Cultural Appropriation and Prejudice Against Its Representatives

Cultural appropriation is often present because it lets people express love for the culture and prejudice against its representatives. For example, in the modern world, sushi continues to gain popularity in various countries around the world; however, many people still express a negative attitude toward Asians. Such harm as spreading mass lies about certain cultures is one of the most crucial nowadays. All stereotypes about countries and nations can be considered a kind of cultural appropriation, such as Italians eating only pizza, Russians drinking much vodka, and Koreans eating dogs.

Cultural appropriation fully distracts people from the marginalization of the communities they borrow from. For example, African Americans have been bullied for their plump lips; however, in the modern world, it is considered one of the most beautiful trends among white celebrities. Such harms prevent people from learning the real meaning of cultural exchange. It means that people adjust to some elements of a certain culture without discovering their meaning, such as borrowing bindi from Indian women without knowing its historical importance.

From my point of view, the #StopFundingHate movement is one of the most urgent ones. The movement inspired investors to stop financially supporting newspapers that expressed hate towards refugees. I think persistent aggravation was the sparkle that started this hashtag protest. Society had been worried about the refugee problem, and social media started to worsen the situation; hence, their intolerance led to the mass protection of such immigrants. This protesting resulted in the withdrawal of investments in refugees as opposed to newspapers like The Sun or the Daily Mail. Therefore, foreseen bankruptcy stopped social media from attacking refugees and encouraged them to look for new funding.

In my opinion, the main idea of the #ThisIsOurLane movement is to prove that physicians have the right to advise on the gun utilization issue, and their opinion matters. Some physicians pull dozens of bullets out of corpses; therefore, it is their area of interest to reduce gun usage and the number of shootings (Wamsley, 2018). #ThisIsOurLane movement was held as feedback to those who expressed revulsion and disrespect to the doctors’ humane goals. From my point of view, although the goal was not fully achieved, the movement attracted the attention of the media to the issue and popularized it. Therefore, the #TisIsOurLane event helped raise social dissatisfaction with the current state of the problem, and this is the breakpoint of any progress.


Wamsley, L. (2018). After NRA mocks doctors, physicians reply: ‘This is our lane’. NPR. Web.

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