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Data Collection: Contemporary Security Topics


The use of primary sources to research contemporary security issues is essential because the sources offer accurate and timely information. However, although the use of primary sources is highly beneficial, they also are limiting. Some of the current security issues include terrorism, war and conflict, drone violence, cyber threats, intelligence and surveillance of states, and nuclear weapons. Researchers of such issues could employ primary sources including first-hand articles and books, letters, speeches, personal narratives, interviews, audio and video recordings, artifacts, and photographs among others. This paper is a discussion of such limitations including high costs, time consumption, limitations, and unattainability, and methods of overcoming them. Primary sources have several drawbacks but can be addressed by improving the process of data collection.

Primary Sources are Expensive

Creation and collection of data that make primary sources can be expensive. Investigating security issues requires thorough research and the use of fully detailed information (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). Accessing useful information requires a high investment that could be out of the researcher’s budget. Contemporary security issues also require urgent investigation due to the advanced effects of security threats. Therefore, researchers need to use the fastest means to collect the necessary data possible and that could be costly.

Depending on the nature of the security issue under research, various methods of collecting primary data are expensive. Investigating an ongoing threat such as cyber-attacks or terror attacks requires the application of all methods of data collection that may yield positive results (Pandey et al. 2021). Such investigations are required to increase the research budget due to the increased cost of information. For example, counter-terrorism officers might need to buy first-hand information about an ongoing attack obtained through personal narratives.

Conducting written research about sensitive issues could also require high budgets. Writing books and articles regarding current security issues requires incurring several types of costs including the collection of information and publishing costs. Researchers using already written primary materials may purchase them at a higher cost (Pandey et al. 2021). Training experts for data collection especially in terrorism and cyber-attack units is costly. The person must have adequate knowledge of what information is useful for the investigation and which is not. Data collecting tools specially used in cyber-attack systems are expensive to acquire and learn their usage.

Economic and technological restrictions can also make the process of primary data collection expensive. Some security issues may demand updating the infrastructure and technological systems of collecting data (Pandey et al. 2021). Such demands can be driven by the digitization of paperwork base and tools to maintain the data collection process. Some institutions no matter how willing may not have the economic capacity to update the systems. Many security-related systems are also sold by the government and the same government is responsible for updating them. Therefore, accessing the already updated digital systems from the government is costly.

Collecting primary data using digital systems is expensive because of the recent information technology restrictions. Today, due to the increased level of cyber threats, the governments of various countries have revised the regulation of IT tools (Pandey et al. 2021). More restrict rules are applied to prevent black hart hackers from accessing IT tools. The cyber security tools have therefore gone high in price making it hard for the researchers to access them. Consequently, collecting data using cyber security tools becomes costly and can prevent further research. Furthermore, the government updated systems may lack the support to include research questions and other sophisticated data collection processes.

Primary Sources are Time Consuming

The collection of primary source data requires more time to ensure the right information is obtained. According to Pandey et al. (2021), most primary sources are accurate because their creation takes time. Collecting the right and accurate data from unknown and known sources may require more time. Researching from scratch especially evidence-based articles could be time-consuming. Evidence-based data collection involves finding participants, setting required questions, and the actual process of data collection. Furthermore, quantitative data collection may require a longer time compared to the qualitative method.

In most sensitive cases where investigators have to go undercover as spies, more time is needed to collect substantive information. Such cases apply to security issues like terrorism, nuclear weapons, and drone violence (Pandey et al. 2021). Investigating correspondent data requires secrecy and patient thus taking longer periods. In ongoing security threats, there might be no time to allow such longer investigation so primary sources could not be useful. Relying on research that takes longer periods in life-threatening cases can lead to lost lives. Complex issues that require the use of more than one method to collect data could also be time-consuming.

Lack of training in methods of primary data collection can also demand more time during research. Untrained researchers may take longer despite having all the necessary tools to collect data (Pandey et al. 2021). Furthermore, if the investigators do not know the purpose or importance of collected information can focus less or fail to ask critical questions. For example in interviews, if the interviewer lacks knowledge about the importance of the topic is less likely to ask the most relevant questions. A lack of training in how and why of the topic under investigation could also put the source in danger. Trained personnel investigating sensitive security issues know not to ask for the information publicly as such actions could put the source at risk. Therefore, more time may be spent when using untrained people to collect data.

Use of Primary Sources could have Limits

Primary data is often limited to places, time, and purpose hence its use is limited. Compared to secondary sources, primary sources covers specific issues in places and time that may not be applicable in different situations (Pandey et al. 2021). Consequently, primary sources can only be used for specific purposes thus reducing chances of being applied to many cases. This concept means that data collected in one place at a time might be irrelevant in the same situation at different places and times.

