Computers’ Benefits and Problems

Computers and modern technologies occupy one of the main places in any person’s life. They are used in all spheres of activity, from personal goals to large productions of global importance. Therefore, I can agree with the statement that computers and other types of digital technologies are both an advantage and a problem for society. This is due to the fact that despite the improvement and optimization of human activity, they can primarily cause health problems, which is a serious problem.

First of all, computer technologies help and greatly facilitate finding new information. From personal experience, I can highlight that using a computer greatly assisted me in the process of learning and gaining new additional knowledge about various things. In addition, innovative technologies are a tool for everyday communication at a distance, regardless of where the interlocutors are. However, the technology under discussion may also carry undesirable characteristics. The most important of them is causing harm to health. Although I received valuable information when using a computer, I badly damaged my eyesight. Such an aspect as privacy is threatened when using this technology due to the presence of hackers who can access personal information if it is poorly protected.

Therefore, it is worth concluding that a computer can have both positive and negative sides. Among the first is the provision of the opportunity to search for new information and facilitate the process of communication at a distance. Of the negative features, it is possible to single out the threat to privacy and health. Consequently, I believe each person should independently determine their attitude to this technology due to the mentioned factors.

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