Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism


Culture shapes an individual’s perceptions of social interactions and development since it affects attitudes, values, and beliefs. While culture is a multifaceted concept, it varies from one society to another. Ethnocentrism involves the evaluation of other people’s cultures based on one’s ethnic background and can involve stereotypes. Cultural relativism helps counter ethnocentrism by discouraging personal judgments of other people’s cultures. Historical events coupled with cultural perspectives may impact a society either positively or negatively. Although ethnocentrism encourages stereotyping cultures, cultural relativism help promote diversity and social unity.

The Impact of Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism

Personal beliefs, values, and attitudes are anchored on their cultural backgrounds. For instance, a person born into a Christian family may detest social issues such as homosexuality. The cultural perspective of Christians encourages negative attitudes towards any form of homosexuality. Therefore, a person’s cultural perspective influences their beliefs, values, and attitude towards various social issues. Although cultural perspectives are geared toward social development, they may lead to conflict due to differing beliefs, attitudes, and values. Therefore, cultural perspective enhances social growth, and at times disunity.

Historical events can determine how people from different cultures interact. Social wars and tribal disunities in the past can deteriorate unity among cultures. For instance, colonialism and the slave trade led to hatred between Whites and Africans. In the U.S., African Americans, who were subjected to slavery, became more resistant to the Whites (Davis & Friedman, 2021). Cultural hatred is influenced by ethnocentrism which makes people see their culture as better than others. The persecution of Jews by the Nazis in Germany was influenced by ethnocentrism (Bauman, 2020). Ethnocentrisms encourage cultural stereotyping that encumbers social unity. A belief that Africans are more criminal than Whites promotes disharmony. Cultural relativism comes in by encouraging ethnocentric individuals and stereotypes to embrace cultural diversity and accept that cultures vary.


Social harmony is anchored on the cultural perspectives of community members. Ethnic and cultural backgrounds influence personal beliefs, values, and attitudes. Individual cultural perspectives positively or negatively impact their associations with others. Ethnocentrism and historical event encourage a perception that one’s culture is better than others. Consequently, the ethnocentric individual develops stereotypes against others, harboring effective socialization. Cultural relativism is a crucial social concept that discourages ethnocentrism and stereotypes from promoting social unity and development.


Bauman, Z. (2020). Modernity, racism, extermination. In Theories of Race and Racism. Routledge.

Davis, M. H., & Friedman, A. B. (2021). Not Staying in Their Place: An Historic Analysis of Mechanisms of Controlling Movement of Black Men in America through the Lenses of Social Identity and Gender. Journal of Black Studies, 52(7), 750–767. Web.

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