Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services

Exclusive Summary

Cloud data limited is a private business company that provides cloud computing services to its clients. These services are categorized as hosting, backup and DR. Cloud data-limited believes in heavy investment in their infrastructure so that they can be more reliable to their customers and never disappoint them. They have four data centers based in London, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Dallas. Their vision is to expand their market shares of SMEs in Brighton by being the main player in providing cloud computing services to their customers. The main project aim of cloud Data companies is to commercialize their hosting services, by designing flexible service packs and price models for each pack for their targeted market.

Projects Objective

Their main target is focused on small-medium businesses such as IT, trading, and retailing companies. The services provided by the Cloud Data Company include hosting, backup, and DR. These Services, in relation to Cloud Data Company customers, indicate that there is a high demand of cloud computing services, making it necessary to create more business opportunities from their existing clients. By identifying the kind of boundaries existing between the current market and the competitors, Cloud Data Company has produced different services that are urgently needed in the market. This includes full backup which stores all the data in the files and folders.

There is also a free host that is used as a network for passing information from one machine to another. It contains the hosting space and bandwidth that are limited to their consumers. Lastly is the dedicated host that is more reliable and most efficient to use by big organizations hence allowing the consumers to have control over their servers.


Compared to traditional methods used, cloud computing is more powerful because it saves a lot of time during the application and it is instantly found on the internet for any consumer who is willing to use it. It is more scalable because of its ability to handle bulky loads. Lastly, it is cheap because of their installation costs which are much more affordable to their clients. Increasing the market shares depended mostly on advertisements that were carried out through various media channels such as radio, television, and the internet. It enabled many people to know the kind of products available in the market and their benefits to them. The clients who have been able to acquire the software positively recommended it as the better option compared to the current services being offered by the competitors.

The market strategies set by the company include improvement of customers’ relationship with the staff members by showing hospitality, offering their services to their client via the internet, unlike their competitors who sell their services using hardware material such as a flash disk. Also, the company is looking at the cost of installation that is convenient and affordable to their clients.

In order to satisfy their consumer, Cloud Data Company has designed several packs that will suit their customers’ pockets. This is done by dividing each product into different quantities to distinguish them from one another. This is more convenient and attractive because it gives a good impression on the customer’s sideshow how organized the company is. The storage services can range from at least 100MB to 150GB. Their prices can vary as from one US dollar to twenty-five US dollars. This range of pricing is suitable to the consumers compared to their competitor’s price list which ranges from Three US dollars for their smallest storage serve of 200MB and the largest which is 100GB for thirty US dollars. By doing this more customers will be interested in the new services.


Phases/Weeks 13-Jan
5- Feb –
12 Feb
13-Feb –
20 Feb
21 Feb –
4 Mar
5 Mar –
10 Mar
11 Mar –
16 Mar
17 Mar –
24 Mar
25 Mar –
24 Apr
First meeting with the client X
Preparing ‘terms of reference’ X
Literature review ‘Commercialization strategy’ X
Interim report
Meeting with the client – Interviews
Case study analysis X
Preparing proposal X
Proposal submission Meeting with the client X
Get feedback from client X
Implementation and report X X

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 23). Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services'. 23 December.

1. StudyCorgi. "Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services." December 23, 2021.


StudyCorgi. "Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services." December 23, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services." December 23, 2021.

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