Balancing Others’ Freedom and Own Happiness

Freedom is the ability to do something without prevention by other individuals. A free person can engage in activities without any constraint from the people around them. Additionally, freedom gives people the power to act or speak accordingly without any hindrance. When people act freely, it is not always a guarantee that they will be happy. Happiness can only be attained when there is a balance between the individuals’ freedom and those around them. Without such stability, one person’s freedom may prevent others from being happy since acting as one pleases does not necessarily mean doing what is right.

For example, when one person decides to play loud music on our homestead, they are free to do so. However, this action keeps those of us living there unhappy since it is a distraction from reading, sleeping, or other activities that require silence. A person could also choose to drive hastily since it makes them happy. However, such an act may keep their life and those of others in danger of accidents. Therefore, it is clear that freedom without balance brings a lot of havoc in the world.

One restriction on my happiness intended to keep me happy involves my parents stopping me from going out with my friends and instructing me to stay home and do chores. Being prevented from going out might be a concern of security, but it keeps me from being happy as I cannot get the chance to interact with my friends or make new connections. With freedom and happiness, a balance should be kept where an individual is free to do what is right. It is essential to determine what is right for us and does not distract or negatively affect others. We create a balance when we become free to act out of responsibility and concern for those around us.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 12). Balancing Others’ Freedom and Own Happiness.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Balancing Others’ Freedom and Own Happiness." December 12, 2022.

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