of solving the problem. As the objective methods of analysis, special codes for behavioral assessment will be used. The ethical principles and possible solutions that are affected will be given based on the overall evaluation of the case.

Behavioral Codes

As one of the possible codes, the Treatment/Intervention Efficacy point may be applied. This option provides for the responsibility of a behavior analyst for the prescribed treatment. Also, it implies the right of clients to count on adequate and qualified assistance. Another relevant variant is the Medical Consultation code, which suggests the possibility of examining and conducting all the necessary tests before performing specific interventions. Finally, the Avoiding Harmful Reinforcements code can also fit into the scope of the case in question. This principle involves the exclusion of those items or factors that can stimulate irrational behavior or harm a particular person.

Ethical Principles

One of the ethical principles addressed in the case under consideration is the close interaction of medical providers with the child and his parents. Since some of the proposed treatment variants have proven to be inconsistent, specialists should explain the possible causes to the clients and offer other potentially effective interventions. Another principle is the use of the least aggressive forms of treatment. The boy is small, and to eliminate the dangerous effects on health, physicians look for different types of therapies that will have the least serious consequences for the child’s psyche. These principles are respected, which makes the interaction of physicians with the parents ethically justified.


As the primary method of solution, an aversive strategy can be applied since it does not violate ethical standards crucially and may be relevant when working with the boy. One can view the behavior of children from an adaptive standpoint, and in case of using certain unpleasant stimuli, for instance, banning games, subsequent manifestations of unwanted conduct may become less common. Shock therapy can be an alternative solution if an aversive strategy proves ineffective.


The considered case is an example of what measures medical providers can use to address the child’s problem without violating ethical norms and principles. Relevant behavioral codes allow analyzing and drawing conclusions regarding the potential ways of resolving the issue. About my future professional activities, this situation will be a valuable experience for working with small children due to the description of practices stimulating behavior adjustment.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, August 5). Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario. https://studycorgi.com/aversive-punitive-based-intervention-strategy-ethical-scenario/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario'. 5 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario." August 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/aversive-punitive-based-intervention-strategy-ethical-scenario/.


StudyCorgi. "Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario." August 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/aversive-punitive-based-intervention-strategy-ethical-scenario/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Aversive Punitive-Based Intervention Strategy: Ethical Scenario." August 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/aversive-punitive-based-intervention-strategy-ethical-scenario/.

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