Executive Summary
This essay is about preparing for an event, especially a birthday party in the Spring. Several factors lead to the prevention of technical and logistical problems during an event. Only persons over the age of 16 would be invited to the event. Event liability insurance will play a critical role in paying persons wounded unintentionally during the event. The crew will be trained in various areas, including departure, arrival, emergency response, communication, the equipment uses, security, timeliness, and money management. Contractors will be chosen using various methods, including looking for professionals in their workplaces, following them on social media, making payments, and being honest. Stakeholder balance will be achieved by various methods, including assessing their goals and requirements, resolving conflicts, and requesting management support. During the event, pricing methods include time discounts, member affiliation, VIP discounts, and promo coupons. Local currencies will be used to meet the event’s challenging local environment because they are unaffected by market swings.
This essay aims at planning for an event, preferably a birthday party, that will take place during the Spring season. The plan considers various aspects of the birthday, such as logistical and technical challenges, audience profiles and target markets, health and safety/risk assessment, financial management, funding, and budget sheets, staff training, and supplier relationship. Event planning is vital and ensures that an event is successfully executed (Nolan, 2017, p. 10). It conceptualizes, prepares, and coordinates an event, alleviating pressure and stress and permitting clients to relax and wait for the event. It saves money by covering all details and organizing the event better. Hiring an event planner offers individuals sufficient time to plan and organize smooth running and management of events to accommodate every person’s requirements
Logistical and Technical Challenges
Various aspects play essential roles in mitigating technical and logistical errors during an event. These elements include licensing, insurance, contractual obligations, schedules, staff briefing, lighting, design, layout, floor plans, and IT equipment. Possible technical and logistical challenges include video playback challenges, insufficient seats, interference of microphones, understaffing, extravagance, networking, overlooking tracking changes, and lack of weather backup plan. Licenses and permits take long to obtain, and the planners may cancel a function without them. One of the primary purposes of licensing requirements is to safeguard the public’s safety. Event organizers must prioritize the security of the volunteers, visitors, and other residents. Irrespective of the nature of the event, it is always a good idea to ensure it. The majority of insurances cover accidental breakage, loss, and robbery of machinery that is critical to the successful functioning of the function. Exhibitions provide a chance to network and market services and increase brand awareness. People are becoming increasingly aware of advertising, so coming up with fresh, efficient ways to market your business is critical if you want to get recognized. Production schedules are essential for any live event production because they spell out exactly what the suppliers and crew can expect on any given day.
Audience Profiles and Target Markets
The birthday will target individuals from various backgrounds, including friends, relatives, neighbors, and family members. The event would invite only people who are above 16 years. Children will not receive invitations or be allowed to attend the party due to the loud music available. There would be no specialized foods or drinks for children since the birthday party will be for an 18 plus person who loves enjoying and partying. Concerning income, every attendant will be required to pay a non-refundable fee of $200 before attending the event before the event day. Income is a significant factor in determining whether or not an event will be financially successful. The event’s location will be at the “ANGELS RESORT,” 20 Kilometers from the “Angels” main road. Various hobbies and interests will be available in the event, including skydiving, swimming, hiking, wine tasting, dancing, singing, jumping, and cake cutting.
Health and Safety/Risk Assessment
During events, the activities have a high chance of triggering several risks. Hence, event liability insurances perform crucial roles in compensating those who accidentally get injured in the event process. If a person is found to be responsible for property damage or an injury that occurred during a celebration, event liability insurance may help cover the costs. Although event liability insurance is usually good for the day of the event, planners should make sure they have a policy in place at least a day ahead of time. Event insurance defends organizers from unexpected conditions that could increase upshot costs, probable lawsuits, and business losses. Occasion insurance planning should be at the top of an organizer’s to-do list since waiting too long may result in organizers not being able to find the coverage they require. Uncertainty risk is one of the possible hazards that the event planner will ensure. Natural disasters, market downturns, fires, market share fatalities due to new competitors, legal reports, political unpredictability, and terrorist attacks are the most common examples of uncertainty risks.
