Awareness of Bioethics in Contemporary Healthcare


Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field of research and discussion, the subject of which is the moral foundations and problems of medicine and healthcare, as well as closely related modern scientific areas. Chourey et al. (2022, para. 9) state that awareness of bioethics is important for novice doctors, service providers, as well as for medical professionals. Bioethics is an integral part of contemporary healthcare as it demonstrates the importance of ethical values in the work of physicians and establishes the need for continuous education of doctors and other medical personnel. The basic ethical principles in the practice of a doctor are the principles of autonomy, humanity, and justice.


Healthcare professionals should be educated and act on the principle of respect for personal and collective autonomy, mainly aimed at ensuring a person’s biopsychosocial balance. That is, autonomy should be reflected in the rejection of mercantile interests in the field of healthcare, as well as in the interest of medical personnel in the interests of patients higher than in their own. The principle of humanity is based on trust between doctors and patients who coordinate their actions in the name of the best mutual interests – in the interests of the health of the patients themselves. The principle of justice assumes that people should receive equal attention and guaranteed distribution of equal medical services, regardless of race, profession, social status, and place of residence. The role of ethics and bioethics will always be one of the most significant, even though healthcare is constantly changing (Rosenberg, 2021, para. 9). Each of the principles is important and must be included in the practice of all members of the medical team.


I agree with you that each of the principles is important, and all of them should be included in the work of doctors and nurses. Every patient has the right to autonomy, fair and equal treatment, and humane treatment of them and their health. Of course, Christianity also points out the importance of loving not only God or oneself but also the necessity of loving one’s neighbor. Thank you for your answer, it was interesting to read your opinion on such a complex and multifaceted subject as bioethics.


Chourey, N., Sinha, P., Hiremath, R., Ghodke, S., Sharma, A., & Vaswani, P. (2022). Knowledge and practices of bioethics – Need for periodic assessment and reinstatement for budding family physicians. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 11(7), 3901. Web.

Rosenberg, S. (2021). Why ethics in nursing matters. Southern New Hampshire University. Web.

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