Climatic Catastrophe in the Year 535 AD

The video clip shows that volcanic eruptions caused climatic catastrophe changes due to the ashes and dust thrown into the atmosphere. Accordingly, it was also triggered by the effects of a comet. This eruption led to widespread global effects like drought and famine, crop failure, and causing unseasonable weather that occurred in various places. Notably, this climatic catastrophe was located in Europe, Asia, and America.

The earth suffered the catastrophic volcanic eruption effects for eighteen months, which resulted in plague and famine in various areas, tax reduction, revolt increase, and battles from the east against the Roman empire. During this period, various countries like Europe suffered severe economic and health challenges.

The volcanic eruption was one of the mightiest and deadliest eruptions in human history. It claimed over 100,000 lives at Mount Tambora, Indonesia, emanating from volcanic ash spread nearly forty kilometers into the sky.

Due to the volcanic eruption, there was a mysterious fog that plunged Asia and Europe into total darkness during the day and night for 18 months. In addition, there was a temperature decrease which resulted in a cold season during the summer. This led to crop failure, and many people starved because the condition was devastating.

The bubonic plague affected various places in the middle east, such as the Roman port of Pelusium. It spread widely to the so-called plague of Justinian hence leading to collapsing of the Eastern Roman Empire as many deaths were claimed in that place. Moreover, it is also believed that the pandemic led to damage to the Byzantine Empire population of over 10 million people were killed.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 27). Climatic Catastrophe in the Year 535 AD.

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