When collecting the most sensitive data regarding national security, available primary sources may not be useful. For example, when digging into national security issues, the available data may be only for authorized users. Therefore, if the researcher has no permission to access the information, the government might only offer less detailed data (Schuurman 2020). Less detailed data even though primary may be rendered useless especially in urgent situations. Some sources especially personal narratives can also have time limits to access and use of information. For example, witnesses whose lives are threatened might have a short time to provide useful information to a case because they need to hide or be eliminated. Consequently, elapsing of such periods due to the untimely death of the narrator renders that source useless.

Primary Sources are not Always Attainable

Some researches may be too long and involving to be conducted by an institution. A security issue may require the use of primary data but it could be beyond its reach. For example, the only source of credible information may be conducting an evidence-based source that involves materials absent in the organization (Schuurman 2020). The collection of some primary data could also be risky for the researchers. Therefore, no matter how using such material is critical, the researchers are forced to opt for other sources.

Primary sources whose cost of collection outweighs the purpose may be deemed unattainable. If obtaining original data puts the research team in more danger then the team can choose to use other sources. When handling security issues, the priority of the research team is to use materials that reduced the threat (Schuurman 2020). Therefore, if using primary sources poses more danger to the country then the materials are unattainable. Some research especially historical may only require primary sources such as artifacts that may not be available. Unavailability of certain critical sources which only might exist as primary also renders the materials unattainable.

Primary Sources Lacks Quality Assurance

Although primary sources are timely and accurate, the quality of data collection processes is not guaranteed. When conducting time-limited researches, data collected may not be verified. The use of unverified data can lead to losses and worsening of security in contemporary security issues (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). Studies conducted in a short time can also contain errors and mistakes in the data collection processes. Due to the limitation of time the data is also not cross-checked hence its accuracy and quality are not guaranteed. According to research, most sophisticated issues such as security require the use of quality data collecting processes. Such processes also guarantee the quality of information but still need verification.

The quality of data collected is also dependent on the person collecting and recording it. People recording collected data may incorrectly feed it on paper or digital records (Bowie 2021). The research study can also be worked on in a short time thus cannot review the completeness of the data recorded. For example, personal narrative information obtained a few minutes before use may not be reviewed or verified. Consequently, the completeness or quality of the used data is not guaranteed and so is the outcome of the information.

Improving the Challenges of Primary Sources for Conducting Research on Contemporary Security Topics

The most effective way to improve primary sources is by improving the processes of collecting data. The improvements can be implemented at an institutional level, infrastructure, and practices of data collection. Improvement of the quality of data, training, and reporting purposes is critical (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). Improving the data collection practices requires commitment from the research team and the willingness to improvise compromise and increase the research budget. The practice requires identifying the challenges and barriers to improvement in the implementation process. The research institution should also be willing to adopt the best data collection practices for improvement to take place.


Training the people investigating a security threat is critical to collecting the right information. The training process should emphasize the importance of data and the benefits obtained from collecting it (Bowie 2021). That way, the researchers will ask the right question and collect relevant information. The training of researchers should also focus on planning, collection, and evaluation of data to ensure that the collected data is of high quality. Trained personnel will also have the confidence to ask security-sensitive questions that could be avoided by less confident people.

Adequately training investigating staff reduced the time consumed in data collection. Knowledgeable personnel will have the idea of where to go and look to find necessary information. They will therefore not spend valuable time roaming around inquiring information from the wrong places (Schuurman 2020). Proper training can also help the research team cut down the data collection process costs. When the trained people go searching for information, they will only pay for extraction but not for leading details. In other words, incurred costs applied to seek information from the wrong places will be cut down.

Monitoring the Outcome of the Information from Primary Sources

Application of data-related key performance indicators can help to monitor implemented improvements. Using the performance indicators could show the level of precision and completeness of the data before application (Schuurman 2020). This will be important to discard invalid and valueless data that would negatively affect the outcome. Organizations should set a key performance indicator that allows quality improvements and not apply incentives that could compromise the quality of data collected. The use of such indicators can also indicate wrongly recorded data during entry.

Providing Audit and Review Stages of the Collected Data

Evaluation and audit of collected data can only apply to less urgent investigations. Audits and reviews are regularly recommended to ensure the completeness and accuracy of information (Schuurman 2020). Solving security issues requires whole and accurate data because incomplete information can give unwanted results. Therefore, auditing the collected data can reduce the chances of getting unexpected results. For example, after conducting evidence-based research, collected data should be reviewed and audited before use. Review and audit can also cut down the cost of reversing unwanted outcomes by providing the exact needed results.

Data collected for urgent use may require the use of more reliable primary sources. Contemporary security issues are more life-threatening thus require urgent action. Fetching data for urgent use may not accommodate audit and review (Schuurman 2020). Therefore, the use of the most reliable and close to issuing sources is critical. For example, during a cyber-attack, instead of interviewing the employees, the investigating team could view the CCTV footage for quicker information. The information obtained here is accurate and does not require a further audit.

