Community and Public Health Nurses Responsibilities in Health Promotion

People’s health depends on many factors – the spread of viruses and bacteria, the presence of harmful substances around, and even access to certain benefits of society, such as high-quality products. Often, such problems affecting public well-being are difficult to determine without having a professional education and not being able to recognize specific symptoms. As a result, entire communities can suffer without the opportunity to improve the situation. Public and community health nurses can significantly improve the well-being of society by assessing the situation, educating people, and providing them with tools for health care.

The activities of such nurses are focused on disease prevention and general health promotion. Their high priorities are society and community as a whole, and then, in case of need, they may shift the focus on families and individuals. Public and community health nurses can assess health trends in a particular society, for instance, by conducting an environmental investigation (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016). At the same time, if any problems are identified, they can contact representatives of the local authorities to protect the interests of the population. A significant part of the work is devoted to teaching people about taking care of their health.

I am familiar with the work of a community nurse in my neighborhood, and I especially appreciate efforts in school. For children, sometimes with parents, the nurse held educational meetings on significant themes. For example, personal hygiene issues, support for general health, the impact of nutrition and exercise on health, and other topics were discussed. Such activities are crucial since not all children at home talk about such issues – parents are busy or have different lifestyles. Thus, the example and the listed duties show how public and community health nurses promote health care and support citizens.


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2016). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (9th ed.). Elsevier Mosby.

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