Comparing Personal vs. Business Computers: iMac vs. Ideal Specs

Personal computers usually differ from business computers in their capacity and the level of technologies applied in the hardware. Thus, business computers are designed to perform multiple complex tasks requiring the high speed of processing, the high resolution of a display, and upgradability (Archambault, 2013). On the contrary, personal computers are typically designed to cover users’ basic needs, and this aspect influences the quality and types of hardware and software used in these computers and laptops (Brown, DeHayes, Slater, Martin, & Perkins, 2011). In this context, it is important to evaluate the currently used personal computer and compare its specifications with the ideal version of the device to address all possible needs.

The personal computer under discussion is the desktop computer Apple iMac “Core 2 Duo” (2009) that is known in the family as “Alex.” As this computer has been used for ten years, its characteristics seem to be outdated. The specifications related to the hardware components are the following: a 2.66 GHz Intel “Core 2 Duo” processor is used, a 24-inch TFT Active Matrix LCD display is available, and the capacity of the hard drive is 640 GB (7200 RPM).

Furthermore, the capacity of RAM is 4 GB, and the video card is NVIDIA GeForce 9400M. There are also four USB 2.0 ports, a built-in iSight video camera, and stereo speakers. The applied operating system is Apple Mac OS X, and actively used software includes LibreOffice, QuickTime, SPSS, and NVivo for researching purposes. The problem is that, last year, the hard drive was damaged because of installing updates, and now an external drive is used for backup copies.

A perfect personal computer is expected to have more advanced hardware characteristics. First, the LED display should be minimally 32-inch, and reflections need to be eliminated. Second, a 28-core Intel Xeon processor is preferable because this specification is in line with the latest Apple’s innovations. The SSD hard drive’s capacity should be 800 GB to be updated up to 4TB. The desired RAM is 32 GB, and 140 GB of video memory should be available (Swider & Hanson, 2019).

The backup system should be improved to avoid any problems with restoring data, and more USB ports and other connection ports are required. Still, there are no specific requirements regarding software and applications because they will be installed depending on needs. It is important to note that these characteristics are even better than those ones of a Dell laptop (17-inch) of 2014 used in the family.

When comparing the used personal computer with the ideal version, it is possible to notice that all characteristics of the desired variant are improved. For example, a 24-inch display versus a 32-inch display, a 2.66 GHz Intel “Core 2 Duo” processor versus a 28-core Intel Xeon processor, 640 GB of the hard drive versus the 800 GB-4TB hard drive, and 4 GB of RAM versus 32 GB of RAM are observed (Swider & Hanson, 2019). Furthermore, the improved backup system is required along with a higher number of connection ports. The better configuration is necessary to ensure all the tasks are performed quickly, multitasking is possible, and software and applications of any size can be easily installed and used.

The main reason for upgrading the existing computer and thinking about an ideal computer is the need for a powerful personal computer that can be compared to business and professional computers in its specifications. Such computers allow users to utilize their home computers for performing different professional tasks. This possibility is important when it is necessary to work with various databases, statistical and analytical tools, and other professional programs.


Archambault, M. (2013). Business PCs vs. consumer PCs – What’s the difference? Web.

Brown, C. V., DeHayes, D. W., Slater, J., Martin, W. E., & Perkins, W. C. (2011). Managing information technology (7th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Swider, M., & Hanson, M. (2019). Mac Pro 2019: Release date, price and specs. Web.

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