Code of Ethics in Information Technology Sphere

The Code of Ethics regulates employee behavior, describes the company’s ideology, contains strict rules of conduct at work, and describes the policy regarding co-founders, management, and clients. From the code of ethics, employees learn how to best behave in a company in a given situation, as well as the values ​​that are useful to society that the company promotes. The document reduces the time for standard procedures and solves frequently repeated questions. In the event of conflict situations, this code can judge the parties to the conflict according to the company’s values.

In the field of information technology in modern times, attention must be paid to various aspects of ethics. Given the processes of globalization, this industry partly repeats the basic ethical standards for people: honesty and the good of society are fundamental values ​​(Gotterbarn et al., 2018). However, considering the Internet as an open platform where everyone has equal opportunities, great attention is paid to the privacy and security of data. Due to the rapid development of technology, many software developers and users have gained access to considerable information. The code of ethics in this area also regulates professional ethics: respect for other people’s work, copyright, and intellectual property rights.

The IT sphere is now one of the most advanced spheres of human activity. It has a lot of different directions that are being developed for different purposes. Moreover, many scientific discoveries and works at the moment are tied to information technology. In this connection, the code of ethics also regulates the norms adopted in the scientific community. In addition, the IT sphere, as the main engine of science, is hugely responsible to society: environmental issues of nature conservation, as well as safety for humanity, are regulated by the code (Gotterbarn et al., 2018). Given this responsibility, the code postulates the importance of leadership and project execution only with full safety precautions and the availability of the necessary resources.


Gotterbarn, D., Brinkman, B., Flick, C., Kirkpatrick, M. S., Miller, K., Vazansky, K., Wolf, M. J. (2018). ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Web.

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