Curriculum Adaptation to the Needs of Students

Curriculum adaptation as a topic is about what the teacher must do to the curriculum so that all the learners are catered for. The main idea is that the curriculum is made for the students and not the other way round. Therefore since it is easier to adjust the curriculum to meet the various needs of the learners, it will be appropriate to adjust the curriculum so that the objectives of each lesson are achieved. The major ideas that are raised in the topic as far as curriculum adaptation is concerned include text modification, assignment modification, and demonstration sufficient sensitivity to cultural and linguistic sensitivity (Echevarria 2010, pp.123-124).

Through my background and experience as an educator, I will be in a position to ensure that I am able to make the necessary modifications to the way I deliver my content to the learners so as to meet the various needs of the learners. This is because of the diversity of the learners. This diversity can be cultural and linguistic. I will also be in a position to avoid unintended insensitivity to the cultural backgrounds of my learners. This will make them feel involved, appreciated and respected.

The major insight from this chapter is that the curriculum serves learners and not the learners serving the curriculum. Thus it is vital to adjust it in the event that it does not meet the needs of the learners. This is the only way to deliver content to the learners successfully. The content in this reading has influenced my thinking in that I now have more confidence in the educators’ powers to adjust or modify the content for the benefit of the learners.


Echevarria,Jana & Graves, Anne.,2010. Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching English Learners with Diverse Abilities. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

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StudyCorgi. "Curriculum Adaptation to the Needs of Students." December 7, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Curriculum Adaptation to the Needs of Students." December 7, 2021.

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