Communication With Refugees in the Jordanians Kingdom

Describe your Overall Cultural and Linguistic Competency Strengths and Weaknesses

The Jordanians Kingdom is home to various refugee populations from war-torn neighboring countries. The different cultures between the native Jordanians and the migrant refugees result in a very diverse and homogenous population that is forcing the governments’ hand in relation to the offer of basic services (Kumaraswamy & Singh, 2017). The official language in the kingdom is Arabic, which I can speak fluently, but most of the populace uses slang to communicate with each other. Although this presents a challenge in communication, I use brochure posters and videos printed in a language they can understand. I also place interesting and educative brochures in reception areas that are of interest to addition, I ensure that the printed information takes into account the literacy levels of patients.

How Will this do Awareness Help You Communicate with Families?

When it comes to communicating with the population in the kingdom, the linguistic differences do not pose much of a challenge. The population in the kingdom, especially the elderly, prefers to use traditional home remedies such as herbs instead of visiting hospitals to seek medical attention. This and a lack of formal education sometimes results in difficulties communicating clearly with the populace. To overcome such challenges, I develop charts and diagrams targeted that are easy to understand in order to pass the information forward. Also, we clearly identified that due to their shared tragedy, most of the refugee populations are of great help to each other. We leverage this helpful nature present within the communities in order to pass on lifesaving information to the elderly and educate them on the importance of seeking medical help in hospitals.

Surprising Lessons that I Learned

What I found surprising was the spirit of helping each other among the refugees despite the difficulties that they had gone through. In addition, seeing firsthand how the refugees helped each other and managed to stay positive despite their circumstances and even how they helped each other was extraordinary (Corps, 2021). The resilience that they have is just breathtaking and awe-inspiring.


Corps, I. (2021). Understanding the Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs, and Service Utilization of Syrian Refugees and Jordanian Nationals: A Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis in the Kingdom of Jordan. DigitalCommons@CSP. Web.

Kumaraswamy, P. R., & Singh, M. (2017). Population pressure in Jordan and the role of Syrian refugees. Migration and Development, 6(3), 412-427. Web.

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