Business Needs in the Healthcare Sector


Business needs are what resources or methods organizations require to reach their business goal. When business needs are identified, then clear problem statements can be derived. Thus, proper goals and objectives for business can be set. This paper will define business needs and problems in healthcare, specifically focusing on nursing informatics including a real-life example of IV PUMP implementation in Atrium Health Hospital in North Carolina.

Business Needs and Problem Statement Identification

Needs are the basic factors of changes in the organization, which are defined as requirements and implemented by employing people, implementing projects, transforming operations, and purchasing goods. The Business needs statement provides sufficient information to justify a decision on whether or not the organization should move forward with the development of a full business case. Once business needs are identified, the problem statement can be drawn. It is the description of an issue currently existing that needs to be addressed and provides context for the problems that will be addressed.

Problem statements are single statements followed by real-life examples for the emphasis. In order to write a problem statement, firstly the correct or desirable way of things should be stated. Secondly, the problems and their importance have to be described, followed by the possible costs description. Then, the solution should be proposed with its benefits explained. In conclusion, the problem and solution have to be summarized. Once business needs are identified and the problem statement is derived, the preliminary Enterprise Architecture (EA) (CDC Guide, 2008) review is concluded for potential duplicates, interferences, and contradictions to existing projects.

Business Needs of Healthcare Organization’s Informatics Issues

In the healthcare sector, organizations were forced to become more accountable in providing efficient care delivery or run the risk of losing reimbursement for clinical services provided to their patient populations. Despite the healthcare organization’s awareness of these success factors and knowledge of best practices, the process of implementing IT projects remains fraught with uncertainties, risks, and the prospect of failure. The main business need in the current setting is IV PUMP integration in Atrium Health, which involves data transfers from the old system to the new equipment. The hospital’s vision is to be the national leader for health, learning & community, which implies a certain degree of innovation to be involved. In order to achieve the general goal of IV PUMP integration two main S.M.A.R.T. goals can be derived. The first goal is to increase proficiency in nursing informatics specialists and the second is positive change environment implementation.

Focusing on the first goal, it can be stated that the current and future data transformation is recognized to be multifaceted, complex, and uncertain. It can have influences on organizations’ resources, capabilities, processes, structures, skills, and investment needs, for example (Garcia-Dia, 2019). In such terms, competence in nursing informatics will be essential in achieving this goal. This goal is specific, skills in nursing informatics can be measured via exams and grades. Proficiency in this skill is achievable and realistic. With this goal completed, the IV PUMP integration will be easier achieved.

The second S.M.A.R.T. goal is a positive change environment implementation. Old ways of work are less productive in an ever-changing environment. They are not only ineffective but also cause burnout, slow down workflow, and sometimes even bullying (Pesqueira, Sousa & Rocha, 2020). A positive change environment is a specific goal, which can be measured by surveying hospital staff. It is achievable through training and encouragement. Moreover, it is realistic and will result in a better environment that enables PUMP integration and maintenance.


In healthcare, a project can be a collaboration where nursing and IT work together in planning the upgrade of a clinical application. In order to achieve the ultimate goal of IV PUMP integration, S.M.A.R.T. objectives must be used. Moreover, it will result in achieving the hospital’s vision to be the national leader for health and will have profound business benefits such as improved workflow and expertise.


CDC Unified Process Practicing Guide (2008). Web.

Garcia-Dia, M.J. (2019). Project Management in Nursing Informatics. Springster Publishing Company.

Pesqueira, A., Sousa, M.J. & Rocha, A. (2020). Big Data Skills Sustainable Development in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals. Journal of Medical Systems, 44, 1-15. Web.

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