Security Issues
There are overarching security threats that might occur in the future due to major changes resulting from advancements in technology, the boost of globalization, and changing consumerism. Several threats include cyberattacks, artificial intelligence and satellites being attacked by adversaries either physically or electronically. What might occur is the improvement of metrics that are undertaken while the three issues are navigated in daily life. For that reason, individuals will have a high capability to transform protocols and configurations that may lead to malice and distortion of properties (Gorman, 2022). It would be an issue because the world will rely on technologically-powered processes almost in all sectors, posing a risk in many interrelated functions.
Major Security Concerns that Affect the World Currently and in Future
The term cyberattack means an assault launched by malicious people by utilizing one or more computers against a given network or digital system. This issue is a threat to security matters since people who undertake the cyberattacks steal data and disable configurations in a computer which is a key breach in security (Shree et al., 2021). Currently, cyberattacks are rampant, and many firms have found it a bug in their operations. As of 2018, there were 30 million attacks annually and about 80,000 daily (Lu & Yang, 2022, p.16). 21% of the files that probe people to hack are not protected.
When it comes to sensitive data for companies, many firms have neglected securing their sensitive files. That may include credit card numbers and health records used in critical issues (Lu & Yang, 2022, p. 36). Despite most organizations alleging to have increased their security risks since 2017, 30%, comprising mostly digital firms, have successfully combatted the potential of cyberattack. 61% of breached people were businesses that had less than 1000 employees (Ördén, 2019, p. 431). Therefore, from the above statistics, it is evident that online security is at threat. There is a need to prevent the issue before it escalates further beyond the current extent.
A raft of elements might occur when it comes to cybersecurity. It is true to say that in the future, cyber threats will continue to plague entrepreneurs mostly who rely on the technological metrics to offer services to clients. Many companies in the US have embraced the policy of working from home to combat the coronavirus and offer flexibility for older employees who might find commuting daily a problem (Gorman, 2022). As a result of this new trend, many companies will be forced to open access to infrastructure areas that will negatively affect the business. Adopting cloud systems is a key boost for the corporate sector since it unites a workforce dealing with a long-term project or launching a sensitive matter.
There will be more data vulnerability for many companies due to the current adoption of the internet of things (IoT) in all sections of working lines. Due to the misconfiguration of networking systems combined with a plethora of digital elements, companies will suffer from the consequences of embracing technology in all lines of work (Bitdefender Enterprise, 2022). The reason why adverse computer attacks will characterize the future is due to new avenues of attacks that ensue by the day. For example, access control and cloud software that requires new microservices architecture probe an attack to learn about the computer pathways used to deploy functions during operations. The future victims include hospitals, financial institutions, insurance companies, transportation and the education sector. Botezatu, a computer scientist, says that “Cyber-attacks have evolved into the realm of warfare as more and more nation states are arming themselves with digital weapons in the form of zero-day exploits and technology designed for espionage or data exfiltration” (Bitdefender Enterprise, 2022). Therefore, this analysis means companies must prepare for future cyberattacks.
When it comes to the security of the nations, malicious cyber activities are a threat to public safety and the US’s economic security. Criminals may be able to steal financial data for the country’s main network and lead to the loss of intellectual property, which puts the country at risk of a monetary crisis (Lu & Yang, 2022). When the country is adversely affected by cyber-attacks, its resources may be used to reduce the political and economic power hence, a major blow to the entire country.
Artificial Intelligence
Among security issues that might ensue significantly in the future is the power of artificial intelligence (AI) that facilitates crime, forensics and other issues. AI means the ability of a computer to undertake tasks associated with human beings by configuring robotic protocols through machine-learning technology that substitutes most of the human workforce. Jeong (2020) says that “Although AI has solved various challenges, potential security threats of AI algorithms and training data have been stressed by AI researchers.” From his remarks, it is true to say that AI has shown the potential for inherent security risks in the current computer settings, which has led to the growth of cybercrime in the US and other parts of the world. For example, due to the power of AI, autonomous vehicles and intelligence virtual assistants have been associated with crimes that lead to physical harm to people.
