Cisco System: Analysis of Company

History of Cisco

Cisco Systems was founded by Leonard Black and Sandy Lerner in 1984 and is currently a major American technology company. Its main achievement is that the founders of the company are pioneers in creating a local area network (LAN) system. It is used to communicate between different computers through a multiprotocol system of routers. It should also be noted that this company develops, manufactures, and sells hardware and software for the network (CISCO ESG reporting hub, 2021). Cisco Systems is engaged in the creation of a variety of products that allow connecting public and private wired and mobile networks. The company is also engaged in the maintenance of data centers and providing wireless access points for voice, video, and information applications.

In addition, the company offers collaboration products, including unified communications, telepresence, and conferencing, as well as the Things Internet application and analytical software. Cisco offers security products, including network and data center protection, advanced threat protection, security and Internet access. Their initial product was an interoperable router that could accept many protocols and hence communicate with various hardware, architecture, and networks (CISCO ESG reporting hub, 2021). This device coped quite effectively with connecting various unrelated devices of different companies into a single network. Thus, the main achievement of Cisco Systems was that their technology became the first multiprotocol router.

Non-Market Strategies

The Government Affairs team of Cisco creates and promotes pro-technology policies and laws. Cisco also promotes various initiatives related to achieving equal access to information structures in various rural or remote areas. The company is in favor of the Paris Climate Agreement as well as industry-led energy-efficiency initiatives to reduce emissions in carbon-intensive industries (CISCO ESG reporting hub, 2021). In addition, the company’s activities are focused on achieving energy security. Cisco also encourages innovations related to protecting nature and reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. It is important to note that the company is engaged in creating equal opportunities for women and residents of remote territories of various countries.

Cisco is a supporter of immigration policies that stimulate innovation, employment, and the development of a highly qualified workforce. In addition, the organization promotes diverse workplaces that are free of prejudice and provide chances for all employees. Cisco is a promoter of well-balanced intellectual property policies that encourage innovation while lowering the risk of needless and damaging litigation (CISCO ESG reporting hub, 2021). The company does not engage in activities related to making contributions to various parties or independent candidates in the United States. However, on the other hand, Cisco does not hide the fact that they seek to lobby its interests by making contributions to local and state institutions related to its field of activity. Cisco provides support to governments in making licensed and unlicensed radio spectrum available to support such technologies and their growth. This is necessary to ensure the development of various social spheres of life, such as education, work, and healthcare.

How They Differ from Other Technology Companies

The company serves small businesses, large corporations, government agencies, governments, and service providers. It distributes its goods directly and through resellers and distributors such as system integrators, service providers, and other resellers. Network technology, security, collaboration, apps, and cloud computing manufactured items create a secure, intelligent platform for digital business. Cisco conducts its business all over the world and manages it geographically. The business is divided into the following three geographical segments: The Americas; Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA); and Asia Pacific, Japan and China (APJC) (CISCO ESG reporting hub, 2021). Infrastructure platforms, apps, security, and other goods are the categories in which the company’s business is divided. Furthermore, the organization offers a variety of services, including technical assistance and advanced services.


CISCO ESG reporting hub. (2021). Policies, positions, and guides. Cisco. Web.

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