IT Accommodation for People with Lingering Sight Issues


This paper discusses the case of finding appropriate accommodation for a key employee in the local hospital who suffered some sight issues after a lasting illness. In addition, she has some weaknesses on the left side that also should be addressed. In fact, the scope of technical assistance depends on the medical evaluation that will conclude the extent of sight issues. In this paper, the suggestion will be that visual impairment is not equal to partial or complete blindness. For a complex accommodation, there must be changes in technology, work environment and training.

Technology Recommendation

There are several possible options for the intake clerk with sight issues. The first idea is the use of screen reading software, which uses synthetic speech to describe all crucial operations happening on the screen. Such software is usually free because it is included in software like VoiceOver in MacOS or WindowEyes for PC (Nacheva, 2019). Another possibility is to install magnification software, which uses a magnifying glass that follows after the cursor (Wahidin et al., 2018).

In combination with a large monitor, this add-on may be a great solution for a person with visual impairment. The latter option is more relevant because screen reading software greatly reduces work speed since the system constantly pronounces almost every action. Alternatively, magnification software does not significantly interfere with the usual workload. Therefore, considering that such magnifying software is free, it is considered the most rational option.

Work Environment Recommendation

The department manager must prepare conditions for the comfortable adaptation of an employee with visual impairments. In the office, she must not have physical barriers under her feet in the aisle, as even a small object can cause an incident. Also, all documents and necessary materials must be sorted and systematized so that it is easy for the employee to find everything they need. Lastly, great attention should be given to ergonomics, that is, the arrangement and design of the workplace. Professionals should conduct several medical observations of the employee and figure out how to address the problem of left-side weakness. For example, there should be a comfortable chair and a balanced table and chair seat height.

Training and Support Recommendations

Before returning to the workplace, the employee should undergo several training sessions to prepare for possible difficulties. Firstly, the employee should only increase her typing proficiency by looking at the keyboard because it may cause great impediments to efficient work. It means that the intake clerk should be focused on typing issues because of the need for constant interactions with clients. As a result, there will be no need for any dictation software. At the same time, it is important to train the employee’s colleagues how to assist her in her work. This development of competencies among other workers will make the employee’s adaptation more effective. For example, the staff may learn the recommendations for identifying the visually impaired worker’s difficulties and be polite to any mistakes or misunderstandings.


To conclude, this article discussed some recommendations for adapting a receptionist suffering from vision problems and stiffness in the left side. IT professionals should install a zoom program that moves behind the cursor and magnifies text in a specific area. Also, it is necessary to prepare the workplace by installing a comfortable chair and removing unnecessary items from the aisle to the workspace. Finally, courses should be organized for the female worker to improve her touch typing skills and educate colleagues on the ethical approach to the physical problems of the returning employee.


Nacheva, R. (2019). Current perspectives on Linux accessibility tools for visually impaired users. Economics and Computer Science, 2, 6-11.

Wahidin, H., Waycott, J., & Baker, S. (2018). The challenges in adopting assistive technologies in the workplace for people with visual impairments. In G. Buchanan & D. Stevenson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Australian conference on computer-human interaction (pp. 432-442). Association for Computing Machinery.

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