Ideal Computer System and Its Main Features

Modern technology development is constantly updating by offering new experiences and opportunities to their users. One of the most dynamic industries has been the computer industry, where new devices allow for top-notch productivity in various spheres. In addition, the industry is highly competitive, as technology giants such as Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and others work hard to gain an advantage by introducing new products. Therefore, the assignment to choose an ideal computer without financial restriction is both an exciting and challenging task.

First of all, it is crucial to understand what goals are set to achieve with a particular computer. I would like to have a laptop that provides unlimited opportunities for video editing, motion design, 3D modeling, and gaming. Therefore, having powerful elements such as graphic card, motherboard, and CPU is essential for productive work in these spheres. Another aspect of combining computer hardware is avoiding the bottleneck problem (Nisan & Schocken, 2021). For instance, a powerful graphic card may not realize its full potential due to the limited capabilities of the CPU. Therefore, the computer system’s hardware should be computable to achieve maximum efficiency.

My ideal computer system is based on the current specifications available in the market. For the processor, my perfect computer system would have the 10th generation Intel Core i9 because it is considered one of the most powerful in the mainstream market. Besides that, this CPU has built-in hyperthreading and improved power efficiency, which allows it to be faster and smarter than existing CPUs (Nisan & Schocken, 2021). In addition, Intel ultra high definition graphics are also included with the Core i9, which supports 4K video playback and is powerful enough to handle professional video and photo editing software, which is significant to me.

The operation system chosen for the ideal computer is Windows 10. It allows me to run applications and programs simultaneously, which is beneficial for me as a student. For enhanced security, I would use a start button that would recognize my face and fingerprints. Another important part of my computer system is its storage and memory. Solid-state drive storage (SSD) for one terabyte is preferable because it delivers superior performance, such as faster load times for games, applications, and movies (Nisan & Schocken, 2021). Compared to the hard disk drive, it is more durable, runs faster, and uses less energy, which makes SSD ideal storage. The RAM should be 32 gigabytes to ensure that the data processing and software loading times are as fast as possible. Hence, it speeds up the overall storage performance.

One of the things that are frustrating in the capabilities of the modern computer today is its dependence on wired connections. However, recent trends show that wireless technologies will be prioritized. For the ideal computer system, I would use a Bluetooth connection that will allow my device to receive and transfer data to another device at a very fast rate. The distance it can reach should be from fifty meters to one kilometer away from the device. Hence, Bluetooth 10.0 would be used. In terms of Wi-Fi connection, it should detect a connection up to one kilometer from its location with up to 150 Mbps downloading and uploading speed.

The device would adhere to von Neumann’s architecture principles. According to it, I would like to use input devices such as a keyboard and mouse that are functioning as a hologram, so I do not need much physical space to place it. For the device’s display, I would use a monitor that can be easily transported, secure from dropping, and can be used as a tablet. Unfortunately, such technologies are yet in development; however, they would be preferable for my ideal computer system.


Nisan, N., & Schocken, S. (2021). The elements of computing systems: building a modern computer from first principles. MIT press.

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