Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Culture


Globalization is primarily connected with the internationalization of all social activities on Earth. This means that in the modern era, all of humanity is part of a single system of socio-cultural, economic, political, and other ties, interactions, and relationships. Accordingly, all existing relationships between cultures and countries are especially affected. Globalization has given rise to several serious problems in modern society that require consideration.

Globalization and intensive integration processes, changes in the social structure of society have caused aggravation the problem of the individual’s cultural identity and awareness of belonging to the nation, state, and society. The more diversity the system generates, the more essential identification issues become. In this case, the meaningful existence of a person in the conditions of global changes is indicated (Martin et al. 10). The question of identity is transformed from the question of whom an individual belongs to, who he or she is, into the question of who they are different from.

The role of culture is that it gives a person the basic concepts and basic principles with which he compares his perception of the outside world. It acts as a semantic guarantor of human integrity. The culture of modern man is a “mosaic”, which causes the individual to be immersed in the chaos of concepts, in the flow of scattered, disordered messages (Maynard and Chaudhary 169). As a result of the development and universal availability of information technologies, new agents of socialization are emerging, which are beginning to dominate the traditional ones.

Possible Solutions

It is necessary to promote the existence of a normative culture that promotes positive meanings and goals, such as communitarian and transcendent sources of human prosperity. This manifests itself in investing strength and energy in relationships with other people, as well as serving the common good and participating in voluntary organizations or public life (Maynard and Chaudhary 170). In addition, it is essential to bring to the fore the spiritual aspirations of people related to creativity and other aspects. All this should be reflected in the dynamics of personal growth and the complexity of personal structures. Consequently, such an approach will allow people to navigate the rapid flow of information that blurs identity.

Positive Aspects

On the other hand, it is necessary to highlight the positive features of globalization from the point of view of anthropologism. This phenomenon significantly impacts people’s ability to integrate into various communities that previously could have been inaccessible due to isolation and limitations (Martin et al. 5). Consequently, this opens educational opportunities for people from disadvantaged countries. All this is reflected subsequently in the improvement of overall global well-being when almost every person has a desire for self-realization.


The modern world, while still fragmented politically and culturally, is perceived in its deepest foundations as holistic and global. Scientific research on the processes of globalization is aimed primarily at analyzing the contradictory and ambiguous nature of the consequences caused by globalization often perceived as negative and destructive phenomena that destroy the cultural diversity of the world. In these conditions, people’s search for their own social and cultural identity becomes more complicated. On the other hand, positive features also provide other opportunities. In these conditions, it is necessary to be able to navigate and look for other ways to solve the problem.

Works Cited

Martin, Ron, et al. “Globalisation at a Critical Conjuncture?Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, vol. 11, no. 1, Oxford UP (OUP), 2018, pp. 3–16. Web.

Maynard, Ashley E., and Nandita Chaudhary. “Globalization, Culture, and Development: Concepts, Clarifications, and Concerns.” Human Development, vol. 64, no. 4–6, S. Karger AG, 2020, pp. 167–71. Web.

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