Financial Management, Funding, and Budget Sheets
A budget will play an essential role in managing finances throughout the event. Planning for an engagement gives designers various vital strategies. There is often a boundary concerning capital invested in a single event. Considering that symbol only helps track particular event costs to guarantee that the sum expended does not surpass the billed quantity. It is crucial to possess an exact budget to figure out how much money the event will make and how much money it will spend, as well as enough alternatives, or to identify goals to meet within particular timelines to decide whether the occasion should go ahead or not. The event will obtain its funds from merchandise, sponsors, vendors, advertising, and VIP packages. The profit and loss budget sheets will play significant roles in analyzing the profit or loss the event will acquire through its expected revenues and costs incurred, as shown below.
Birthday Event profit and loss income statement
Table 1: Profit and Loss Balance Sheet
The event expects more revenues than the costs it will incur. Its net income or gross profit from the event will be $4820, which indicates that the event will create a crucial opportunity for the company to make more sales. The event expects total revenue of $9200 and costs totaling $4380. Therefore, the company would have generated profitability of $4820.
Staff Training
The staff will be trained on various aspects, including their departure, arrival, handling emergencies, communication, using equipment, security, timelines, and handling money. Staff should know factors that could cause interruptions in the occasion schedule, including late arrival and strangeness with equipment. The workers should be aware of security, including keeping track of keys and keeping a close eye on currency on the premises are all parts of security. It could also entail directing automobiles to certain parking spots. All event staff is legally obligated to guarantee the venue’s safety and activities. Checking for obstructions and risks and ensuring that no one’s safety is jeopardized. During events, money handling poses a substantial risk. Staff at the ticket office, the entrance barrier, the food and retail stands, and other locations can collect money. Poor lifting technique, electric shock, sharp edges, or heat can all cause damage when using the equipment. The event planner will source skills and services such as catering, entertainers, decoration, and photo booth services. All these services will be sourced from various companies that offer similar amenities. The management will establish various guidelines to manage participants during the event.
Supplier Relationship
Various techniques will be used to select contractors, including searching for specialists in their workplaces, following them on social media, making payments, and staying honest. Looking for specialists in their fields will fasten the event since it will guarantee the comprehension of what may be required in delighting the audience saving money and time. These contractors may be found using search engines, specialist event platforms, and particular trade organizations. Searching for contractors on social platforms ensures clients checks how other buyers have reviewed them and obtain valuable data on whether they may require their services. Since the contractors would have already encountered costs conveying the event, payment will be made by the planner within the agreed schedule to eliminate cash flow challenges. The contractors will be selected based on their expertise and the reviews they have received from other consumers. Longevity will be managed by setting revenues and adjusting them against expenses to ensure the event will not incur losses. Among the qualifications required from the suppliers include at least two years of experience related to events. Prior experiences will be an added advantage to the contractors or suppliers.
Framework for Sustainable Practices
Waste can be a significant element of events. It can collect as a result of set-up and tear-down, the provision of food and beverages, and the distribution of promotional materials, to mention a few. The waste reduction is achieved through careful planning, which has a low environmental impact, matches community standards, improves efficiency, lowers energy use, and saves money. Choose activities that are relevant to your event and ensure that they are reviewed regularly for continuous improvement. Templates for contract creation, planning, and communication have been prepared and are linked to aid with numerous areas on this checklist. They’re also available on the Adelaide City Council’s website. Avoid, reduce, reuse, and recycle are the four pillars of good waste management: avoiding unneeded materials (packaging/trash) whenever possible, decreasing waste produced, and reusing or recycling items. By enhancing waste sorting and recycling systems at events, there are chances to reduce waste. Adopting a three-bin system similar to the participants’ homes is a beautiful place to start. Positive outcomes can also be aided by education that uses volunteers to monitor bin stations or gamified interaction.
Balancing Between Stakeholders
Balancing between stakeholders will be ensured depending on various approaches, including considering their goals requirements, resolving their conflicts, and seeking support from the management. Stakeholders include suppliers, investors, customers, investors, and the media. Stakeholders play a key role in incident arrangement since they can be inclined by the activity, which the input type can determine. Stakeholders bring value and reputation to the event, which helps it succeed. When stakeholders are included in the planning phase, the event is more likely to be well-received and embraced by the community. In recent years, various events have boosted the industry’s competitiveness. Stakeholder identification allows for clear communication during project progress conferences or monthly updates. Understanding who stakeholders are and their role in a project’s development is crucial to comprehending and efficiently understanding their concerns or expectations.
