Critical Thinking in Decision-Making: Avoiding Workplace Fallacies

Everyday we are dared to make proper decisions, normally with limited ideas under serious time restrictions; this requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is a type of thinking that occurs as a result of correct estimation of the arguments and evidence and thus coming into conclusions that are optimal by the way of considering all applicable factors and the incorporation of the right steps from reasoning. People incorporate critical thinking in their decision-making process in order to reach a desirable solution for any problem. However, there are many fallacies in trying to come up with the correct decision in the reasoning process. The following paragraphs discuss three common fallacies in the workplace and the society in general.

First, there exist “arguments from a common practice” in which people believe that doing something is essentially correct as long as everybody does it. An example is gossips in the workplace. People gossip in the workplace and it is seen as a common practice, thus acceptable in the organization. However, this is an informal communication which most organizations underrate. Also known as grapevine, gossip is fueled by sudden stop in the flow of communication. The grapevine usually carries work related information, much of which might be quite accurate. This form of communication can fuel employees, hence poor level of productivity. In order to control office gossip the management should exercise the following concepts: do not ignore the grapevine, address complains, keep workers informed, do not give rumors a chance to start, and practice an open law policy.

Second, “argument from force” is a fallacy that is characterized by threatening people into accepting or doing something. An example may be, threatening workers to improve their work in order to receive a pay increase. However, in the today’s world, money is not the only motivator. People also need to derive basic needs and satisfaction of their work. Management is required to be employee centered not just money centered. The third type of fallacy is “groupthink”. People try to do or believe in something in order to appeal to the interest of the group. An example is the members of a cult, in which some people are deceived to believe in anything they are told and eventually worshiping their leader. Such groups are inconsequential in the eyes of the society.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 11). Critical Thinking in Decision-Making: Avoiding Workplace Fallacies.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Critical Thinking in Decision-Making: Avoiding Workplace Fallacies." March 11, 2021.

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