Change Management in Healthcare: Role of Change Agents and Leadership

The shift of priorities in modern society triggered dramatic changes in all spheres of human activity. Today we can observe numerous attempts to reconsider traditional approaches to increase their efficiency and attain better results. For this reason, numerous methods in management to provide organizations with a significant competitive advantage appear. These are implemented in companies functioning, and they create new opportunities for managers.

However, the alteration of traditional approaches along with the implementation of new ones is a complex process that should be preconditioned by a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of an organization to determine the areas of change and top priorities. Thus, the given task is usually delegated to a change agent who possesses the needed knowledge and competence to ensure that the most important issues will be reorganized.

The need for change becomes especially important in terms of the modern healthcare sector. The fact is that patients have an increased level of demands for the quality of the suggested services today. It is preconditioned by the use of technologies and the overall scientific and technological advance. That is why the need for change is crucial. However, the complexity of challenges health workers face today and the great price of a mistake demand careful and well-thought-out interference to maintain a certain units functioning during the change period (Stitzlein, Sanderson, & Indulska, 2013).

In this regard, a change agent becomes responsible for a successful implementation of innovative practices, discovery of change areas, and preservation of the units efficiency. The overall success and final result of the change process depend on decisions made by the change agent during all its stages.

In regards to the change agents responsibilities, several aspects should be mentioned. First of all, he/she is responsible for the outcomes and results of the change process. It means that the expected outcomes should be achieved due to the reconsideration of practices and approaches that are used at the moment. The given responsibility also means that the change agent should monitor all stages of the process and assure that the most appropriate decisions are made (Riches & Robson, 2014). He/she should also control the time frame. Every change process has its schedule that determines the beginning and the end of each phase.

That is why it is crucial to observe time limits. The change agent should also be responsible for the staff involved in the process. In other words, he/she should assure that all health workers understand their duties and roles in the change process and can promote the further implementation of innovative techniques (Riches & Robson, 2014). Finally, the change agent is also responsible for motivation and atmosphere within the collective during the process as it is the crucial element of any system.

Delving into the above-mentioned aspect of workers motivation, the high level of involvement is extremely important for the success of the process. The human factor remains one of the main aspects that impact the functioning and existence of different systems. Investigations state that the high level of motivation among workers preconditions better results and decreases the probability of a mistake (Steikne, Dastmalchian, Blyton, & Hasselback, 2013).

At the same time, workers could become a powerful force that will cultivate change and help the change agent to do his/her job and improve the functioning of a health unit. One should realize the fact that it is impossible to drive change alone. For this reason, workers involvement is crucial for the final success. Furthermore, the new environment is created for specialists who will have to act in it. That is why they to remain efficient, they should be familiar with the most important alterations and mechanisms that promote change.

Nevertheless, to attain the increased involvement in the process and assure that workers understand its main peculiarities, the change agent should establish efficient communication patterns between all departments. In this regard, the choice of communication strategy becomes crucial. Several methods could be used to attain success; however, considering the peculiarities of the change process results-driven communication strategy could be explored (Steikne et al., 2013).

First, it will help to provide workers with clear instructions about their duties and responsibilities which is extremely important for their involvement. Second, its use will also guarantee that the final success becomes the main priority. The given strategy could be supported by the inclusive one to engage all workers in the change process and significantly increase their efficiency.

Therefore, if to speak about the workers understanding of details, an outstanding role a nurse leader plays in the process is undeniable. Traditionally, this person guides other workers during the most complex or important periods. Additionally, leader functions include inspiration and motivation. It means that the change agent should cooperate with a nurse leader to understand workers strengths and weaknesses, behavioral patterns that are peculiar to the collective, and corporative culture.

These are important elements of the units functioning as they precondition their efficiency and outcomes. In this regard, a nurse leader should become responsible for workers improved understanding of the change process peculiarities and their ability to promote this very change. His/her cooperation with the change agent remains crucial as it impacts the final result significantly.

Finally, the above-mentioned change process could be investigated in terms of the shared governance model and its impact on the units functioning. This approach presupposes the fair distribution of authorities and responsibilities between the most important stakeholders that could impact the functioning of a certain organization. As for the change process, the agent should act about the peculiarities of the model that are explored by the unit and using authorities that are available to him/her in terms of the shared governance model. Under these conditions, change theory becomes extremely important for it as it assures that the further evolution of the unit will be continued and the model will remain topical in the given environment. Furthermore, the change process impacts shared governance as it touches upon all spheres that are incorporated into one model.

Altogether, the change process becomes a significant part of the modern management system. It is introduced to improve the most important spheres of human activity and guarantee their improved functioning. However, it remains an extremely complex process because of the scale of alterations and the need for positive outcomes. Under these conditions, a change agent becomes the most important actor who should manage a medical unit at this period and assure that it will be able to pass through all stages and demonstrate appropriate results. There are also numerous responsibilities which he/she possesses and which should be given specific attention because of their overwhelming impact on the whole change process.


Riches, E., & Robson, B. (2014). Clinical engagement: Improving healthcare together. Scottish Medical Journal, 59(1), 62-66. Web.

Steikne, C., Dastmalchian, A., Blyton, P., & Hasselback, P. (2013). Organizational change strategies within healthcare. Healthcare Management Forum, 26(3), 127-135. Web.

Stitzlein, C., Sanderson, P., & Indulska, M. (2013). Understanding healthcare processes. An evaluation of two process model notations. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 57(1), 240-244. Web.

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