Building a More Pleasant Existence and Helping Others

Perhaps inclusivity makes the message of things breaking apart powerfully resonate with people regardless of their faith or spiritual practice. Each person experiences hardships, and how every individual responds to those feelings can build a more pleasant existence. When problems happen, people believe that the best course of action is to conquer the issue, but the reality is that the matter is never truly resolved. At some time in life, several facets merge before repeatedly collapsing. Healing occurs when there is space for anything, whether it is sorrow, relief, pain, or happiness (Chödrön, “When Things Fall Apart” 65). Suffering is unavoidable for humans as long as life persists; experiences are perpetually changing. The best practices are to persevere in the face of such instability, learn how to rest in the wake of the turmoil, and try not to despair. When individuals fearlessly face impermanence, they have an aptitude for optimism. Without abandoning the faith that there is a better place or person, individuals will only rest after an enormous accomplishment.

Making peace requires individuals to accept pieces of themselves that they have previously rejected. They also achieve peace with those they despise by doing so. Being among individuals that one hates frequently serves as a stimulus for self-discovery. As a result, there is a desire to express gratitude to everyone (Chödrön, “Start Where You Are” 37). Assisting oneself or another requires opening up and simply being there; this is how anything happens between individuals. However, this should be a constant process since resistance to unfavorable conditions can sustain them for an extended period. Joy occurs when individuals stop taking themselves too seriously and appreciate the little experiences that make life worthwhile. Consequently, individuals should learn to always accept emptiness as a means of achieving liberation, resolving anger, and coping with death. For a happy life, individuals should know that it is acceptable to appear ignorant and to refute false claims about themselves. Allowing one’s convictions to lapse provides confidence since the individual is no longer concerned with seeming dumb.

Works Cited

Chodron, Pema. When Things Fall Apart. HarperCollins Publishers, 2003.

Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living. Shambhala Publications, 2001.

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