Choices: Change Process in Counseling


A change is letting go of dysfunctional patterns of relationship, self-sabotaging behaviors, and irrational beliefs and replacing them with positive, proactive, and conscious modes of operation that result in wellness, happiness, and success. Counselors build a therapeutic relationship by understanding how people go through a behavior revolution since it allows them to set the tone that suits a particular client. People undergoing conversion need to reinvent themselves so that their outer and inner personas are in alignment.

Five Stages of the Change Process

Five stages are involved in the transformation process and comprise different strategies and interventions. The initial stage that involves pre-contemplation refers to when the individual is not aware of their problems and there is no intention to change (Shebib, 2017). Contemplation is the next level, which encompasses alertness to the existing difficulties and seriously thinking about overcoming them but no commitment to resolve them (Shebib, 2017). The third phase contains preparation, where the person combines their willingness to transform soonest but has not taken measures for the longest time (Shebib, 2017).

Action is the fourth step in which somebody modifies their behavior, environment, and experiences to defeat their glitches (Shebib, 2017). This period requires considerable commitment of time and energy for effectiveness. Then the final phase is maintenance and which consists of preventing relapse and consolidating the benefits that were attained in the previous pace (Shebib, 2017). This segment may extend from six months to an indeterminate period, depending on the addictive activities of a victim.

Key Characteristics of a Therapeutic Relationship

A therapeutic relationship is a connection between a healthcare professional and a patient who engage with each other to effect a beneficial transformation for the sufferer. An effective beneficial affiliation consists of essential characteristics that include care, respect, an emotional bond of trust, agreement on the therapy goals, and collaboration on the treatment tasks (Shebib, 2017). The process helps in developing the victim by fostering adaptation, maturation, openness, integration, and the ability to find meaning in the situation present.

Phases of Counseling

A counseling process involves well-structured sessions where a trained and a qualified counselor converses with a patient to help them identify the source of their problems and find approaches to deal with such issues. According to Spindel (2020), a successful counseling process has to go through five stages, as discussed above. Firstly, relationship building is crucial in making the client comfortable to share with the counselor. Problem assessment is the second stage, in which the counselor listens to the client to understand their needs. Thirdly is goal setting, where both set the objectives, they should achieve at the end of the session. Psychoanalysis intervention is the fourth stage, where the counselor advises the client based on the existing behavioral theories. Lastly is the evaluation, which involves assessing if the process has been successful or referral is required. The entire process necessitates patience for it to be effective because the psychoanalyst does not fix the client but requires interaction and commitment from the parties involved.

Core Values of Counseling

Ethics in the counseling field involves the standards suggested by established professional organizations to help counselors with values, morals, and decision-making. Empathy display is a core value that indicates that the therapist is listening, understanding, and experiencing the information being shared by the victim. Maintaining confidentiality is a responsibility that counselors should undertake to protect the privacy of their clients (Spindel, 2020). Self-determination quality, as a psychoanalyst, directs that all humans have similar psychological needs that include competence, autonomy, and relatedness that underlie growth and development.


Admittedly, the counseling process is essential in helping individuals rediscover their purpose and focus on developing themselves. The sessions may be beneficial for people struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress since they can help them understand how to handle their emotions better. Stages involved in the transformation development help in eliminating or modifying problematic behaviors. The progress is not rapid or easy and calls for patience and commitment from both the counselor and the client for it to be effective.


Spindel, P. (2020). Case management from an empowerment perspective: A guide for health and human services professionals (4th ed.). Canadian Scholars.

Shebib, B. (2017). Choices: Interviewing and counseling skills for Canadians (6th ed.). Pearson Education Canada.

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