Ethical Behavior Issues in the Workplace


The modern environment is coupled with many ethical issues relating to business management. Companies prioritize inclusive workplace culture and ethical leadership to provide a suitable environment for conducting business activities. To reflect on the future working environment, there is a need to improve the current ethical imbalances and train employees on setting a better working environment. This encamps setting the ethical culture and organizational principles to improve corporate governance structures that can influence positive behavior in the future. Organizational culture and ethics codes of conduct are primary factors in regulating ethical issues in the business environment. Determining the means of ethical behavior can help create a resolution, which can influence organizational behavior toward future workplace behavior.

Summary of Issues and Frameworks

Both Activision Blizzard and PepsiCo deal with various ethical issues delimiting the companies to achieve the expected financial outcomes. For example, Activision Blizzard was engaged in sexual harassment, while PepsiCo is criticized for environmental pollution due to its single-use plastic packaging. Identifying these issues was a greater milestone for the two companies to identify the best ethical framework and strategies to solve them. This would eventually lead to better performance in the future, thus creating an enabling environment for the organizations to achieve their long-term goals.

Changing the organizational ethical behavior will eventually be led to improved sustainability. Companies should focus on alternative solutions to ethical challenges; for example, PepsiCo should move towards the glass and aluminum packaging to reduce plastic waste and positively impact the environment. On the other hand, Activision Blizzard should investigate the claims and provide an anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policy within the organizational activities. The current ethical framework determines the organizational behavior, which may influence its activities in the future environment.

Reflection on Future Workplace Behavior

Improving workplace behavior aims to provide a good image to third parties and improve organizational performance in a competitive environment. Failure may lead to poor performance and uncontrolled government regulations and restrictions against the company. Organizational policies should be scrutinized to avoid gender-based violence, which may drag organizational activities and lead to product discrimination in the market (Remišová et al., 2019). Determination of the possible unethical standards within the organizational framework is an important aspect that can improve the corporate image and perceived financial performance.

To change behavior in the future based on the ethical framework might require individual activities such as being honest in assessing your needs and resources and establishing a strong foundation. PepsiCo can achieve its long-term goals if the current environmental pollution is strongly controlled to avoid litigations. Building a culture of integrity within the organizational framework is the key variable toward organizational success. For example, the sexual harassment case of Activision Blizzard might lower organizational status, thus delimiting its access to new markets. Integrity should be the priority organizational value; employee relations should be based on a culture of integrity to reflect respect and self-confidence.

At work, ethical behavior is the legal and moral code which guides employee behavior. Being professional requires ethical behavior that drives positive interactions which other employees, customers, and management. Ethical behavior guides how someone should perform his duties. Professional ethics such as loyalty, accountability, confidentiality, and objectivity are the key aspects of employee performance (Maltseva, 2020). They influence one’s behavior and determine performance-based outcomes within the professional environment.

Senior management has various ways to influence employee performance through behavior modeling and constructive feedback. The performance review and managers’ stability of employee motivations will determine the success level of the ethical measures. As an employee, managers’ behavior can affect motivation, which might lead to a change in performance. Employee ethical considerations are based on the senior management’s morale and behavior. Guided by ethical emulations, employees are likely to emulate what managers do.

Corporate governance structure determines the company’s performance since it influences employees’ determination to work. A well-managed corporate governance mechanism plays an important role in important performance. The corporate governance structure is fundamental for a company and its employees in various ways; it improves corporate image and reduces the risk of fraudulent activities (DeJoy et al., 2018). Good corporate governance creates a system of rules and practices, thus aligning the interest of the employees and other stakeholders with company goals. This leads to ethical practices, resulting in employee work satisfaction, thus aligning their behavioral activities towards corporate goals.

The Organizational culture can provide employees with a relaxed working environment and harmonious interpersonal relationships to enable them to have the full play to their abilities. This improves the sense of mission and creates an avenue for feeling responsible for organizational activities. As a result, the employee will work towards the organization’s overall goal. A biased cultural environment will lower employee morale, thus delimiting their work efforts. The ethical code of conduct can be used in setting organizational policies, which should be aligned with ethical practices to create an ethical culture in organizations (Kakimoto,2020). For example, the senior management must determine the communication framework to ensure proper dissemination of information and avoid confusion.


Ethical management in the work environment requires close monitoring of the organizational policies and ethical code of conduct. This helps shape employees’ behavior which can eventually determine organizational success. Corporate governance structures and employee professional ethics are key determinants of employee behavior. Future workplace behavior is determined by the current organizational ethical behavior and the senior management activities, which influence employees’ performances. Determining ethical behavior in the workplace helps create a framework for organizational activities that can influence future workplace behavior.


DeJoy, D. M., Dyal, M. A., & Smith, T. D. (2018). Workplace health promotion: tight ethical rope. In Violence and Abuse in and Around Organizations (pp. 353-374). Routledge.

Kakimoto, K. (2020). Is the workplace wellness program doing good? : ethical considerations around health promotion at the workplace. Environmental and Occupational Health Practice.

Maltseva, K. (2020). Wearables in the workplace: The brave new world of employee engagement. Business Horizons, 63(4), 493-505.

Remišová, A., Lašáková, A., & Kirchmayer, Z. (2019). Influence of formal ethics program components on managerial ethical behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(1), 151-166.

Sharma, E. (2018). Professional Moral Courage to Combat Ethical Challenges in the Workplace. International Journal of Development and Conflict, 8(1), 31-45.

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