AI can be categorized as a tool for crime and as a targeted crime, as shown in Figure 1 below. AI can be said to be a tool for crime due to its ability to enable digital processes that trigger hackers to manipulate data to fit their demands. This intelligence has influenced all the fields such as computer science, robot technology, criminology and social engineering. In the future, AI will adopt online personas, also known as ‘socialbots’, who will act like people in approaches related to the barring of cybercrime (Jeong, 2020). However, the capability of these online personas shall facilitate crime by processing personal data and exposing privacy factions of a given system, enabling malicious criminals to steal information. The adoption of chatbots has led to online engagement, which is mostly done with customers. The ability of AI to initiate random messages for conversation means people can alter the protocol to trick online users into giving information hence facilitating cybercrime. The automated detection metrics will make cybercriminals target AI protocols, leading to data vulnerability. Thus, from the concepts raised in this paragraph, the extent to which AI is growing poses a security concern in the future.

When it comes to the security of the US, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has shown concerns about the adoption of AI when it comes to the security of the country. According to Allen and Chan (2017), AI will affect the country’s military, social, and economic perspectives. It is important to note that AI has been useful in integrating security matters of the US by critically sending details of any potential terror attacks. However, due to the power of AI and nuclear weapons, automated aircraft can be used by the enemy to threaten the country’s security. It is possible to send a drone aircraft to determine the areas with a conflict of interest and hence, give a protocol configuration of firing using missiles that can lead to global geopolitical tensions (Allen & Chan, 2017). The transformation of AI has impacted the power of the military in that criminals can use the technology in place to drive attacks, resulting in insecurity in the country.
Attack of Satellites by Adversaries
There is a growing threat to US satellites due to the attacks from adversaries. According to Walker (2021), there is a need to safeguard the US satellite system from adversaries. The reason is that these attacks have a vast effect on the country’s future in terms of security. If the space is distorted, which is a key point that the US relies on to undertake almost everything, it means the country is not secure, and that can lead to taking advantage by groups such as terrorists who use AI to succeed in cybercrime. For example, if the satellites are attacked, there could be no flow of information through digital means such as television, radio, internet and automated teller machines (ATMs) (Lu & Yang, 2022). One of the security agents in the US says that “Increasingly, rival nations are looking at ways of taking out our satellites. Hitherto, the space assets we have been unprotected and we didn’t fear for them at all” (Walker, 2021). The security of the US is at risk since other nations have spent billions of dollars in an attempt to destroy its satellites.
The attack on satellites has been a key threat to Homeland Security. With Russia, China, and North Korea has tested systems that would attack and destroy the US’s satellites, the future of the country in terms of security is threatened. The global success of managing space capabilities means that there will be a possibility that the US and China may fall prey to Thucydides’ trap one day (Lu & Yang, 2022). If two countries engage in warfare, it draws allies associated with each country in a fist to assist their counterpart, leading to a global war. Therefore, the current attack by adversaries is a foreshadowing that the future of the US in terms of security is uncertain due to the existing security threats.
What Can Be Done to Combat the Security Threats
The US is a capable country that can develop a remedy to most of the problems faced by the nationals. To control cyberattacks that may be a threat to the country’s security, there is a need to control access to major systems used in executing data at various points (Jeong, 2020). There should be a comprehensive process that detects anyone who unlawfully accesses computer systems by allowing telefeatures that AI and microservices architecture power.
A crime can be prevented by having software that limits machine-learning concepts from accepting commands not in the default configuration. The country needs to offer exclusive training through appropriate agencies concerning the criminal tools powered through cloud technology (Allen & Chan, 2017). To control attacks on satellites, the US must strengthen its space assets that can respond to attacks by any perpetrator. That can be done by deploying security agents who monitor any attempt to attack by use of computer technology, when all that is done, the country’s future security-wise shall be improved.
Allen, G., & Chan, T. (2017). Artificial intelligence and national security. Belfer Center. Web.
Bitdefender Enterprise. (2022). What are the biggest cyber threats of the future? Web.
Gorman, C. (2022). Recent developments in AI and national security: What you need to know. Lawfare. Web.
Jeong, D. (2020). Artificial intelligence security threat, crime, and forensics: Taxonomy and open issues. IEEE Access, 8, 184560-184574. Web.
Lu, A., & Yang, G. (2022). Malicious adversaries against secure state estimation: Sparse sensor attack design. Automatica, 136(8), 110037. Web.
Shree, R., Shukla, A., Pandey, R., & Shukla, V. (2021). A contiguous cybercrime investigation framework to deal with the cyber dependent-cum-cyber enabled crimes. Materials Today: Proceedings, 7(4), 22-28. Web.
Walker, J. (2021). Lawmakers warn of growing threats to US satellites from adversaries. Web.
Ördén, H. (2019). Deferring substance: EU policy and the information threat. Intelligence and National Security, 34(3), 421-437. Web.