Use of Prior-Established Data Collection Practices

Investing in a data collection process immediately there is a need for evidence could be expensive. New demands affect the urgency of information and the cost of collection of data. Therefore, preparing or possible need of data and investing in such practices could reduce the cost when the need for information is prompt (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). For example, counterterrorism institutions tend to send assets to areas with a high risk of terror attacks. When the attacks happen in the regions, the institution deploys already collected data to solve the attack. Such prior-problem methods of data collection help in cutting down the cost of an investigation.

Setting a Preliminary Budget

Obtaining urgent primary information can be costly and time-consuming especially if it was not planned. Security agencies should be ready for moments when a breach of security demands immediate action (Bowie 2021). The government should therefore set aside a data collecting budget specifically for security threatening issues. Whether a security issue is an emergency or not, it will be expensive if it was not planned. When conducting evidence-based research, it is important to consider involving voluntary participants than compensated ones. Although most voluntary information may at times be inaccurate, the use of voluntary participants cuts down study costs.

Following Policy Protocols to Obtain Data

Although following the set rules and regulations in data collection could be tedious, it is the gateway to obtain limited and restricted data. Some policies dictate various methods of data collection especially those about national security (Bowie 2021). Following these policies might be time-consuming but guarantees accurate and reliable outcomes. For example, to obtain call logs of a suspect, one is required to obtain legal permission from a court. Following such a pursuit may be tiresome and time-consuming but is the only way to have access to information with limited access.

Accessing cyber threats data collection tools also requires the researcher to follow policy rules. Obtaining primary sources with restricted access demands patience and confidence in pursuit (Bowie 2021). Being granted access to some top security data is a process that could take months or years but if the data is worth the wait then the rules should be followed. It is important to note that this concept does not apply to data needed to solve urgent matters.

Making Follow-ups to Obtain More Data from a Source

Some situations do not allow the collection of comprehensive information hence follow-up should be done. Missing data that could not be revealed during the process of research should be followed (Bowie 2021). For example, in an interview about compromising security issues, the interviewee cannot reveal all the details. The interviewer should therefore make a duty to follow the interviewee for more information. In emergency cases especially for organizations that respond to security emergencies, urgent information can be obtained, and later follow-ups are done to reach further information. The follow-up could be done face to face or through a phone call intended to find more information. Such follow-ups bridge the gaps created by unattainable and limited-time types of sources.

General Security and Privacy Considerations

The public and private sectors have outlined guidelines to follow when collecting data. In pursuit of primary data, the researching organizations need to understand and implement the security and privacy consideration guiding the operations (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). The set rules and regulations are the ones that consider the reliability of collected data and determine whether the reached conclusion is practical or not. Consequently, many researchers have failed to have their articles approved for public publication because they failed to pass the legal requirements.

The researchers should understand the bidding authority upon government institutions to legally abide by the request to offer information that concerns individual security issues. These institutions are therefore expected to remove all information barriers to necessary security information (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). The organizations should then provide all the needed support including written and oral reports to the investigating teams. Such policies exist to remove unnecessary denial of primary sources of information that could be used to solve critical cases.

It is the responsibility of the researcher to know what institutions allow the release of restricted information to reduce the number of unattainable sources. It is also important to know that institutions have the right to offer the needed security data (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). This knowledge helps in improving the process of data collection by reducing the number of existing unattainable sources. Through such regulations and guidelines, it is possible to attain personal narratives from powerful personnel who might not be willing to freely cooperate.

Government institutions also help researchers to complete links with missing data. In the process of collecting data, some missing links could be found in sources whose whereabouts are only known by the government (“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements” 2021). Such information could be distanced for security or privacy reasons and one can only find them through the help of the government. For example, original materials such as artifacts and letters regarding security threats could be stored by the government or the government could be the only means of knowing where they are. Therefore, knowing how to follow such protocols is critical to filling the missing links to the sources.


The use of primary sources has several drawbacks but can be addressed by improving the process of data collection. The application of primary sources to research contemporary security issues is suitable due to the originality of data. However, they can be expensive, time-consuming, and have limited access among other challenges. The challenges in the use of primary materials in researching sensitive security issues such as cyber-attacks, terrorism, nuclear weapons, and drone violence can acquire useful information hard. Challenges in acquiring time-sensitive information could devastate the researchers and slow down the speed of resolving the issue under concern. Therefore, improving the process of data collection is an effective way to reduce such challenges. Training, monitoring the performance of collected data, and following existing policies are amongst many ways to improve the data collecting process. This topic has limited study hence more research need to be done. Further study will offer readers more scope of the challenges and their solutions.


Bowie, Neil G. “40 Terrorism Databases and Data Sets.” Perspectives on Terrorism 15, no. 2 (2021): 147-161. Web.

“Data Collection Challenges and Improvements.” Victorian Government. Web.

Pandey, Prabhat, and Meenu Mishra Pandey. “Research Methodology Tools and Techniques.” (2021). Web.

Schuurman, Bart. “Research on terrorism, 2007–2016: A review of data, methods, and authorship.” Terrorism and Political Violence 32, no. 5 (2020): 1011-1026. Web.

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