Managing client needs can assist developers in making solid connections, adding value to connections, and ensuring that a project or business runs successfully. Expectations often clash when it comes to projects. When this occurs, understanding stakeholder incentives may aid in finding a solution. Raising problems to the surface can assist in building trust and resolving underlying difficulties if there is a reluctance to change. Stakeholder management is crucial since successful project interactions rely on it, which necessitates a solid grasp of a business’s stakeholders and their individual communication needs at various project stages. Getting aid from management guarantees that one can organize a successful event from start to finish, including managing event employees, creating an event budget and marketing, and reviewing event templates in program management software.
Detail on Managing Pricing
During the occasion, time discounts, member affiliation, VIP discounts, and promo coupons are the pricing tactics. The early birds/time discounts help move cash flows in events and offer market ammunition. Compared to non-members, members of an association or professional group pay a lower ticket fee. This method works exceptionally well when the event comprises organization or institute members. Event management systems can assist by customizing registration questions for different audience groups and assigning different pricing. VIPs and loyal clients can benefit from pricing schemes for ticket sales and event registrations. Because of the importance of VIPs and valued customers to an event, planners might want to create unique discount codes. Another approach for increasing ticket sales and registrations is to use promo codes. Giving a valuable promo code should only be done if it makes business sense for the company.
Meeting Challenging Economic Environment
The event will meet the challenging local environment by using local currencies since they are never affected by market fluctuations. Local currencies aid in strengthening and decarbonizing a society’s or country’s local economy. They contribute to the development of community spirit while also decreasing carbon emissions and improving local resilience. Local currencies are intended to coexist with a country’s official currency. Because they are not lawful cash, no one is obligated to take them in return for goods unless they have consented to join the currency’s trader network. Before the event, the event planner will stay updated with the latest government policies to avoid violating the policies that could have been changed or modified. Concerning the COVID-19 measures, the event will adhere to all the guidelines required to prevent the possible transmission of the virus. Everyone will be required to undergo thorough sanitization before entering the venue. Masks will also be prioritized among people to prevent contamination. The occasion will utilize the latest technology trends in holding the event to eliminate competition from various events.
Evaluation Strategy
Smart goals will play vital roles in assessing the event delivery and implementation. An event can be structured to meet various objectives based on the target audience. After determining the demographic, the next stage is to determine and write down what every audience member might think, feel, and do after attending the event that they did not think, feel, or do previously. As a result, the evaluation and measurement processes become more tangible. Although perfect assessment is not always achievable, performance against aims should be ideally evaluated in the future to identify and avoid discrepancies. Idea research is carried out during the conceptualization process to determine the viability of a concept. Formative and objective assessments are undertaken during the customization phase of an event. Performance at the event could be evaluated via summative evaluation. The main objective of event evaluation is to walk through the event and ensure that all goals are satisfied. Since deviations might occur during the planning process, it is vital to take measurements whenever possible.
Conclusion and Recommendation
In conclusion, event planning is vital and ensures that an event is successfully executed. It conceptualizes, prepares, and coordinates an event, alleviating pressure and stress and permitting clients to relax and wait for the event. It saves money by covering all details and organizing the event better. There are various recommendations businesses or customers should adopt to ensure the successful completion of their events. First, they should consider hiring an event planner to obtain sufficient time to plan and organize smooth running and management of events to accommodate every person’s requirements. Secondly, event designers should consider keeping costs low by examining previous event expenses to see what can be done differently. It is also crucial to evaluate all demands for event-related adjustments regarding how they influence the budget and timeline. Thirdly, personnel at events should acknowledge how to handle all types of emergencies and what to do in the event of one. They should be trained to expect the unexpected as well. Fourthly, employees may be taught first aid, fire extinguisher use, raising the alarm, evacuating actions, and individuals to contact during an emergency.
Reference List
Sample Floor Plan for Birthday Party. blogspot.com.(2022) Web.
Nolan, E. (2017) Working with venues for events: A practical guide. Routledge.
Appendix 1: Floor Plan