Socioeconomics in the Delivery of Healthcare


Socioeconomic factors such as income, education, and occupation can significantly impact an individual’s ability to access and receive healthcare. Lower incomes and less education may give the person more barriers to accessing healthcare than those with higher incomes and higher levels of education (Healthcare, 2022). It should be highlighted that individuals with lower incomes may have limited access to transportation or may be unable to take time off work to visit a healthcare provider. They could have fewer health insurance opportunities, making it difficult or impossible to afford necessary medical care (Bacha, 2022). Additionally, lower-income people may be more likely to live in neighborhoods with limited access to healthcare providers, making it difficult to receive timely and appropriate care. Therefore, socioeconomic factors can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to access and receive healthcare.

Healthcare Organizations and Rural Communities

In my opinion, methods like telehealth and partnering with local organizations are one of the most productive ways to provide care to rural communities. First, technologies should be used to help healthcare providers. Therefore, telehealth may be an effective way to provide care to rural communities through the use of telehealth technologies such as video conferencing, remote monitoring, and secure messaging (Bohr & Memarzadeh, 2020). Second, healthcare companies can partner with local organizations such as schools, churches, and community centers to provide healthcare services in rural areas. This approach will allow the application of the practice of advanced nursing healthcare in order to better understand the needs and habits of local residents and, therefore, provide better medical care.

Old and New Solutions

One of the solutions for providing medical care in rural areas is mobile clinics. These are vehicles that are equipped with medical equipment and staffed by healthcare professionals, which can travel to different locations to provide healthcare services. However, one of the main drawbacks of such a solution is its high cost. As my solution to the problem, I propose the creation of free online courses to raise public awareness in rural areas. Classes may be held jointly, for example, in schools or universities. This approach should attract young people and provide the necessary knowledge to improve health conditions.


Bacha, U. (2022). Rural health. BoD – Books on Demand.

Bohr, A., & Memarzadeh, K. (2020). Artificial intelligence in healthcare. Academic Press.

Healthcare Access in Rural Communities. (2022). RHIhub. Web.

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