In this research paper, the idea of big data and personal privacy are discussed through the prism of the work of the public sector and the government. In many countries, artificial intelligence systems have already been successfully implemented to control unlawful activities and improve operations. More attention should be paid to the reasons for supporting big data use by public administrators. At the same time, race and gender bias of algorithms, as well as privacy and security, are the issues that cannot be neglected in this discussion. A brief overview of all these concepts and achievements will be given in this research paper.
In the modern world, the role of data cannot be ignored because it is usually produced in considerable quantities and gathered from different sources. Almost every day, some new tools are offered to create or represent information, and the public sector, as well as the government, should be aware of how to use big data and predictive analytics to modernize their operations, reduce costs, and improve the tax system. In addition, such issues as privacy, security of personal data, race biases, and gender inequalities have to be turned into algorithms and cannot be ignored.
Public Administrators, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics
The relationship between big data and government agencies is not a new subject. For example, Australian officials find it effective to use predictive analytics in their tax fraud departments to save money and the lives of taxpayers (de Fremery). In the United Kingdom, the Department of Work and Pensions uses big data to prevent unlawful payouts and promote large workforces (Marr). In the United States, many US agencies encourage cooperation to enjoy the flexibility of information obtained from traffic cameras, business transactions, social media, and interpersonal communication (de Fremery).
This exchange helps to save time, understand the needs of different communities, and identify their financial, personal, or professional challenges and opportunities. Taking into consideration the possible scope of possibilities, public administrators and elected officials must use big data and predictive analytics to improve their operations and develop strategies for better services, cost reduction, and tax control.
Personal Data Privacy and Security Algorithms
In addition to several benefits of predictive analytics and access to big data, it is necessary to remember that even the best and most effective services and machines could make mistakes. Such issues like personal data privacy, security, racial inequalities, and gender biases promote discrimination in a variety of harmful ways and provoke exclusionary practices. The investigations of Buolamwini show that machines in such artificial intelligence giants as Amazon or Microsoft are far from being neutral with several error rates and failed classifications.
Therefore, to avoid misunderstandings or unclear situations, it is important to address all these issues in a correct way and within a short period. Buolamwini recommends using storytelling as a powerful tool to shift perspectives and use art to improve emotional and societal connections between algorithmic biases and people. Personal stories and human aspirations can hardly be compared to machinery success and speed.
The idea of using big data in the public and government sectors seems to be beneficial. On the one hand, elected officials, politicians, and policymakers can gather many opinions, control human activities, and predict crimes. On the other hand, the worth of privacy and security, as well as racial or gender biases, can challenge a working process. It is not always possible to be 100% confident in the quality of analysis offered by machines, and new methods to work with big data have to be developed. The role of machines is integral in modern society, but it is still necessary to underline the significance of a human factor in this process.
Works Cited
Buolamwini, Joy. “Artificial Intelligence Has a Problem with Gender and Racial Bias. Here’s How to Solve It.” Time. 2019. Web.
de Fremery, Rose. “Big Data and Government: How the Public Sector Leverages Data Insights.” Hortonworks. 2018. Web.
Marr, Bernard. “How the UK Government Uses Artificial Intelligence to Identify Welfare and State Benefits Fraud.” Forbes. 2018. Web.